Remove-DeployRule Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


Removes a rule from the working rule set. By default, the working rule set is then activated. Use the "-Delete" parameter to permanently delete the rule from the Auto Deploy server.You must have the "AutoDeploy.RuleSet.Edit" privilege on the root folder of vCenter Server to remove a rule from the rule set and the "AutoDeploy.Rule.Delete" privilege to delete the rule.


-At < UInt32 >
[-Delete ]
[-NoActivate ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
At UInt32 named
Index in the rule set that you want to remove.
optional Delete SwitchParameter named
Delete the rule object. This flag will permanently delete the rule from the AutoDeploy server and remove it from any RuleSets that it was in.
optional NoActivate SwitchParameter named
Specify this parameter to only remove the rule to the working rule set. By default, the working rule set is activated after the change.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
-DeployRule < DeployRuleWrapper[] >
[-Delete ]
[-NoActivate ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
DeployRule DeployRuleWrapper[] named
  • pipeline
Rule to remove from the working rule set.
optional Delete SwitchParameter named
Delete the rule object. This flag will permanently delete the rule from the AutoDeploy server and remove it from any RuleSets that it was in.
optional NoActivate SwitchParameter named
Specify this parameter to only remove the rule to the working rule set. By default, the working rule set is activated after the change.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named



Example 1

Get-DeployRule "testrule" | Remove-DeployRule

Related Commands


Adds one or more rules to the rule set.

Clones an existing rule.

Gets a DeployRule object.

Creates a new rule.

Removes a rule from the working rule set.

Updates an existing rule.


Gets the current working rule set or the current active rule set.

Sets the list of rules in the working rule set.


Remediate any non-compliant associations discovered by Test-DeployRuleSetCompliance

Checks whether hosts are compliant with rules.