Set-PowerCLIConfiguration Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet modifies the VMware PowerCLI configuration.


[-CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy < ProxyPolicy > ]
[-DefaultVIServerMode < DefaultVIServerMode > ]
[-DisplayDeprecationWarnings < Boolean > ]
[-InvalidCertificateAction < BadCertificateAction > ]
[-ParticipateInCeip < Boolean > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-ProxyPolicy < ProxyPolicy > ]
[-PythonPath < String > ]
[-Scope < ConfigurationScope > ]
[-VMConsoleWindowBrowser < String > ]
[-WebOperationTimeoutSeconds < Int32 > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
optional CEIPDataTransferProxyPolicy ProxyPolicy named
Specifies the proxy policy for the connection through which Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) data is sent to VMware. Setting this option is valid only when ParticipateInCEIP option is set to $true. Changing this setting requires a restart of PowerCLI before it takes effect.
optional DefaultVIServerMode DefaultVIServerMode named
Specifies the server connection mode. The new configuration takes effect immediately after you run the cmdlet. The following values are valid: - Single - Switching to "single" removes all server connections except the last established one. If no target servers are specified, cmdlets run only on the last connected server. - Multiple - All servers connected after switching to "multiple" mode are stored together with the current server connection in an array variable. If no target servers are specified, cmdlets run on the servers in the variable. For more information on default servers, see the description of Connect-VIServer.
optional DisplayDeprecationWarnings Boolean named
Indicates whether you want to see warnings about deprecated elements.
optional InvalidCertificateAction BadCertificateAction named
Define the action to take when an attempted connection to a server fails due to a certificate error. The following values are valid: Unset - this is the default value and it acts as a "Fail". Prompt - if the server certificate is not trusted the cmdlet will prompt you for a course of action before it continues. There are several options: - Deny - Cancel the server connection. - Connect once - Establish the server connection and suppress further warnings for the current PowerShell session. - Add a permanent exception for the server_address/certificate pair - Persist the server certificate in the PowerCLI Trusted Certificate Store (PCTCS) for the current user and establish the server connection. - Add a permanent exception for all users - Persist the server/certificate pair both in the current user PowerCLI Trusted Certificate Store (PCTCS) and in the All Users PCTCS and establish the server connection. Fail - the cmdlet will not establish connection if the certificate is not valid. Ignore - the cmdlet will establish the connection without taking into account that the certificate is invalid. Warn - the cmdlet will display a warning saying that the certificate is not valid, the reason why it is not considered valid and then will print additional information about the certificate. On PowerShell Core, only the Fail and Ignore options are supported.For more information about invalid certificates, run 'Get-Help about_invalid_certificates'.
optional ParticipateInCeip Boolean named
Specifies if PowerCLI should send anonymous usage information to VMware. For more information about the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP), see the PowerCLI User's Guide. Setting this option is valid only for the AllUsers and User configuration scopes. Changing this setting requires a restart of PowerCLI before it takes effect.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional ProxyPolicy ProxyPolicy named
  • pipeline
Specifies whether VMware PowerCLI uses a system proxy server to connect to the vCenter Server system. The valid values are NoProxy and UseSystemProxy.
optional PythonPath String named
Specifies the path to the Python executable, to be used by the VMware.ImageBuilder module.
optional Scope ConfigurationScope named
Specifies the scope of the setting that you want to modify. The parameter accepts Session, User, and All Users values. *Session - the setting is valid for the current VMware PowerCLI session only and overrides any User and All Users settings. *User - the setting is valid for the current Windows user only, overrides All Users settings, and is applied only if a Session setting cannot be detected. *All Users - the setting is valid for all users and is applied only if Session and User settings cannot be detected.
optional VMConsoleWindowBrowser String named
Specifies the Web browser to be used for opening virtual machine console windows (by using the Open-VMConsoleWindow cmdlet). The browser must be 32-bit.
optional WebOperationTimeoutSeconds Int32 named
Defines the timeout for Web operations. The default value is 300 sec. To specify an infinite operation timeout, pass a negative integer to this parameter. Changing this setting requires a restart of PowerCLI before it takes effect.




Example 1

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -ProxyPolicy NoProxy -Scope Session

Modifies the proxy policy of VMware PowerCLI for the Session scope.

Example 2

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -ProxyPolicy NoProxy -DefaultVIServerMode Single

Changes the default server connection mode and the proxy policy of VMware PowerCLI for the User scope.

Example 3

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode 'Single' -Scope ([VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.ConfigurationScope]::User -bor [VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Types.V1.ConfigurationScope]::AllUsers)

Changes the default server connection mode of VMware PowerCLI for the User and AllUsers scopes.

Example 4

Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -PythonPath 'C:\Program Files\Python 3.9\python.exe' -Scope Session

Modifies the path to the Python executable to be used by the VMware.ImageBuilder module for the Session scope.

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