Set-VDPortgroupOverridePolicy Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet modifies the policy for overriding port group settings at port level. At least one of the Bool parameters must be specified.


[ -Policy ] < VDPortgroupOverridePolicy[] >
[-BlockOverrideAllowed < Boolean > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-ResetPortConfigAtDisconnect < Boolean > ]
[-SecurityOverrideAllowed < Boolean > ]
[-TrafficShapingOverrideAllowed < Boolean > ]
[-UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed < Boolean > ]
[-VlanOverrideAllowed < Boolean > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Policy VDPortgroupOverridePolicy[] 1
  • pipeline
Specifies the port group overriding policy that you want to configure.
optional BlockOverrideAllowed Boolean named
Specifies whether overriding port blocking settings is allowed.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional ResetPortConfigAtDisconnect Boolean named
Specifies whether the port configuration is reset when the port is disconnected.
optional SecurityOverrideAllowed Boolean named
Specifies whether overriding security settings is allowed.
optional TrafficShapingOverrideAllowed Boolean named
Specifies whether overriding traffic shaping settings is allowed.
optional UplinkTeamingOverrideAllowed Boolean named
Specifies whether overriding uplink teaming settings is allowed.
optional VlanOverrideAllowed Boolean named
Specifies whether overriding VLAN settings is allowed.




Example 1

Get-VDPortgroup "MyVDPortgroup" | Get-VDPortgroupOverridePolicy | Set-VDPortgroupOverridePolicy -BlockOverrideAllowed $true

Retrieves a distributed port group named "MyVDPortgroup" and updates its overriding policy to allow the port blocking settings to override the default settings at port group level.

Example 2

Get-VDSwitch "MyVDSwitch" |
Get-VDPortgroup | Get-VDPortgroupOverridePolicy |
Set-VDPortgroupOverridePolicy -ResetPortConfigAtDisconnect $true
-TrafficShapingOverrideAllowed $true

Retrieves all port groups inside a distributed switch named "MyVDSwitch" and updates their overriding policies with the options to override the traffic shaping setting at port level, and to reset the distributed port network settings back to the port group settings.

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves virtual distributed ports.

This cmdlet modifies the configuration of virtual distributed ports.


This cmdlet exports the configuration of a specified distributed port group to a specified .zip file.

This cmdlet removes distributed port groups.


This cmdlet retrieves distributed port groups.

This cmdlet creates distributed port groups.

This cmdlet modifies the configuration of distributed port groups.


This cmdlet retrieves the policy for overriding port group settings at port level.

This cmdlet modifies the policy for overriding port group settings at port level.