New-ApplianceBackupJob Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet starts a file-based backup job for a vCenter Server system to a backup server.


-BackupServer < String >
-BackupServerType < String >
-FolderPath < String >
[-BackupServerPassword < SecureString > ]
[-BackupServerPort < Int32 > ]
[-BackupServerUsername < String > ]
[-Description < String > ]
[-OptionalBackupParts < ApplianceBackupPart[] > ]
[-Password < SecureString > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
BackupServer String named
The IP or FQDN of the backup server to be used for the backup.
BackupServerType String named
The type of the backup server. Currently supported types are FTP, HTTP, FTPS, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, NFS, SMB
FolderPath String named
A folder path on the backup server where the backup will be created. It must be an empty or non-existing folder. In case the folder doesn't exist it will be created.
optional BackupServerPassword SecureString named
Password for the given backup server. If unset, authentication will not be used for the specified backup server.
optional BackupServerPort Int32 named
The backup server port to be used for the backup.
optional BackupServerUsername String named
Username for the given backup server. If unset, authentication will not be used for the specified backup server.
optional Description String named
Provides a custom comment to the backup job. If unset, the comment will be empty.
optional OptionalBackupParts ApplianceBackupPart[] named
  • pipeline
A list of optional backup parts that will be included in the backup job. You can use Get-ApplianceBackupPart -OptinalOnly to retrieve a list of the available parts.
optional Password SecureString named
You can set a password for encryption of a backup. The password must adhere to the following requirements. The length must be at least 8 characters but not more than 20 characters. It must include at least one uppercase letter, lowercase letter, numeric digit, and special character (i.e. any character different from [0-9,a-z,A-Z]). Only visible ASCII characters are permitted (no spaces). If no password is specified, the backup will not be encrypted.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer named
Specifies the vCenter Server system on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default server. Note: This cmdlet can only run on a single vCenter Server at a time since a specific folder on the backup server can only hold a single server backup.




Example 1

PS C:\> New-ApplianceBackupJob `
   -BackupServerType FTP `
   -BackupServer <backup server ip> `
   -BackupServerPort 21 `
   -BackupServerUsername <backup server username> `
   -BackupServerPassword <backup server password> `
   -FolderPath /backups/manual_backup_1 `
   -Description "This is a custom comment"

Starts a backup job for a vCenter Server system that is going to be stored at an FTP server in the /backups/manual_backup_1 folder and encrypted with a password. Only mandatory backup parts are included since no optional backup parts have been specified.

Example 2

PS C:\> Get-ApplianceBackupPart -OptionalOnly | New-ApplianceBackupJob `
   -BackupServerType FTP `
   -BackupServer <backup server ip> `
   -BackupServerPort 21 `
   -BackupServerUsername <backup server username> `
   -BackupServerPassword <backup server password> `
   -FolderPath /backups/manual_backup_1 `
   -Description "This is a custom comment"

Starts a backup job for a vCenter Server system that is going to be stored at an FTP server in the /backups/manual_backup_1 folder and encrypted with a password. All mandatory and optional backup parts are included.

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves a list of backup jobs for a vCenter Server system.

This cmdlet starts a backup job for a vCenter Server system.

This cmdlet stops running backup jobs on a vCenter Server system.

This cmdlet monitors the progress of a backup job and returns the ApplianceBackupJob object when the backup job is complete.


This cmdlet retrieves backup parts that can be included in a backup for a vCenter Server system.