This cmdlet modifies the security policy for distributed ports or the default port policy at port group or switch level (depending on the input policy).
Required | Parameter Name | Type | Position | Features | Description |
Policy | SecurityPolicy[] | named |
Specifies the security policy that you want to configure. |
optional | AllowPromiscuous | Boolean | named |
Specifies whether promiscuous mode is enabled for the corresponding distributed port, port group, or switch. |
optional | AllowPromiscuousInherited | Boolean | named |
Specifies whether the AllowPromiscuous setting is inherited from a parent object, such as a distributed port group or switch. |
optional | ForgedTransmits | Boolean | named |
Specifies whether forged transmits are enabled for the corresponding distributed port, port group, or switch. |
optional | ForgedTransmitsInherited | Boolean | named |
Specifies whether the ForgedTransmits setting is inherited from a parent object, such as a distributed port group or switch. |
optional | MacChanges | Boolean | named |
Specifies whether MAC address changes are enabled for the corresponding distributed port, port group, or switch. |
optional | MacChangesInherited | Boolean | named |
Specifies whether the MacChanges setting is inherited from a parent object, such as a distributed port group or switch. |
optional | ProgressAction | ActionPreference | named |
Example 1
Get-VDSwitch "MyVDSwitch" | Get-VDSecurityPolicy | Set-VDSecurityPolicy -MacChanges $true
Retrieves a vSphere distributed switch named "MyVDSwitch" and updates its security policy to allow MAC address changes.
Example 2
Get-VDPortgroup "MyVDPortgroup" | Get-VDSecurityPolicy | Set-VDSecurityPolicy -ForgedTransmitsInherited $true
Retrieves a distributed port group named "MyVDPortgroup" and updates the security policy to inherit the setting value for controlling outbound frames filtering by MAC address from its parent.
Related Commands
This cmdlet retrieves the security policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet modifies the security policy for distributed ports.