Get-Snapshot Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet returns information about the snapshots that correspond to the filter criteria provided by the Name and VM parameters. The disk size of the snapshots is retrieved only if you have the "Datastore/Browse datastore" privilege to the datastore where the shapshot is located. Otherwise, the following message is displayed: "Unable to populate snapshot size due to unsufficient permissions."


[ [-Name ] < String[] > ]
[-Id < String[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
VM VirtualMachine[] named
  • pipeline
  • wildcards
Specifies the virtual machines whose snapshots you want to retrieve. The position of this parameter is deprecated and will be changed in a future release. To avoid errors when you run existing scripts on future PowerCLI versions, specify the parameter by name.
optional Name String[] 1
  • wildcards
Specifies the names of the snapshots you want to retrieve.
optional Id String[] named
  • wildcards
Specifies the IDs of the snapshots you want to retrieve. Note: When a list of values is specified for the Id parameter, the returned objects would have an ID that matches exactly one of the string values in that list.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer[] named
  • wildcards
Specifies the vCenter Server systems on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of Connect-VIServer.




Example 1

Get-Snapshot -VM VM -Name 'Before ServicePack 2'

Retrieves the snapshot named "Before ServicePack2" of the VM virtual machine.

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves the virtual machine snapshots available on a vCenter Server system.

This cmdlet creates a new snapshot of a virtual machine.

This cmdlet removes the specified virtual machine snapshots.

This cmdlet modifies the specified virtual machine snapshot.