VIMachineCertificate Category | Vmware PowerCLI Reference

VI Machine Certificate Category

Cmdlets are usually implemented around resource operations. The four basic operations are CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. This set of operations is known as CRUD. Most of the cmdlets support CRUD which are respectively cmdlets that start with the New/Get/Set/Remove cmdlet verbs but they also may have additional operations

Step 1: Explore More Related Commands:

Get-VIMachineCertificate This cmdlet retrieves information about the machine SSL certificates in a vCenter Server environment.
New-VIMachineCertificateSigningRequest This cmdlet generates a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a vCenter Server system or an ESXi host.
Set-VIMachineCertificate This cmdlet sets a machine SSL certificate to a vCenter Server instance or a connected ESXi host.