This cmdlet generates a PXE image by using the specified software depot and software specification at the specified file path. Optionally, you can pass additional kernel options, create a live image instead, overwrite existing files, or check acceptance levels for individual VIBs used during the creation of the image.
Required | Parameter Name | Type | Position | Features | Description |
SoftwareSpec | String | 1 |
Specifies a software specification to use for the creation of the image. The software specification describes what building blocks to use when creating the PXE. All requirements in the specification need to be satisfied by the specified software depots. |
Depots | String[] | named |
Specifies one or more locations of software depots that contain the payloads to create the image. The value can be either a file path to an offline depot in the format of "C:\<depot>.zip" or an URL address to the index file of the online depot in the format of "https://<address-to-depot>/index.xml". |
Destination | String | named |
Indicates that you want to store the newly created image at the specified destination. |
optional | CheckAcceptance | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that you want to validate the acceptance level of individual VIBs used for the creation of the image. |
optional | KernelOptions | String[] | named |
Indicates that you want to set additional kernel options for the image. The value must be a comma-separated array in the format of "<option>=<value>". |
optional | LiveImage | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that you want to create a live image instead of an installer image. |
optional | Overwrite | SwitchParameter | named |
Indicates that you want to overwrite existing files when writing the image. |
optional | ProgressAction | ActionPreference | named |
Example 1
New-PxeImage "C:\.zip", "https:///index.xml" "C:\.json" -Destination "C:\"
Creates a new PXE image by using the depots located at "C:\<depot>.zip" and "https://<address-to-depot>/index.xml" (one offline and one online depot, can be used in any number and combination). Uses the software specification located at "C:\<spec>.json" to construct the image and saves the PXE files to "C:\<name-of-pxe-directory>" afterwards.
Example 2
New-PXEImage "C:\.zip", "https:///index.xml" "C:\.json" -Destination "C:\" -KernelOptions "option1=value1", "option2=value2"
Creates a new PXE image by using the depots located at "C:\<depot>.zip" and "https://<address-to-depot>/index.xml" (one offline and one online depot, can be used in any number and combination). Uses the software specification located at "C:\<spec>.json" to construct the image and include the additional kernel options "option1=value1", "option2=value2" provided with -KernelOptions. Saves the PXE files to "C:\<name-of-pxe-directory>" afterwards.
Related Commands
This cmdlet generates a PXE image by using the specified software depot and software specification.
Get-PxeProfile [[-Name] <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]