Add-VITrustedCertificate Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet adds a certificate or certificate chain to the vCenter Server or ESXi trusted stores.To use this cmdlet, you must connect to vCenter Server through the Connect-VIServer cmdlet.Note: The certificate or certificate chain will be added to both the vCenter Server instance and the connected ESXi hosts unless you use the VCenterOnly or EsxOnly parameters.


[-PemCertificateOrChain < String[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer > ]
[-X509Certificate < X509Certificate[] > ]
[-X509Chain < X509Chain[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
optional PemCertificateOrChain String[] named
  • pipeline
Specifies a certificate or certificate chain in PEM format to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer named
optional X509Certificate X509Certificate[] named
Specifies a certificate as an X509Certificate object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional X509Chain X509Chain[] named
Specifies a certificate chain as an X509Chain object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
[-PemCertificateOrChain < String[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer > ]
[-X509Certificate < X509Certificate[] > ]
[-X509Chain < X509Chain[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
EsxOnly SwitchParameter named
Specifies that the certificate or certificate chain must be added only to the trusted store of the ESXi hosts.
optional PemCertificateOrChain String[] named
  • pipeline
Specifies a certificate or certificate chain in PEM format to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer named
optional X509Certificate X509Certificate[] named
Specifies a certificate as an X509Certificate object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional X509Chain X509Chain[] named
Specifies a certificate chain as an X509Chain object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
-VMHost < VMHost[] >
[-PemCertificateOrChain < String[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer > ]
[-X509Certificate < X509Certificate[] > ]
[-X509Chain < X509Chain[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
VMHost VMHost[] named
Specifies one or more ESXi hosts to whose trusted stores you want to add the certificate or certificate chain.
optional PemCertificateOrChain String[] named
  • pipeline
Specifies a certificate or certificate chain in PEM format to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer named
optional X509Certificate X509Certificate[] named
Specifies a certificate as an X509Certificate object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional X509Chain X509Chain[] named
Specifies a certificate chain as an X509Chain object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
[-PemCertificateOrChain < String[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer > ]
[-X509Certificate < X509Certificate[] > ]
[-X509Chain < X509Chain[] > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
VCenterOnly SwitchParameter named
Specifies that the certificate or certificate chain must be added only to the trusted store of the vCenter Server instance.
optional PemCertificateOrChain String[] named
  • pipeline
Specifies a certificate or certificate chain in PEM format to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer named
optional X509Certificate X509Certificate[] named
Specifies a certificate as an X509Certificate object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.
optional X509Chain X509Chain[] named
Specifies a certificate chain as an X509Chain object to be added to the vCenter Server and/or ESXi trusted stores.




Example 1

$caPem = Get-Content ca.pem -Raw
Add-VITrustedCertificate -PemCertificateOrChain $caPem

Adds the certificate from ca.pem to the trusted certificate stores of the vCenter Server and all the ESXi hosts connected to the vCenter system.

Example 2

$caPem = Get-Content ca.pem -Raw
Add-VITrustedCertificate -PemCertificateOrChain $caPem -VCenterOnly

Adds the certificate from ca.pem to the trusted certificate store of the vCenter Server system.

Example 3

$caPem = Get-Content ca.pem -Raw
Add-VITrustedCertificate -PemCertificateOrChain $caPem -EsxOnly

Adds the certificate from ca.pem to the trusted certificate stores of the ESXi hosts of the vCenter Server system, but not to the vCenter itself.

Example 4

$caPem = Get-Content ca.pem -Raw
Add-VITrustedCertificate -VMHost 'MyHost' -PemCertificateOrChain $caPem

Adds the certificate from ca.pem to the trusted certificate store of the 'MyHost' ESXi host.

Related Commands


This cmdlet adds a certificate or certificate chain to the vCenter Server or ESXi trusted stores.

This cmdlet retrieves information about the trusted certificates in a vCenter Server environment.

This cmdlet removes one or more certificates or certificate chains from the vCenter Server or ESXi trusted stores.