Stat Category | Vmware PowerCLI Reference

Stat Category

Cmdlets are usually implemented around resource operations. The four basic operations are CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE. This set of operations is known as CRUD. Most of the cmdlets support CRUD which are respectively cmdlets that start with the New/Get/Set/Remove cmdlet verbs but they also may have additional operations

Step 1: Retrieve a object by running a Get command

You can READ objects by using Get-Stat cmdlet. See example below:

# Prints the disk statistics for the specified time interval for the first virtual machine, retrieved by the Get-VM cmdlet.

Get-Stat -Entity $VM -Start 5/5/2013 -Finish 7/10/2013 -Disk -IntervalSecs 300

Step 2 : Run commands from the CRUD group

You can CREATE objects by using New-StatInterval cmdlet. See example below:

# Creates a new statistics interval named Minute. Note that creating statistics intervals is allowed only on VirtualCenter 2.0.

New-StatInterval -Name Minute -SamplingPeriodSecs 60 -StorageTimeSecs 600
You can UPDATE objects by using Set-StatInterval cmdlet. See example below:

# Changes the storage time of the "past day" statistics interval.

Set-StatInterval -Interval "past day" -StorageTimeSecs 700000
You can REMOVE objects by using Remove-StatInterval cmdlet. See example below:

# Removes all the statistics intervals. Note that deleting statistics intervals is allowed only on VirtualCenter 2.0.

Remove-StatInterval -Interval *

Step 3: Explore More Related Commands:

Get-StatInterval This cmdlet retrieves the available statistics intervals and filters them using the provided parameters.
Get-StatType This cmdlet retrieves the available statistics types for a inventory object.