New-VISamlSecurityContext Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


Creates an SAML2 security context object that can be used to authenticate a user with any VMware vCenter Server services.For more information about security contexts, see the about_security_context (about_security_context.html)article.This command would authenticate the user who works with OAuth2 security context from an authentication server that the vCenter Server instance is configured to trust.


-OAuthSecurityContext < OAuth2SecurityContext >
-VCenterServer < String >
[-IgnoreSslValidationErrors ]
[-Port < Int32 > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
OAuthSecurityContext OAuth2SecurityContext named
  • pipeline
Specifies the OAuth2 security context from an authentication server that the vCenter Server instance is configured to trust.
VCenterServer String named
Specifies the IP address or the DNS name of the vSphere server that authenticates the user.
optional IgnoreSslValidationErrors SwitchParameter named
If specified, any errors with the SSL certificate of the server will be ignored.
optional Port Int32 named
Specifies the port where the vCenter vAPI Endpoint is listening on. The default is 443.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named




Example 1

$oauthCtx = New-VcsOAuthSecurityContext -ApiToken "a3f35067-80b5-44f0-a0bc-e19f2bc17fb7"
$samlCtx = New-VISamlSecurityContext -VCenterServer "Server" -OAuthSecurityContext $oauthCtx

Creates an SAML2 security context object by authenticating the user with an OAuth2 security context from the VMware Cloud Services authentication server. This SAML2 security context can be used to authenticate the user to any vCenter Server services running in the VMware Cloud on AWS.

Related Commands


Creates an SAML2 security context object that can be used to authenticate a user with any VMware vCenter Server services.