Remove-SpbmStoragePolicy Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet deletes storage policies.


-StoragePolicy < SpbmStoragePolicy[] >
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
StoragePolicy SpbmStoragePolicy[] named
  • pipeline
  • wildcards
Specifies the storage policies to be deleted.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer[] named
  • pipeline
  • wildcards
Specifies the vCenter Server systems on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of Connect-VIServer.



Example 1

Remove-SpbmStoragePolicy -StoragePolicy $policy1, $policy2

Deletes all storage policies represented by the $policy1 and $policy2 objects.

Example 2

Remove-SpbmStoragePolicy -StoragePolicy policytest*

Deletes all storage policies whose name starts with "policytest".

Related Commands


This cmdlet exports the specified storage policy to a file.

This cmdlet returns all available requirement policies and resource policies.

This cmdlet imports a storage policy from a file.

This cmdlet creates a requirement storage policy in an SPBM server.

This cmdlet deletes storage policies.

This cmdlet overrides the current name, description, and rule sets of an existing storage policy in an SPBM server.