VMwareVSphereAndvSAN Commands | Vmware PowerCLI Reference

VMware vSphere And vSAN Commands Index

All available VMware vSphere And vSAN commands.

VMware vSphere And vSAN

Activates a rule set.
This cmdlet retrieves the advanced settings for the specified entity.
This cmdlet creates a new advanced setting for the specified entity.
This cmdlet removes the specified advanced setting.
This cmdlet modifies the specified advanced setting.
This cmdlet retrieves the actions of the specified alarm definitions.
This cmdlet retrieves the actions that trigger the specified alarm actions.
This cmdlet retrieves the available alarm definitions.
This cmdlet retrieves alarms triggers.
This cmdlet fetches a list of attribute names of the alarm trigger argument for the "vsan.health.ssd.endurance" event type. (The most of attribute names for alarm trigger argument can be fetched by Get-EventType)
This cmdlet creates an alarm action and attaches it to the specified alarm.
This cmdlet creates a new action trigger for the specified alarm action.
This cmdlet creates a new alarm definition.
This cmdlet adds ? new alarm trigger to the existing alarm or creates ? new alarm trigger.
This cmdlet creates a new AlarmTriggerArgument local object that defines the condition comparison under which an alarm is triggered. The AlarmTriggerArgument object is used as the Arguments parameter in the New-AlarmTrigger cmdlet.
This cmdlet removes an alarm action.
This cmdlet removes the alarm action triggers.
This cmdlet removes alarm definitions from the vSphere environment.
This cmdlet modifies the specified alarm definitions.
This cmdlet retrieves annotations.
This cmdlet modifies the value of a custom attribute.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of backup jobs for a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves backup parts that can be included in a backup for a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet starts a backup job for a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet stops running backup jobs on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet monitors the progress of a backup job and returns the ApplianceBackupJob object when the backup job is complete.
This cmdlet adds an attestation service information, which comes from the TrustAuthorityAttestationService that runs in the Trust Authority system or its detailed information in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the attestation services information configured in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the specified attestation services information from the workload vCenter Server system.
Connect-AutoDeployServer [-User <string>] [-Password <securestring>] [-Port <int>] [-Protocol <string>] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-NotDefault] [<CommonParameters>] Connect-AutoDeployServer [-RbdServerAddress] <string> [-User <string>] [-Password <securestring>] [-Port <int>] [-Protocol <string>] [-Credential <pscredential>] [-NotDefault] [<CommonParameters>]
Disconnect-AutoDeployServer [-RbdServerAddress] <string> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
The cmdlet will fetch the current state of Auto Deploy and will write out a zip file named rbd-backup.zip in the specified directory path.
The cmdlet uploads the file contents to restore the Auto Deploy state.
This cmdlet retrieves baselines.
This cmdlet removes baselines.
This cmdlet retrieves virtual CD drives.
This cmdlet creates a new virtual CD drive.
This cmdlet removes virtual CD drives from their locations.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of a virtual CD drive.
This cmdlet establishes a connection to a vSphere Automation SDK server.
This cmdlet closes the connection to one or more vSphere Automation SDK servers.
This cmdlet retrieves PSObject objects that represent a proxy to a vSphere Automation SDK API service and can be used to invoke the operations of that vSphere Automation SDK API service.
This cmdlet retrieves the clusters available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet moves a vCenter Server cluster from one location to another.
This cmdlet creates a new cluster.
This cmdlet deletes the specified clusters.
This cmldlet modifies the configuration of a cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume based on the name or ID filter.
This cmdlet creates a vSAN file service IP configuration at the client side.
This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) Kubernetes entity metadata at a client side.
This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) Kubernetes entity reference at the client side.
This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume.
New-CnsVolumeAttachment -CnsVolume <CnsVolume> -VM <VirtualMachine> [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-RunAsync] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume metadata at the client side.
This cmdlet removes the specified Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volumes.
Remove-CnsVolumeAttachment -CnsVolume <CnsVolume> -VM <VirtualMachine> [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-RunAsync] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet modifies the Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume metadata of a specified CNS volume.
This cmdlet retrieves baseline compliance data for the specified object.
This cmdlet scans inventory objects for baselines attached to them.
This cmdlet copies content library items to a local content library.
This cmdlet exports content library item's files to the local machine.
This cmdlet creates a new local or subscribed content library.
This cmdlet retrieves catalog items from the content library.
Creates a new local or subscribed content library that uses Datastore1 as a repository for its items.
This cmdlet creates a new content library item in the specified content library.
This cmdlet removes the specified content libraries.
This cmdlet removes the specified content library items.
This cmdlet modifies content library's properties.
This cmdlet modifies content library item's properties.
This cmdlet retrieves custom attributes.
This cmdlet creates a new custom attribute.
This cmdlet removes custom attributes.
This cmdlet renames a custom attribute.
Add a custom certificate for an ESXi host
Get all custom host certificates.
Remove custom host certificate.
This cmdlet retrieves the datacenters available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet moves a vCenter Server datacenter from one location to another.
This cmdlet creates a new datacenter.
This cmdlet removes the specified datacenters from their locations.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified datacenter.
This cmdlet copies items between datastores and between a datastore and a local file system provider.
This cmdlet retrieves the datastores available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves datastore clusters.
This cmdlet moves datastores from one location to another.
This cmdlet creates a new datastore.
This cmdlet creates a new datastore cluster.
This cmdlet removes the specified datastores from their locations.
This cmdlet deletes the specified datastore clusters.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified datastore.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified datastore cluster.
Repairs the image cache. Use this cmdlet only when working with VMware Technical Support.
Get the Auto Deploy global configuration options.
Set an Auto Deploy global configuration option.
Adds one or more rules to the rule set.
Clones an existing rule.
Gets a DeployRule object.
Gets the current working rule set or the current active rule set.
Creates a new rule.
Removes a rule from the working rule set.
Remediate any non-compliant associations discovered by Test-DeployRuleSetCompliance
Updates an existing rule.
Sets the list of rules in the working rule set.
Checks whether hosts are compliant with rules.
This cmdlet retrieves basic information about addons in the software depot.
This cmdlet retrieves basic information about base images in the software depot.
This cmdlet retrieves basic information about components in the software depot.
This cmdlet retrieves basic information about the specified software depot.
This cmdlet retrieves basic information about VIBs in the software depot.
This cmdlet retrieves DRS cluster groups for the specified cluster, VM, or VM host.
This cmdlet retrieves the available DRS recommendations from the provided clusters.
This cmdlet retrieves the list of DRS rules for the specified clusters.
This cmdlet retrieves VM to VMHost DRS rules that match the specified filters.
This cmdlet applies the specified DRS recommendations.
This cmdlet creates either a VM or VM host DRS cluster group, depending on the used parameter set.
This cmdlet creates a new DRS rule.
This cmdlet creates a new VM to VMHost DRS rule.
This cmdlet removes the specified DRS cluster groups from the cluster on which it resides.
This cmdlet removes the specified DRS rules.
This cmdlet removes the specified VM to VMHost DRS rule.
This cmdlet adds or removes either virtual machines or VM hosts to or from the specified DRS cluster group, depending on the used parameter set.
This cmdlet modifies an existing DRS rule.
This cmdlet modifies the specified VM to VMHost DRS rule.
This cmdlet adds a key provider to entities as default key provider.
This cmdlet removes the default key provider from the specified entities.
This cmdlet attaches baselines to the specified inventory object.
This cmdlet detaches baselines from the specified inventory objects.
This cmdlet remediates an inventory object against the specified baselines.
This cmdlet collects debugging information in order to investigate a problem in PowerCLI or the work environment.
This cmdlet retrieves the available event types on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual floppy drives available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new virtual floppy drive.
This cmdlet removes the virtual floppy drives from their locations.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified virtual floppy drive.
This cmdlet retrieves the folders available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet moves a vCenter Server folder from one location to another.
This cmdlet creates a new folder on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the specified folders from their locations.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified folder.
On vCenter Server 5.0 and later, this cmdlet retrieves the primary host of the specified HA cluster. On vCenter Server versions earlier than 5.0, this cmdlet retrieves the primary HA (High-Availability) hosts for the specified clusters.
Copies a virtual hard disk to another destination.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual hard disks available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet moves a hard disk from one location to another.
This cmdlet creates a new hard disk on the specified location.
This cmdlet removes the specified virtual hard disks.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified virtual hard disk.
This cmdlet retrieves the available iSCSI HBA targets.
This cmdlet creates a new iSCSI HBA target.
This cmdlet removes targets from their iSCSI HBAs.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of an iSCSI HBA target.
This cmdlet retrieves the inventory items available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet moves a vCenter Server inventory item from one location to another.
This cmdlet removes the specified inventory items from their locations.
This cmdlet generates an ISO image by using the specified software depot and software specification at the specified location.
This cmdlet adds key provider service information, which comes from the Trust Authority key provider service running in the Trust Authority system or its detailed information in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet exports a specified key provider configuration to a specified file. You can use only the NativeKeyProvider type for the KeyProvider parameter.
This cmdlet retrieves the key provider services information configured in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet imports a key provider from a specified configuration file.
This cmdlet registers a trusted key provider in the workload vCenter Server system which you can use for encryption operations.
This cmdlet removes the specified key provider services information from the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet unregisters the specified key provider from the workload vCenter Server system. For a trusted key provider, you cannot use it in encryption operations. For a standard key provider, you can remove it from the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet adds a key management server to a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the key management servers registered on the vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves all key providers from the vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the specified key management servers from the vCenter Server systems.
This cmdlet configures the settings of the key management server.
This cmdlet modifies the settings of the specified key provider.
This cmdlet retrieves the latest generated self-signed certificate or certificate-signing request for the key provider.
This cmdlet creates a new self-signed certificate or certificate-signing request for the key management server cluster.
Create LCM cluster rule with transform
Update LCM cluster rule with transform
Update LCM cluster rule with transform
This cmdlet exports the desired state of a vSphere Lifecycle Manager cluster.
This cmdlet exports the desired state of an ESXi host that is managed by vSphere Lifecycle Manager. The desired state consists of the host's base image and the installed software packages.
This cmdlet generates a desired state recommendation of a vSphere Lifecycle Manager cluster.
This cmdlet verifies that the components in the base image are compatible with all storage controllers on the hosts in the cluster in accordance with the VMware Compatibility Guide.
This cmdlet retrieves the vSphere Lifecycle Manager images available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet imports a specification file to set a desired state of a vSphere Lifecycle Manager cluster.
This cmdlet creates a new vSphere Lifecycle Manager offline depot.
This cmdlet tests cluster's hosts compliance respective to its target state.
This cmdlet tests cluster's hosts health respective to its target state.
Returns the vSphere LicenseDataManager objects for the specified vSphere servers.
This cmdlet retrieves entries from vSphere logs.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the log types available on a virtual machine host.
This cmdlet retrieves the available metrics on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual network adapters available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new virtual network adapter.
This cmdlet removes the virtual network adapters from their locations.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the virtual network adapter.
This cmdlet retrieves NFS user accounts.
This cmdlet creates an NFS user account on the specified virtual machine host.
This cmdlet deletes the specified NFS user accounts.
This cmdlet configures existing NFS user accounts by changing the password associated with the account.
This cmdlet retrieves the NIC teaming policies of the specified virtual switches and virtual port groups.
This cmdlet modifies the specified NIC teaming policy.
Creates an OAuth2 security context object that you can use to authenticate to any system that is configured to trust the specified authentication server.
This cmdlet retrieves the configured NIC setting mappings for the specified OS customization specification.
This cmdlet retrieves the OS customization specifications available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet adds NIC settings mappings to the specified OS customization specifications.
This cmdlet creates a new OS customization specification.
This cmdlet removes the specified OS customization NIC mappings.
This cmdlet removes the specified OS customization specifications.
This cmdlet modifies the provided OS customization NIC mappings.
This cmdlet modifies the specified OS customization specification.
This cmdlet generates an offline bundle at the specified destination by using the specified software depots and software specification
This cmdlet retrieves the OVF configuration object from the specified OVF, OVA, or content library item.
This cmdlet attaches pass-through devices to the specified virtual machine.
This cmdlet retrieves the pass-through devices available on the specified hosts, virtual machines, and templates.
This cmdlet removes the specified pass-through devices.
This cmdlet initializes staging of patches.
This cmdlet retrieves the available patches.
This cmdlet retrieves patch baselines.
This cmdlet creates a new patch baseline.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of a patch baseline.
This cmdlet downloads new patches into the Update Manager repository.
This cmdlet retrieves the VMware PowerCLI execution context which you can use to simplify the use of PowerCLI in PowerShell runspaces.
This cmdlet initializes a PowerShell runspace with a PowerCLI execution context retrieved from another PowerShell runspace.
This cmdlet retrieves the VMware PowerCLI proxy configuration and default servers policy.
This cmdlet retrieves the versions of the installed PowerCLI snapins.
This cmdlet modifies the VMware PowerCLI configuration.
Adds a proxy server to the proxy server list.
Get the proxy server list.
Removes a proxy server from the proxy server list.
Get-PxeProfile [[-Name] <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet generates a PXE image by using the specified software depot and software specification.
Creates a local object of type RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig that you use to mount a remote vSAN datastore from a vSAN stretched cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves the resource pools available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet moves a resource pool from one location to another.
This cmdlet creates a new resource pool.
This cmdlet removes the specified resource pools from their locations.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified resource pool.
The cmdlet will take in the file URI to the script bundle and upload it to Auto Deploy. The name of the script bundle will be used as the identifier for the object minus the tgz extension.
Gets a ScriptBundle object.
The cmdlet takes in a script bundle and removes it from Auto Deploy.
Associates the specified script bundle with the specified ESXi system.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual SCSI controllers assigned to the specified HardDisk, VirtualMachine, Template, and Snapshot objects.
This cmdlet retrieves the SCSI devices available on the vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the list of vmhba paths to a specified SCSI device.
This cmdlet creates a new SCSI controller.
This cmdlet modifies the specified SCSI controllers.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of a SCSI device.
This cmdlet configures a vmhba path to a SCSI device.
This cmdlet retrieves the security policy for virtual port groups or the default port security policy for virtual switches.
This cmdlet modifies the security policy for virtual port groups or the default port security policy for virtual switches.
This cmdlet retrieves the security information of objects (VirtualMachine, HardDisk or VMHost).
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual machine snapshots available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new snapshot of a virtual machine.
This cmdlet removes the specified virtual machine snapshots.
This cmdlet modifies the specified virtual machine snapshot.
This cmdlet retrieves capability schema.
This cmdlet performs placement compatibility checking based on a storage requirement policy.
This cmdlet retrieves SPBM-related configuration data of Virtual Machine, Hard Disk, and Datastore objects.
This cmdlet sets SPBM-related configuration data for VirtualMachine, HardDisk, and Datastore objects.
This cmdlet retrieves fault domains based on name or ID filter.
This cmdlet retrieves the point in time replica objects for the specified target replication groups.
This cmdlet retrieves replication groups.
This cmdlet retrieves the relation of replication groups in a pair of source and target replication group.
This cmdlet performs a failover of the devices in the specified replication groups.
This cmdlet prepares the specified replication groups to fail over.
This cmdlet promotes a target replication group from InTest to FailedOver state.
This cmdlet initiates reverse replication, by making the currently failed over replication group the source and its peer replication group the target.
This cmdlet performs a test failover of a target replication group.
This cmdlet stops the test failover on the specified replication groups and tries to perform a cleanup on the target site.
This cmdlet synchronizes the data between source and replica for the specified replication group.
This cmdlet creates an SPBM rule in the client side.
This cmdlet creates an SPBM rule set.
This cmdlet exports the specified storage policy to a file.
This cmdlet returns all available requirement policies and resource policies.
This cmdlet imports a storage policy from a file.
This cmdlet creates a requirement storage policy in an SPBM server.
This cmdlet deletes storage policies.
This cmdlet overrides the current name, description, and rule sets of an existing storage policy in an SPBM server.
This cmdlet retrieves SPBM views for the managed objects in the SPBM server.
This cmdlet retrieves the statistical information available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the available statistics intervals and filters them using the provided parameters.
This cmdlet retrieves the available statistics types for a inventory object.
This cmdlet creates a statistics interval with the specified parameters.
This cmdlet removes the statistics interval specified by the provided sampling period or name.
This cmdlet changes the statistics interval that is specified by the provided parameters.
This cmdlet retrieves the tags available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the tag assignments of objects.
This cmdlet retrieves the tag categories available on a vCenter Server system and filters them using the specified cmdlet parameters.
This cmdlet creates a new tag in the specified tag category with the specified parameters.
This cmdlet assigns the specified tag(s) to the specified entity(s).
This cmdlet creates a new tag category on the specified vCenter Server systems with the specified parameters.
This cmdlet removes the specified tags from the server.
This cmdlet removes the specified tag assignment.
This cmdlet removes the specified tag categories from the server.
This cmdlet modifies the specified tags.
This cmdlet modifies the specified tag categories.
This cmdlet retrieves the tasks on the specified VMware Server.
This cmdlet stops the specified tasks.
This cmdlet waits for the completion of the specified tasks.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual machine templates available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet moves virtual machine templates to another location.
This cmdlet creates a new virtual machine template.
This cmdlet removes the specified virtual machine templates from the inventory.
This cmdlet modifies the specified virtual machine template.
This cmdlet dismounts the VMware Tools installer CD.
This cmdlet mounts the VMware Tools CD installer as a CD-ROM on the guest operating system.
This cmdlet upgrades VMware Tools on the specified virtual machine guest OS.
This cmdlet waits for VMware Tools on the specified virtual machines to load.
This cmdlet exports the CA certificate from either the certificate in the specified TPM 2.0 endorsement key or the specified certificate to a file.
This cmdlet exports the TPM 2.0 endorsement key from the TPM 2.0 chip in the specified host. It only works when you connect to the specified host directly by using the Connect-VIServer cmdlet.
This cmdlet retrieves the TPM 2.0 endorsement key from the TPM 2.0 chip in the specified host. You can use this cmdlet by connecting either directly to an ESXi host or to its vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet adds a new Trust Authority key provider server to an existing Trust Authority key provider in the Trust Authority system.
This cmdlet adds the certificate from the Trust Authority key provider server to be trusted by the Trust Authority key provider.
This cmdlet exports the client certificate from the specified Trust Authority key provider to the specified file.
This cmdlet exports the Trust Authority services information (the Trust Authority attestation service and Trust Authority key provider service) from the specified Trust Authority cluster to the specified file.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority attestation services from the specified enabled Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority clusters from the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority key providers from the specified Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the client certificate from the specified Trust Authority key provider in the connected Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the client certificate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from the specified Trust Authority key provider in the connected Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority key provider servers from the specified Trust Authority key providers in the connected Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the certificate from the Trust Authority key provider server or the certificate trusted by the specified Trust Authority key provider in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority key provider services from the specified enabled Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority principals from the specified Trust Authority clusters in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority services status from the specified Trust Authority clusters in the connected Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority TPM 2.0 attestation settings from the specified Trust Authority clusters in the connected Trust Auhtority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority TPM 2.0 Certificate Authority (CA) certificates from the specified Trust Authority clusters in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority TPM 2.0 endorsement keys from the specified Trust Authority clusters in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the Trust Authority virtual machine host base image from the specified Trust Authority clusters in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet imports the Trust Authority services information (Trust Authority attestation service and Trust Authority key provider service) from the specified file to the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new Trust Authority key provider in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a client certificate for the specified Trust Authority key provider in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates the client certificate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the specified Trust Authority key providers in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new Trust Authority principal in the specified Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new Trust Authority TPM 2.0 Certificate Authority (CA) certificate in the specified Trust Authority Cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new Trust Authority TPM 2.0 endorsement key in the specified Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a Trust Authority virtual machine host base image in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the specified Trust Authority key providers from the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the specified Trust Authority key provider servers from their location in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the specified Trust Authority key provider server certificates from their location. The certificate is no longer trusted by the Trust Authority key provider in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the Trust Authority principals from their location in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the Trust Authority TPM 2.0 certificate authority (CA) certificates from the Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the Trust Authority TPM 2.0 endorsement keys from the Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the Trust Authority virtual machine host base images from the Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified Trust Authority clusters in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet modifies the Trust Authority key providers with the specified properties in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet updates the client certificate of the specified Trust Authority key providers in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet updates the trusted server certificates of the specified Trust Authority key providers in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet modifies the Trust Authority TPM 2.0 attestation settings of the Trust Authority cluster in the Trust Authority vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet adds the attestation service information configured in the workload vCenter Server system to the trusted hosts in the given trusted cluster.
This cmdlet adds the key provider service information configured in the workload vCenter Server system to the trusted hosts in the given trusted cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves the trusted clusters from the connected workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the applied status of the trusted service information on the trusted clusters in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the attestation services information from the specified trusted cluster in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the key provider services information from the specified trusted cluster in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the trusted clusters in the workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet exports the trusted principal from the single or the specified connected workload vCenter Server system to the specified file.
This cmdlet retrieves the trusted principals from the connected workload vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the USB devices available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet removes the specified USB devices from a virtual machine.
This cmdlet returns a list of VAIOFilter objects filtered by the specified parameters.
This cmdlet installs a VAIO filter on the specified cluster.
This cmdlet uninstalls VAIO filters from the clusters on which they are installed.
This cmdlet upgrades a VAIO filter on the cluster it is installed.
This cmdlet exports a vApp or a single virtual machine to the specified destination.
This cmdlet retrieves vApps.
This cmdlet imports OVF (Open Virtualization Format) and OVA packages. The package can contain a virtual appliance or a virtual machine.
This cmdlet moves the specified virtual appliances to a new location.
This cmdlet creates a new vApp.
This cmdlet removes vApps from the server.
This cmdlet modifies the specified vApp.
This cmdlet starts vApps.
This cmdlet stops vApps.
This cmdlet retrieves the blocking policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet modifies the blocking policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet exports the configuration of a specified distributed port group to a specified .zip file.
This cmdlet retrieves virtual distributed ports.
This cmdlet retrieves distributed port groups.
This cmdlet retrieves the policy for overriding port group settings at port level.
This cmdlet creates distributed port groups.
This cmdlet removes distributed port groups.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of virtual distributed ports.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of distributed port groups.
This cmdlet modifies the policy for overriding port group settings at port level.
This cmdlet retrieves the security policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet modifies the security policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet adds host physical network adapters to a vSphere distributed switch.
This cmdlet adds hosts to the specified vSphere distributed switch.
This cmdlet exports the configuration of a specified vSphere distributed switch to a .zip file.
This cmdlet retrieves vSphere distributed switches.
This cmdlet retrieves the private VLAN configuration entries of a vSphere distributed switch.
This cmdlet creates vSphere distributed switches.
This cmdlet creates private VLAN configuration entries on a vSphere distributed switch.
This cmdlet removes vSphere distributed switches.
This cmdlet removes host physical network adapters from the vSphere distributed switches they are connected to.
This cmdlet removes private VLAN configuration entries from vSphere distributed switches.
This cmdlet removes hosts from the specified vSphere distributed switches.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of vSphere distributed switches.
This cmdlet retrieves the traffic shaping policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet modifies the traffic shaping policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet retrieves the Link Aggregation Control Protocol policy for uplink ports.
This cmdlet retrieves the uplink teaming policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet modifies the Link Aggregation Control Protocol policy for uplink ports.
This cmdlet modifies the uplink teaming policy for distributed ports.
This cmdlet modifies the virtual distributed port's VLAN configuration.
This cmdlet copies the specified VDisk objects to the specified datastore.
This cmdlet lists VDisk objects based on the specified filters.
This cmdlet moves the specified VDisk objects to the specified datastore.
This cmdlet creates a managed VDisk object whose lifecycle is independent of a virtual machine`s lifecycle on the specified datastore.
This cmdlet removes VDisk objects and the associated backings from the datastore.
This cmdlet renames, inflates, or extends the size of the specified VDisk object.
This cmdlet retrieves the accounts from the ESX/ESXi or vCenter Server.
This cmdlet retrieves the vCenter appliance services.
This cmdlet restarts the specified appliance service(s).
This cmdlet starts the specified appliance service(s).
This cmdlet stops the specified appliance service(s).
This cmdlet retrieves the credential store items available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet creates a new entry in the credential store.
This cmdlet removes the specified credential store items.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the events on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the machine SSL certificates in a vCenter Server environment.
This cmdlet generates a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a vCenter Server system or an ESXi host.
This cmdlet sets a machine SSL certificate to a vCenter Server instance or a connected ESXi host.
Forces an immediate secret rotation for a specific OAuth 2 client.
This cmdlet retrieves the OAuth2 clients available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet converts a vSphere View object to a VIObject.
Creates a new OAuth2 client registration with the VMware Identity Broker.
Deletes a registration for a specified OAuth2 client from the VMware Identity Broker.
Updates the configuration of the OAuth2 client registered with the VMware Identity Broker.
Initiates a rotation of the secret of an OAuth 2 client.
This cmdlet retrieves the permissions defined on the specified inventory objects.
This cmdlet creates new permissions on the specified inventory objects for the provided users and groups in the role.
This cmdlet removes the specified permissions.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified permissions.
This cmdlet retrieves the privilege groups and items for the provided servers.
This cmdlet records the privilege checks that occur for the specified sessions during the execution of a specified script block.
This cmdlet retrieves extended object properties.
This cmdlet creates a new extension property on the specified object type.
This cmdlet removes the extended properties from the specified object types.
This cmdlet retrieves all roles defined on the provided servers.
This cmdlet creates a new role on the specified servers and applies the provided privileges.
This cmdlet removes the specified roles.
This cmdlet modifies the privileges of the provided roles.
Creates an SAML2 security context object that can be used to authenticate a user with any VMware vCenter Server services.
This cmdlet establishes a connection to a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet closes the connection to a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet adds a certificate or certificate chain to the vCenter Server or ESXi trusted stores.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the trusted certificates in a vCenter Server environment.
This cmdlet removes one or more certificates or certificate chains from the vCenter Server or ESXi trusted stores.
This cmdlet copies files and folders from and to the guest OS of the specified virtual machines using VMware Tools.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual machines on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the guest operating systems of the specified virtual machines.
This cmdlet retrieves storage volumes as seen by the virtual machines' guest operating systems.
This cmdlet retrieves the pending questions for the specified virtual machines.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the resource allocation between the selected virtual machines.
This cmdlet retrieves the start policy of the virtual machines on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet runs a script in the guest OS of each of the specified virtual machines.
This cmdlet moves virtual machines to another location.
This cmdlet creates a new virtual machine.
This cmdlet opens a window to the virtual machine's console.
This cmdlet removes the specified virtual machines from the vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet restarts the specified virtual machines.
This cmdlet restarts the virtual machine guest operating systems.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the virtual machine.
This cmdlet answers the specified virtual machine question.
This cmdlet configures resource allocation between the virtual machines.
This cmdlet modifies the virtual machine start policy.
This cmdlet powers on virtual machines.
This cmdlet powers off virtual machines.
This cmdlet shuts down the specified virtual machine guest OS.
This cmdlet suspends virtual machines.
This cmdlet suspends the specified guest operating systems.
This cmdlet unlocks the specified virtual machine.
Gets the identifying attributes of a host.
Gets the image profile associated with the specified ESXi host.
Retrieves the list of rules in the rule set that match a specified host.
This cmdlet adds a host to be managed by a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet adds the specified NTP servers to the NTP server list of the specified hosts.
This cmdlet exports the specified host profile to a file.
This cmdlet formats a new VMFS (Virtual Machine File System) on each of the specified host disk partitions.
This cmdlet retrieves the hosts on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the host accounts available on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the advanced configuration of the hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves authentication information for the specified hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves the time zones available on the specified host.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the diagnostic partitions on the specified hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the specified SCSI LUN disk.
This cmdlet retrieves the partitions of a host disk (LUN).
This cmdlet retrieves the firewall default policy of the specified hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves the exceptions from the firewall policy on the specified hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves hosts firmware information.
This cmdlet retrieves ESXi host hardware and firmware information.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the available HBAs (Host Bus Adapter).
This cmdlet retrieves the option strings of the specified host modules.
THis cmdlet retrieves the host networks on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the host network adapters on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the host network stacks on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the NTP servers on the specified hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the host patches installed on the specified hosts. This cmdlet is deprecated and will not return any results for ESX hosts version 5.0 and later. Use (Get-ESXCli).software.vib.list() as an alternative.
This cmdlet retrieves the PCI devices on the specified hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves the available host profiles.
Retrieves an image cache configuration for the given host profile.
This cmdlet performs a check whether the available information is sufficient to apply a host profile.
Retrieves the storage device configuration for the given host profile.
This cmdlet retrieves the user password configuration for the given host profile.
Retrieves the virtual machine port group configuration for the given host profile.
This cmdlet retrieves the routes from the routing table of the specified hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves information about a host service.
This cmdlet retrieves hosts SNMP configuration.
This cmdlet retrieves the start policy of hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves the host storages on a vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet displays the remote syslog servers of the specified hosts.
This cmdlet imports a host profile from a file. The file path must be accessible from the VMware PowerCLI client side.
This cmdlet updates the specified hosts.
This cmdlet applies a host profile to the specified host or cluster.
This cmdlet moves hosts to another location.
This cmdlet creates a new host user or group account.
This cmdlet creates a new HostVirtualNIC (Service Console or VMKernel) on the specified host.
This cmdlet creates a new host profile based on a reference host.
This cmdlet creates a new virtual machine port group configuration.
This cmdlet creates a new route in the routing table of a host.
This cmdlet removes the specified hosts from the inventory.
This cmdlet removes the specified host accounts.
This cmdlet removes the specified host network adapters.
This cmdlet removes the specified NTP servers from the NTP server list of the specified hosts.
This cmdlet removes the specified host profiles.
Removes the given virtual machine port group configuration from the host profile.
This cmdlet removes host routes.
This cmdlet restarts the specified hosts.
This cmdlet restarts the specified host services.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the host.
This cmdlet configures a host account.
This cmdlet modifies the advanced configuration settings of a host.
This cmdlet modifies the host authentication information.
This cmdlet activates or deactivates the diagnostic partitions of hosts.
This cmdlet sets the default policy for the specified host firewall.
This cmdlet activates or deactivates host firewall exceptions.
This cmdlet configures hosts firmware settings.
This cmdlet configures the CHAP properties of the specified iSCSI HBAs.
This cmdlet overrides the host module options with the given ones.
This cmdlet updates the specified virtual network.
This cmdlet configures the specified host network adapter.
This cmdlet modifies the specified host network stack.
This cmdlet modifies the specified host profile.
This cmdlet modifies image cache configuration for given host profile.
This cmdlet modifies the storage device configuration for the given host profile.
This cmdlet modifies the user password configuration for the specified account within a host profile.
This cmdlet modifies the virtual machine port group configuration for the given host profile.
This cmdlet modifies a route in the host routing table.
This cmdlet modifies a host service.
This cmdlet modifies the host SNMP configuration.
This cmdlet modifies the host default start policy.
This cmdlet configures a host storage.
This cmdlet configures the remote syslog server of the specified hosts.
This cmdlet starts the specified hosts.
This cmdlet starts the specified host services.
This cmdlet powers off the specified hosts.
This cmdlet stops the specified host services.
This cmdlet suspends hosts.
This cmdlet tests hosts for profile compliance.
This cmdlet tests the host SNMP.
This cmdlet exports the specified host's base image database to a file that is in a .tgz format.
This cmdlet retrieves the TPM 2.0 devices from the specified host.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual TPM (vTPM) devices available on the given virtual machines.
This cmdlet retrieves the certificate information from the given vTPM devices.
This cmdlet retrieves the certficate signing requests (CSR) from the given vTPM devices.
This cmdlet creates a new vTPM device on the specified virtual machine.
This cmdlet removes the specified vTPM devices.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified vTPM device.
This cmdlet retrieves the list of VASA providers that are currently registered with Storage Manager.
This cmdlet retrieves the list of storage arrays managed by registered VASA providers.
This cmdlet registers a VASA provider.
This cmdlet unregisters the specified VASA providers.
This cmdlet returns the vSphere View objects that correspond to the specified search criteria.
The cmdlet retrieves all virtual networks on a vCenter server system.
This cmdlet retrieves the available port groups of hosts, virtual machines, and virtual switches.
This cmdlet creates a new port group on the specified host.
This cmdlet removes the specified virtual port groups.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified virtual port group.
This cmdlet adds a host physical NIC to a standard virtual switch.
This cmdlet retrieves the virtual switches associated with a virtual machine host or used by a virtual machine.
This cmdlet creates a new virtual switch.
This cmdlet removes the specified virtual switches from their locations.
This cmdlet removes the specified host physical NICs from the standard virtual switch.
This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified virtual switch.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN related configuration data from clusters.
This cmdlets retrieves the power state of a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet modifies vSAN configuration settings for a cluster.
This cmdlet executes vSAN cluster power on.
This cmdlet starts the update of all vSAN disks of a cluster to the latest vSAN disk format version supported by the cluster.
This cmdlet starts the proactive rebalance of the vSAN objects on the cluster hosts based on the vSAN disks usage when the disks are in imbalanced state.
This cmdlet powers off a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet stops the proactive rebalance of the vSAN objects on the cluster hosts.
This cmdlet runs a health test on the specified vSAN clusters and returns the test results.
This cmdlet retrieves basic information about the vSAN component, including its universal unique identifier (UUID), the vSAN object it belongs to, the disk it resides on, and its status and type.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN Direct disks based on the specified filters.
This cmdlet creates a vSAN Direct disk from a specified hard disk.
This cmdlet removes vSAN Direct disks from a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves the host disks that belong to a vSAN disk group.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN disk groups.
This cmdlet adds a host SCSI disk to a vSAN disk group.
This cmdlet creates a new vSAN disk group backed by the specified devices.
This cmdlet removes the specified hard disks from the specified vSAN disk group.
This cmdlet removes vSAN disk groups.
This cmdlet starts an encryption configuration on a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves the report of capacity or objects which may have accessbility or compliance issues, if a virtual machine host enters maintenance mode.
This cmdlet fetches ScsiLun information for all vSAN ESA eligible disks of the target object which can be a vSAN cluster or a list of hosts.
This cmdlet retrieves information about the entity (disk, disk group, or host) you want to evacuate in various modes.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN fault domains based on name or ID filter.
This cmdlet creates a new vSAN fault domain in a cluster with specified virtual machine hosts.
This cmdlet removes vSAN fault domains.
This cmdlet changes the configuration of a specified vSAN fault domain.
This cmdlet downloads a file service OVF file of the specified URL into the OVF repository in vSphere.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN file service domains in a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves a vSAN file service OVF information.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN file shares based on the name or ID filter.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN file share snapshots based on the name or other filters.
This cmdlet creates a vSAN file service IP configuration at the client side.
This cmdlet creates a file service domain in a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet creates a new vSAN file share in a specified file service domain.
New-VsanFileShareNetworkPermission -IPSetOrSubnet <string> -VsanFileShareAccessPermission <VsanFileShareAccessType> [-AllowSquashRoot] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet creates a vSAN file share snapshot for the specified vSAN file share.
This cmdlet removes the specified vSAN file service domain from the vSAN clusters.
This cmdlet removes vSAN file shares.
This cmdlet removes vSAN file share snapshots.
This cmdlet modifies the settings of the given vSAN file domains.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of a specified vSAN file share.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN HCI Mesh datastores based on the specified filters.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN HCI Mesh datastore sources based on the specified filters.
This cmdlet creates a new vSAN HCI Mesh datastore source for the local vCenter Server from a remote vCenter Server.
This cmdlet creates a vSAN health check threshold object locally. This cmdlet is used to set a capacity threshold in Set-VsanClusterConfiguration.
This cmdlet removes a vSAN HCI Mesh datastore source with the specified information.
This cmdlet updates the vSAN hardware compatibility list (HCL) database.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN iSCSI initiator groups.
This cmdlet retrieves all pairs of associations between vSAN iSCSI targets and initiator groups, which have access to the corresponding targets.
This cmdlet retrieves the vSAN iSCSI LUNs from a cluster or target.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN iSCSI targets from clusters.
This cmdlet adds a new vSAN iSCSI initiator group to a cluster.
This cmdlet associates the specified vSAN iSCSI initiator group with specified vSAN iSCSI target to provide access to the target.
This cmdlet adds a new vSAN iSCSI LUN to a target.
This cmdlet adds a new vSAN iSCSI target to a cluster.
This cmdlet removes the specified vSAN iSCSI initiator groups from their clusters.
This cmdlet removes the specified association of vSAN iSCSI initiator group and target.
This cmdlet removes vSAN iSCSI LUNs from their iSCSI targets.
This cmdlet removes vSAN iSCSI targets form their clusters.
This cmdlet modifies the specified vSAN iSCSI initiator groups.
This cmdlet modifies the specified vSAN iSCSI LUNs.
This cmdlet modifies the settings of the specified vSAN iSCSI targets.
This cmdlet runs a network performance test on the specified vSAN clusters and returns the test results.
This cmdlet puts a list of vSAN objects on a repair queue.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN objects based on the specified filters.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the most impactful vSAN performance contributors, based on the specified entity type. The list includes the contributors that exhibit the highest IOPS, throughput, or latency consumption within the provided start and end times in the specified vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet starts the task of relayouting objects for specified vSAN clusters.
This cmdlet retrieves the details of components going through synchronization in a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves the overview of objects going through synchronization in a vSAN cluster. It will query information about vSAN objects that are currently syncing data.
This cmdlet retrieves the runtime information of a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves space usage details of a vSAN cluster. (Note that the output attribute denoted with 'GB' signifies the unit of Gibibytes (GiB), utilizing a base-2 binary representation.)
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN performance statistics for the specified server entity.
This cmdlet adds one or multiple disks to the unique storage pool under a certain host. This cmdlet returns VsanStoragePoolDisk information of a disk that is claimed by a storage pool. Storage pool refers to vSAN ESA disks.
This cmdlet fetches VsanStoragePoolDisk information from a certain host or cluster. It also enables you to fetch storage pool disks by disk canonical name. If both host and disk canonical name are specified, the system uses both parameters.
This cmdlet removes a single or multiple storage pool disks on a vSAN cluster.
This cmdlet runs a storage performance test on the specified vSAN clusters and returns the test results.
This cmdlet runs a virtual machine creation test on the specified vSAN clusters and returns the test results.
This cmdlet retrieves vSAN views that match the specified IDs.
This cmdlet retrieves a disk level information about securely wiping disks.
This cmdlet starts the secure wipe of the specified host SCSI disks.
This cmdlet stops the secure wipe of the specified host SCSI disks.
This cmdlet retrieves the list of Virtual Volume (vVol) storage containers that are reported by the registered VASA providers.
This cmdlet deactivates the workload management feature on the specified cluster.
Enables the workload management feature on the specified cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves the configuration for the workload management feature of the clusters in the vCenter Server system.
This cmdlet modifies the workload settings of a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster.
This cmdlet retrieves the workload namespaces in the vCenter Server system.
Retrieves information about the Kubernetes resource limits of a namespace.
Retrieves information about workload namespace access permissions.
This cmdlet retrieves the configuration of the storage claimed by a workload namespace.
This cmdlet creates a new workload namespace on the specified cluster.
Creates a specification for a namespace network. The specification is later used to create the actual namespace network.
Grants an access permission to a workload namespace.
This cmdlet creates a storage claim for a workload namespace using the specified configuration.
This cmdlet deletes a workload namespace from the vCenter Server system.
Removes an access permission to a workload namespace.
This cmdlet deletes the storage claim for a workload namespace associated with a specified storage policy.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of a workload namespace.
Changes the Kubernetes resource limits of a namespace.
Modifies an access permission to a workload namespace.
This cmdlet modifies the configuration of a storage claim used by a workload namespace.