Set-FloppyDrive Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified virtual floppy drive. If a floppy image path is provided, the cmdlet sets the floppy drive to point to the image. Also, the cmdlet updates the StartConnected and Connected properties. If the value of the NoMedia parameter is $true, the cmdlet removes the floppy drive's media backing and disconnects it. The FloppyImagePath, HostDevice, and NoMedia parameters cannot be used together. The Connected parameter can be specified only if the corresponding virtual machine is powered on.


-Floppy < FloppyDrive[] >
[-Connected < Boolean > ]
[-FloppyImagePath < String > ]
[-HostDevice < String > ]
[-NoMedia ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-StartConnected < Boolean > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Floppy FloppyDrive[] named
  • pipeline
Specifies the virtual floppy drive you want to configure.
optional Connected Boolean named
If the value is $true, the virtual floppy drive is connected after its creation. If the value is $false, the floppy drive is disconnected. This parameter can be specified only if the corresponding virtual machine is powered on.
optional FloppyImagePath String named
Specifies the datastore path to the floppy image file that backs the virtual floppy drive. Do not use this parameter when the HostDevice and NoMedia parameters are specified.
optional HostDevice String named
Specifies the path to the floppy drive on the host that backs this virtual floppy drive. Do not use this parameter when the FloppyImagePath and NoMedia parameters are specified.
optional NoMedia SwitchParameter named
Indicates that the floppy drive is to have no media (similar to removing the floppy from a physical drive). Do not use this parameter when the FloppyImagePath and HostDevice parameters are specified.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional StartConnected Boolean named
If the value is $true, the virtual floppy drive starts connected when its associated virtual machine powers on. If the value is $false, it starts disconnected.




Example 1

Set-FloppyDrive -Floppy $floppy -StartConnected:$true

Sets a floppy to start connected.

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves the virtual floppy drives available on a vCenter Server system.

This cmdlet creates a new virtual floppy drive.

This cmdlet removes the virtual floppy drives from their locations.

This cmdlet modifies the configuration of the specified virtual floppy drive.