Get-DepotComponents Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet retrieves an array of objects that provide basic information about components in the software depot. Optionally, you can use the -Id parameter to get an object with detailed information about the component with the specified ID.


-Depot < String >
[ [-Id ] < String > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
Depot String named
Specifies the location of the software depot that contains the components. The value can be either a file path to an offline depot in the format of "C:\<depot>.zip" or an URL address to the index file of the online depot in the format of "https://<address-to-depot>/index.xml".
optional Id String 1
Specifies the ID of a component contained in the specified software depot. The ID value must be in the format of "<name>:<version>".
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named



Example 1

Get-DepotComponents "C:\<depot>.zip"

Retrieves an array of all the components contained in the software depot located at "C:\<depot>.zip".

Example 2

Get-DepotComponents "https://<address-of-depot>/index.xml"

Retrieves an array of all the components contained in the software depot located at "https://<address-of-depot>/index.xml".

Example 3

Get-DepotComponents "C:\<depot>.zip" -Id "<component-id>"

Retrieves detailed information about the component with ID "<component-id>" from the software depot located at "C:\<depot>.zip".

Example 4

Get-DepotComponents "https://<address-of-depot>/index.xml" -Id "<component-id>"

Retrieves detailed information about the component with ID "<component-id>" from the software depot located at "https://<address-of-depot>/index.xml".

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves basic information about addons in the software depot.


This cmdlet retrieves basic information about base images in the software depot.


This cmdlet retrieves basic information about components in the software depot.


This cmdlet retrieves basic information about the specified software depot.


This cmdlet retrieves basic information about VIBs in the software depot.