New-RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


Creates a local object of type RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig that you use to mount a remote vSAN datastore from a vSAN stretched cluster. You can use this cmdlet starting from vSAN 8.0 Update 1. You pass the created object by using the Set-VsanClusterConfiguration cmdlet.


-Cluster < Cluster >
-NetWorkTopology < VsanRemoteNetWorkTopologyType >
[-ClientSiteName < String > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-Server < VIServer[] > ]
[-ServerSiteName < String > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Cluster Cluster named
  • pipeline
The server cluster which the client cluster uses to mount the remote vSAN datastore.
NetWorkTopology VsanRemoteNetWorkTopologyType named
The network topology between the client and the server cluster in an HCI Mesh configuration.
optional ClientSiteName String named
The client site to be used to set up inter-cluster site fault domain coupling to the server cluster. Do not use this parameter for a single-site client or if you pass a symmetric network topology.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional Server VIServer[] named
  • wildcards
Specifies the vCenter Server systems on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of Connect-VIServer.
optional ServerSiteName String named
Specifies the remote server site to be coupled with the client site. You must use a stretched cluster fault domain such as Preferred or Secondary. Do not use this parameter for the symmetric network topology.




Example 1

$serverConfig = New-RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig -cluster $clusterServer -networktopology "Symmetric"
Set-VsanClusterConfiguration -configuration $clusterClient -mountremotedatastore $datastore -remoteVsanServerClusterConfig $serverconfig

Creates a local RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig with the Symmetric network topology type and the $clusterServer server cluster for the mounted remote vSAN datastore. Mounts the $datastore datastore from the $clusterServer cluster as a remote datastore on the $clusterClient cluster with the $serverconfig object.

Example 2

New-RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig -cluster $cluster -networktopology "Asymmetric" -ServerSideName "Secondary"

Creates a local RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig object with the Asymmetric network topology type, Secondary as the remote server site to be coupled with the client site, and the $cluster cluster as the server cluster to be mounted to the remote vSAN datastore.

Example 3

New-RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig -cluster $cluster -networktopology "Asymmetric" -ServerSideName "Secondary" -ClientSideName "Preferred"

Creates a local RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig object with the Asymmetric network topology type, Secondary as the server site to be coupled with the client site, Preferred as the remote server site to be coupled with the client site, and $cluster as the server cluster to be mounted to the remote vSAN datastore.

Related Commands


Creates a local object of type RemoteVsanServerClusterConfig that you use to mount a remote vSAN datastore from a vSAN stretched cluster.