Set-DeployRule Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


Updates an existing rule with the specified items, patterns, or both. Rules cannot be changed once they have been used in the active rule set. Use Copy-DeployRule to make a copy of a rule with any desired changes.You must have the "AutoDeploy.Rule.Edit" privilege on the root folder of vCenter Server to use this cmdlet.


-DeployRule < DeployRuleWrapper >
[-AllHosts ]
[-Item < VIObjectCore[] > ]
[-Name < String > ]
[-Pattern < String[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
DeployRule DeployRuleWrapper named
The rule to be changed. Use the DeployRule or the Name parameter to specify the rule.
optional AllHosts SwitchParameter named
Specify AllHosts to apply the changed rule to all hosts. Specify either AllHosts or Pattern.
optional Item VIObjectCore[] named
  • pipeline
Item to apply to the specified hosts. The item can be an image profile, a host profile, or a cluster or folder in a vCenter Server system. This parameter supports object-by-name, so you can pass the name of the item.
optional Name String named
Name of the rule to apply changes to. Use the DeployRule or the Name parameter to specify the rule.
optional Pattern String[] named
Pattern that identifies the hosts to apply the rule to. Specify either AllHosts or Pattern. Pattern strings use the following syntax: <attr>==<value> Adds a pattern that exactly matches the specified value against the specified attribute. Use this syntax if you need to match a string that contains a comma. <attr>=<Val1 >[,val2,... ,valN] Adds a pattern that matches against the comma-separated list of values. Supported value types are: string Exact string match <ip1>-<ip2> Range of IPv4 addresses.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named



Example 1

Set-DeployRule $rule -Pattern "ipv4="

Updates the rule to apply to the hosts with IPv4 addresses in the specified range.

Related Commands


Adds one or more rules to the rule set.

Clones an existing rule.

Gets a DeployRule object.

Creates a new rule.

Removes a rule from the working rule set.

Updates an existing rule.


Gets the current working rule set or the current active rule set.

Sets the list of rules in the working rule set.


Remediate any non-compliant associations discovered by Test-DeployRuleSetCompliance

Checks whether hosts are compliant with rules.