New-VsanIscsiTarget Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet adds a new vSAN iSCSI target to a cluster.


-Cluster < Cluster >
-Name < String >
[-AuthenticationType < VsanIscsiTargetAuthenticationType > ]
[-IncomingChapSecret < SecureString > ]
[-IncomingChapUser < String > ]
[-IscsiQualifiedName < String > ]
[-NetworkInterface < String > ]
[-OutgoingChapSecret < SecureString > ]
[-OutgoingChapUser < String > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-RunAsync ]
[-Server < VIServer[] > ]
[-StoragePolicy < SpbmStoragePolicy > ]
[-TcpPort < Int32 > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Cluster Cluster named
  • pipeline
  • wildcards
Specifies the vSAN cluster on which you want to create the vSAN iSCSI target.
Name String named
Specifies the name of the newly created vSAN iSCSI target. The name should be unique within a cluster.
optional AuthenticationType VsanIscsiTargetAuthenticationType named
Specifies the authentication type for the vSAN iSCSI target.
optional IncomingChapSecret SecureString named
Specifies the CHAP user secret for the target. Applicable when the authentication type is Chap or MutualChap.
optional IncomingChapUser String named
Specifies the CHAP user name for the target. Applicable when the authentication type is Chap or MutualChap.
optional IscsiQualifiedName String named
Specifies the IQN of the target. This parameter is optional and should be unique if specified. If not specified, the server generates a unique IQN.
optional NetworkInterface String named
Specifies the VMkernel network interface which handles the iSCSI traffic. If not specified, the default VMkernel network interface defined in iSCSI target service is used. This parameter accepts an object of type HostVMKernelVirtualNic by silently converting it to the string name by using ArgumentTransformationAttribute.
optional OutgoingChapSecret SecureString named
Specifies the CHAP user secret you want to attach to the initiator. Applicable when the authentication type is MutualChap.
optional OutgoingChapUser String named
Specifies the CHAP user name you want to attach to the initiator. Applicable when the authentication type is MutualChap.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional RunAsync SwitchParameter named
Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. In this mode, the output of the cmdlet is a Task object. For more information about the RunAsync parameter run "help About_RunAsync" in the VMware PowerCLI console.
optional Server VIServer[] named
  • wildcards
Specifies the vCenter Server systems on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of Connect-VIServer.
optional StoragePolicy SpbmStoragePolicy named
  • wildcards
Specifies the storage policy applied to the vSAN namespace of the iSCSI target. If not specified, the default storage policy defined in iSCSI service is used.
optional TcpPort Int32 named
Specifies the network port on which the target is accessible. If specified, NetworkInterface should also be specified. If not specified, and if NetworkInterface is also not specified, the default port specified in iSCSI target service is used. If NetworkInterface is specified, the default port 3260 is used. The server automatically opens the firewall for the specified port.




Example 1

New-VsanIscsiTarget -Name "Target1" -Cluster "vsan-cluster" -NetworkInterface "vmk0"

Creates a new vSAN iSCSI target named "Target1" in the "vsan-cluster" cluster which uses a VMkernel network interface named "vmk0" for traffic.

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves vSAN iSCSI initiator groups.

This cmdlet adds a new vSAN iSCSI initiator group to a cluster.

This cmdlet removes the specified vSAN iSCSI initiator groups from their clusters.

This cmdlet modifies the specified vSAN iSCSI initiator groups.


This cmdlet retrieves all pairs of associations between vSAN iSCSI targets and initiator groups, which have access to the corresponding targets.

This cmdlet associates the specified vSAN iSCSI initiator group with specified vSAN iSCSI target to provide access to the target.

This cmdlet removes the specified association of vSAN iSCSI initiator group and target.


This cmdlet retrieves the vSAN iSCSI LUNs from a cluster or target.

This cmdlet adds a new vSAN iSCSI LUN to a target.

This cmdlet removes vSAN iSCSI LUNs from their iSCSI targets.

This cmdlet modifies the specified vSAN iSCSI LUNs.


This cmdlet retrieves vSAN iSCSI targets from clusters.

This cmdlet adds a new vSAN iSCSI target to a cluster.

This cmdlet removes vSAN iSCSI targets form their clusters.

This cmdlet modifies the settings of the specified vSAN iSCSI targets.