LCM Category | Vmware PowerCLI Reference

LCM Category

Cmdlets are usually implemented around resource operations. The four basic operations are CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. This set of operations is known as CRUD. Most of the cmdlets support CRUD which are respectively cmdlets that start with the New/Get/Set/Remove cmdlet verbs but they also may have additional operations

Step 1: Retrieve a object by running a Get command

You can READ objects by using Get-LcmClusterDesiredStateRecommendation cmdlet. See example below:

# Creates a desired state recommendation based on the latest ESXi base image version.

Get-LcmClusterDesiredStateRecommendation 'lcm-cluster'

Step 2 : Run commands from the CRUD group

You can CREATE objects by using New-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform cmdlet. See example below:

# Create a new Rule.It takes in a Rule name, Lifecycle managed Cluster

New-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform -Name RULE_NAME -AllHosts -LcmCluster LCM_CLUSTER_NAME -NoSignatureCheck
You can UPDATE objects by using Reset-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform cmdlet. See example below:

# Resets a Rule based on the provided parameters. Use -Force option if the Rule is not editable.

Reset-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform -DeployRule NAME_TEST_RULE -Force

Step 3: Explore More Related Commands:

Set-LCMClusterRuleWithTransform Update LCM cluster rule with transform
Export-LcmClusterDesiredState This cmdlet exports the desired state of a vSphere Lifecycle Manager cluster.
Export-LcmVMHostDesiredState This cmdlet exports the desired state of an ESXi host that is managed by vSphere Lifecycle Manager. The desired state consists of the host's base image and the installed software packages.
Get-LcmHardwareCompatibility This cmdlet verifies that the components in the base image are compatible with all storage controllers on the hosts in the cluster in accordance with the VMware Compatibility Guide.
Get-LcmImage This cmdlet retrieves the vSphere Lifecycle Manager images available on a vCenter Server system.
Import-LcmClusterDesiredState This cmdlet imports a specification file to set a desired state of a vSphere Lifecycle Manager cluster.
New-LcmOfflineDepot This cmdlet creates a new vSphere Lifecycle Manager offline depot.
Test-LcmClusterCompliance This cmdlet tests cluster's hosts compliance respective to its target state.
Test-LcmClusterHealth This cmdlet tests cluster's hosts health respective to its target state.