Reset-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


Resets a Rule according to provided parameters. This API will generate and cache a new PxeProfile (if needed) based on the current desired software specification retrieved from the target location of this rule. All the resulting items will be populated in the Rule.Spec object associated with this Rule. Any existing items in the associated Rule.Spec will be removed as part of the update operation so the resulting Rule.Spec will contain only the relevant items.


-DeployRule < DeployRuleWrapper >
[-Force ]
[-NoSignatureCheck ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
DeployRule DeployRuleWrapper named
optional Force SwitchParameter named
If passed as true, and rule is non editable a new rule will be created and older rule will be deleted.
optional NoSignatureCheck SwitchParameter named
Indicates if a signature verification of the VIBs to be used for bootstraping should be performed.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named



Example 1

Reset-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform -DeployRule NAME_TEST_RULE -Force

Resets a Rule based on the provided parameters. Use -Force option if the Rule is not editable.

Related Commands


Create LCM cluster rule with transform

Update LCM cluster rule with transform

Update LCM cluster rule with transform


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