New-CnsKubernetesEntityMetadata Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) Kubernetes entity metadata at a client side.


-EntityName < String >
-EntityType < CnsKubernetesEntityType >
-KubernetesClusterId < String >
[-CnsKubernetesEntityReference < CnsKubernetesEntityReference[] > ]
[-Label < Hashtable > ]
[-Namespace < String > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
EntityName String named
Specifies the name of the entity.
EntityType CnsKubernetesEntityType named
Specifies the type of the entity in Kubernetes.
KubernetesClusterId String named
Specifies the container orchestrator Kubernetes cluster to which the entity belongs.
optional CnsKubernetesEntityReference CnsKubernetesEntityReference[] named
Specifies the Kubernetes entity to which you want to refer. For example, a persistent volume claim (PVC) refers to a persistent volume (PV), a POD refers to one or more PVCs, and so on. An entity might not refer to anything. For example, a PV does not refer to a PVC, and so on.
optional Label Hashtable named
Specifies the labels for this entity. A maximum of 32 labels are supported for each entity. The label key should be less than 320 bytes and the value should be less than 64 bytes.
optional Namespace String named
Specifies the namespace in Kubernetes to which the entity belongs.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named




Example 1

New-CnsKubernetesEntityMetadata -EntityType Pod -Namespace 'default' -CnsKubernetesEntityReference $refer1 -KubernetesClusterId 'k8_cls_1' -EntityName 'myVolumePod' -Label $label

Creates a CNS Kubernetes entity metadata with POD as an entity type, "default" as a namespace, $refer1 as a CNS Kubernetes entity reference, 'k8_cls_1' as a Cluster ID, 'myVolumePod' as an entity name, and $label as a label.

Related Commands


This cmdlet creates a vSAN file service IP configuration at the client side.


This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) Kubernetes entity metadata at a client side.


This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) Kubernetes entity reference at the client side.


This cmdlet retrieves a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume based on the name or ID filter.

This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume.

This cmdlet removes the specified Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volumes.

This cmdlet modifies the Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume metadata of a specified CNS volume.


New-CnsVolumeAttachment -CnsVolume <CnsVolume> -VM <VirtualMachine> [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-RunAsync] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]

Remove-CnsVolumeAttachment -CnsVolume <CnsVolume> -VM <VirtualMachine> [-Server <VIServer[]>] [-RunAsync] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]


This cmdlet creates a Cloud Native Storage (CNS) volume metadata at the client side.