Export-EsxImageProfile Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


Exports an Image Profile object as either an ESXi ISO image that can be booted up and used as an ESXi installer, or an offline depot ZIP file that contains metadata plus the VIB packages. In both cases, downloads the VIB binaries and validates the VIB signatures.You can perform the following tasks with the offline depot ZIP file:*Import the ZIP into VMware Update Manager for patch remediation*Download the ZIP to an ESXi host and used with esxcli for installation*Re-import the ZIP into ImageBuilder itself using Add-EsxSoftwareDepotYou can specify either -ExportToIso or -ExportToBundle but not both.


[ -FilePath ] < String >
-ImageProfile < ImageProfile >
[-Force ]
[-NoSignatureCheck ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-RunAsync ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
FilePath String 1
Required; specifies the destination for the ISO or the ZIP file path. Include the extension, either .iso or .zip. Offline depots must be named with .zip at the end. If the file already exists, it will not be overwritten unless -Force is specified.
ExportToBundle SwitchParameter named
ImageProfile ImageProfile named
  • pipeline
(pipeline input, prompt) Specifies the image profile to export.Takes one of the following forms:*Name of an image profile, as displayed in the Name column of Get-EsxImageProfile, or the Name property of any ImageProfile object*ImageProfile object
optional Force SwitchParameter named
Optional. If specified, the cmdlet overwrites an existing destination file with the same name.
optional NoSignatureCheck SwitchParameter named
Optional. If specified, disables VIB signature validation. The use of this option may lead to debilitating security vulnerabilities.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional RunAsync SwitchParameter named
[ -FilePath ] < String >
-ImageProfile < ImageProfile >
[-Force ]
[-NoHostSeeding ]
[-NoSignatureCheck ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-RunAsync ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
FilePath String 1
Required; specifies the destination for the ISO or the ZIP file path. Include the extension, either .iso or .zip. Offline depots must be named with .zip at the end. If the file already exists, it will not be overwritten unless -Force is specified.
ExportToIso SwitchParameter named
ImageProfile ImageProfile named
  • pipeline
(pipeline input, prompt) Specifies the image profile to export.Takes one of the following forms:*Name of an image profile, as displayed in the Name column of Get-EsxImageProfile, or the Name property of any ImageProfile object*ImageProfile object
optional Force SwitchParameter named
Optional. If specified, the cmdlet overwrites an existing destination file with the same name.
optional NoHostSeeding SwitchParameter named
Optional. If specified, the exported ISO image would not support host seeding. Hosts booting from that image cannot be used to seed other hosts in a vLCM environment.
optional NoSignatureCheck SwitchParameter named
Optional. If specified, disables VIB signature validation. The use of this option may lead to debilitating security vulnerabilities.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional RunAsync SwitchParameter named



Example 1

Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile "Evan's Profile" -ExportToIso -FilePath c:\isos\evans-iso.iso

Export an ISO image

Example 2

New-EsxImageProfile -CloneProfile "ESXi-5.0.0-234567-standard" -Name "Evan's Profile"

Add-EsxSoftwarePackage -ImageProfile "Evan's Profile" -SoftwarePackage cisco-vem-v140

Export-EsxImageProfile -ImageProfile "Evan's Profile" -ExportToBundle -FilePath c:\isos\base-plus-vem.zip

Clone an image profile, add a software package, then export to offline bundle.

Related Commands


Associates the specified image profile with the specified ESXi system.


This cmdlet exposes the ESXCLI functionality.





This cmdlet exposes the esxtop functionality.