New-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


Create a new Rule based on the provided parameters.This API takes in a Rule name, a list of Rule.Pattern items and a Lifecycle managed Cluster whch is to be used to retrieve the desired software specification and any Host Profile attached to the target Cluster. This API will also generate and cache a new PxeProfile (if needed) based on the desired software specification retrieved from the Lifecycle managed Cluster. All the resulting items will be populated in the Rule.Spec object associated with the newly created Rule.


-LcmCluster < VIObjectCore >
-Name < String >
-Pattern < String[] >
[-Item < VIObjectCore[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
LcmCluster VIObjectCore named
A vCenter Cluster managed by Lifecycle to be used as a source for the desired soft specification and Host Profile to be used for the host(s) bootstrap
Name String named
Name of the new rule.
NoSignatureCheck SwitchParameter named
Indicates if a signature verification of the VIBs to be used for bootstraping should be performed.
Pattern String[] named
Set of hosts the new rule should apply to. Pattern strings use the following syntax: <attr>==<value> Adds a pattern that exactly matches the specified value against the specified attribute. Use this syntax if you need to match a string that contains a comma. <attr>=<Val1 >[,val2,... ,valN] Adds a pattern that matches against the comma-separated list of values. Supported value types are: string Exact string match <ip1>-<ip2> Range of IPv4 addresses.
optional Item VIObjectCore[] named
  • pipeline
Item the rule should apply to the hosts. Can be an image profile, a script bundle, a host profile, or a folder or cluster on the vCenter Server system to add the host to.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
-LcmCluster < VIObjectCore >
-Name < String >
[-Item < VIObjectCore[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
AllHosts SwitchParameter named
Specify AllHosts to apply the new rule to all hosts managed by VMware Auto Deploy. Hosts are managed by VMware Auto Deploy if the DHCP server directs them to the Auto Deploy TFTP configuration file.
LcmCluster VIObjectCore named
A vCenter Cluster managed by Lifecycle to be used as a source for the desired soft specification and Host Profile to be used for the host(s) bootstrap
Name String named
Name of the new rule.
NoSignatureCheck SwitchParameter named
Indicates if a signature verification of the VIBs to be used for bootstraping should be performed.
optional Item VIObjectCore[] named
  • pipeline
Item the rule should apply to the hosts. Can be an image profile, a script bundle, a host profile, or a folder or cluster on the vCenter Server system to add the host to.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named



Example 1

New-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform -Name RULE_NAME -AllHosts -LcmCluster LCM_CLUSTER_NAME -NoSignatureCheck

Create a new Rule.It takes in a Rule name, Lifecycle managed Cluster

Example 2

New-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform -Name RULE_NAME -Pattern "vendor=dell","vendor==vmware, Inc." -LcmCluster LCM_CLUSTER_NAME -NoSignatureCheck

Create a new Rule.It takes in a Rule name, Lifecycle managed Cluster, Pattern as set of hosts the new rule should apply to.

Example 3

New-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform -Name RULE_NAME -Pattern "vendor=dell","vendor==vmware, Inc." -Item "scriptbundle" -LcmCluster LCM_CLUSTER_NAME -NoSignatureCheck

Create a new Rule.It takes in a Rule name, Lifecycle managed Cluster, Pattern as set of hosts the new rule should apply to.

Related Commands


Create LCM cluster rule with transform

Update LCM cluster rule with transform

Update LCM cluster rule with transform


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