Set-ResourcePool Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified resource pool.


-ResourcePool < ResourcePool[] >
[-CpuExpandableReservation < Boolean > ]
[-CpuLimitMhz < Int64 > ]
[-CpuReservationMhz < Int64 > ]
[-CpuSharesLevel < SharesLevel > ]
[-MemExpandableReservation < Boolean > ]
[-MemLimitGB < Decimal > ]
[-MemLimitMB < Int64 > ]
[-MemReservationGB < Decimal > ]
[-MemReservationMB < Int64 > ]
[-MemSharesLevel < SharesLevel > ]
[-Name < String > ]
[-NumCpuShares < Int32 > ]
[-NumMemShares < Int32 > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
ResourcePool ResourcePool[] named
  • pipeline
  • wildcards
Specifies the resource pool you want to configure.
optional CpuExpandableReservation Boolean named
Indicates that the CPU reservation can grow beyond the specified value if the parent resource pool has unreserved resources.
optional CpuLimitMhz Int64 named
Specifies a CPU usage limit in MHz. If this parameter is set, utilization will not exceed this limit even if there are available resources.
optional CpuReservationMhz Int64 named
Specifies the guaranteed available CPU in MHz.
optional CpuSharesLevel SharesLevel named
Specifies the CPU allocation level for this pool. This property is used in relative allocation between resource consumers. This parameter accepts Custom, High, Low, and Normal values.
optional MemExpandableReservation Boolean named
Indicates that the memory reservation can grow beyond the specified value if the parent resource pool has unreserved resources.
optional MemLimitGB Decimal named
Specifies a memory usage limit in gigabytes (GB). If this parameter is set, utilization will not exceed the specified limit even if there are available resources.
optional MemLimitMB Int64 named
This parameter is obsolete. Use MemLimitGB instead. Specifies a memory usage limit in megabytes (MB). If this parameter is set, utilization will not exceed the specified limit even if there are available resources.
optional MemReservationGB Decimal named
Specifies the guaranteed available memory in gigabytes (GB).
optional MemReservationMB Int64 named
This parameter is obsolete. Use MemReservationGB instead. Specifies the guaranteed available memory in megabytes (MB).
optional MemSharesLevel SharesLevel named
Specifies the memory allocation level for the resource pool. This property is used in relative allocation between resource consumers. This parameter accepts Custom, High, Low, and Normal values.
optional Name String named
Specifies a new name for the resource pool.
optional NumCpuShares Int32 named
Specifies the CPU allocation level for the resource pool. This property is used in relative allocation between resource consumers. This parameter is ignored unless CpuSharesLevel is set to Custom.
optional NumMemShares Int32 named
Specifies the memory allocation level for the resource pool. This property is used in relative allocation between resource consumers. This parameter is ignored unless MemSharesLevel is set to Custom.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer[] named
  • wildcards
Specifies the vCenter Server systems on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of Connect-VIServer.




Example 1

Set-ResourcePool -Resourcepool Resourcepool -NumCpuShares  512 -MemLimitGB 4

Sets the CPU allocation level and the limit on memory usage in GB for the resource pool named Resourcepool.

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves the resource pools available on a vCenter Server system.

This cmdlet moves a resource pool from one location to another.

This cmdlet creates a new resource pool.

This cmdlet removes the specified resource pools from their locations.

This cmdlet modifies the properties of the specified resource pool.