VMware Cloud Director API User Types
VMware Cloud Director API User Types
User Types
User Types (394)
Type | Description | Since |
AbsoluteTimeType | Specifies an absolute time in UTC | 5.6 |
AbstractVAppType | Represents a base type for VAppType and VmType. | 0.9 |
AccessSettingsType | A list of access settings for a resource. | 0.9 |
AccessSettingType | Controls access to the resource. | 0.9 |
AffinityRuleType | Represents the base type for affinity and anti-affinity rules. | 20.0 |
AffinityRuleType/Polarity | ||
AllocatedIpAddressesType | A list of information for allocated IP addresses. | 5.1 |
AllocatedIpAddressType | Represents an information for allocated IP address | 5.1 |
AllocationPoolVdcSummaryType | Represents the summary of consumed and reserved memory, CPU, and storage for a vDC using the Allocation Pool allocation model. | 30.0 |
ApiDefinitionType | Representation of an API definition accessible by all authenticated users. | 5.1 |
ApiExtensibilityType | Lists links to API extensibility operations and entities. | 5.1 |
AuditEventType | Audit event | 5.6 |
AuthorizedLocationsType | Container for AuthorizedLocationType | 29.0 |
AuthorizedLocationType | Represents a vCloud Director server group that this session is authorized to access. | 29.0 |
AvailableNetworksType | Container for references to available organization vDC networks. | 0.9 |
BootOptionsType | Allows you to specify boot options for this virtual machine. | 21.0 |
BusUnitNumberType | A combination of bus and unit number. | 31.0 |
CapabilitiesType | Collection of supported hardware capabilities. | 1.5 |
CapacityType | Represents the capacity of a given resource. | 0.9 |
CapacityWithUsageType | Represents a capacity and usage of a given resource. | 0.9 |
CaptureVAppParamsType | Parameters for a captureVapp request. | 0.9 |
CaptureVmParamsType | Parameters for a VM which is being captured. | 0.9 |
CatalogItemsType | Container for references to catalog items. | 0.9 |
CatalogItemType | Contains a reference to a VappTemplate or Media object and related metadata. | 0.9 |
CatalogType | Represents the user view of a Catalog object. | 0.9 |
CertificateUpdateParamsType | Parameters for certificate update. | 5.1 |
CertificateUploadSocketType | Upload socket for certificate. | 5.1 |
CloneMediaParamsType | Parameters required by a cloneMedia request. | 0.9 |
CloneVAppParamsType | Parameters for a clonevApp request. | 0.9 |
CloneVAppTemplateParamsType | Parameters for a cloneVappTemplate request. | 0.9 |
ComplianceResultType | Represents the results of a GET /vApp/vm-{id}/complianceResult request. | 5.1 |
ComposeVAppParamsType | Represents vApp composition parameters. | 0.9 |
ComputeCapacityType | Represents vDC compute capacity. | 0.9 |
ComputePolicyComplianceType | Compute policy compliance details of the VM. | 33.0 |
ComputePolicyType | Compute policy details of the VM. | 33.0 |
ComputeResourceType | Stores the configured value, reservation, shares and limit for compute resources such CPU and Memory for a virtualized workload. | 32.0 |
ContainerType | Container for query result sets. | |
ControlAccessParamsType | Specifies access controls for a resource. | 0.9 |
CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParamsType | Parameters for a copyCatalogItem or moveCatalogItem request. | 5.5 |
CreateSnapshotParamsType | Parameters for a createSnapshot request. | 5.1 |
CreateVmParamsType | Represents VM creation parameters. | 32.0 |
CurrentUsageSpecType | Specifies which current usage metrics to retrieve | 5.6 |
CurrentUsageType | A collection of simple metrics representing real time usage statistics | 5.6 |
CustomizationSectionType | Represents a vApp template customization settings. | 1.0 |
DefaultHardDiskAdapterTypeType | Represents a virtual hard disk adapter type. | 5.1 |
DefaultStorageProfileSection_Type | Name of the storage profile that will be specified for this virtual machine. | 5.1 |
DeployVAppParamsType | Parameters to a deploy vApp request. | 0.9 |
DhcpPoolServiceType | Represents DHCP pool service. | 5.1 |
DhcpServiceType | Represents a DHCP network service. | |
DiskAttachOrDetachParamsType | Parameters for attaching or detaching an independent disk. | 5.1 |
DiskCreateParamsType | Parameters for creating or updating an independent disk. | 5.1 |
DiskMoveParamsType | Parameters for moving a named disk to a different Org VDC. | 36.0 |
DiskSectionType | The section of the VM representation that has to do with the VM's disks. | 32.0 |
DiskSettingsType | A description of a virtual disk of a VM. | 32.0 |
DiskSharingType | Sharing type of named disks. | 36.0 |
DiskType | Represents an independent disk. | 5.1 |
DistributedCatalogParamsType | Configuration parameters for a Distributed Catalog. | 39.0 |
EdgeClusterConfigurationType | Used for specifying specific Edge Cluster(s) for a given Edge Gateway. | 34.0 |
EdgeGatewayFormFactorType | Allows a user to change the size of the gateway | 11.0 |
EdgeGatewayType | Represents an EdgeGatewayType | 32.0 |
EntityLinkType | Extends EntityReference type by adding relation attribute. | 1.5 |
EntityReferenceType | A reference to a vCloud entity. | 1.5 |
EntityType | Basic entity type in the vCloud object model. | 0.9 |
ErrorType | The standard error message type used in the vCloud REST API. | 0.9 |
EventPropertiesType | List of event-specific properties. | 5.6 |
EventPropertiesType/EventProperty | ||
EventType | Parameters for creating an event. | 5.1 |
ExternalNatIpMapType | Maps source site external NAT IP addresses to destination site external NAT IP addresses. | 5.5 |
ExternalNatIpMapType/Entry | 5.5 | |
ExternalSubjectType | A reference to a user or group managed by an identity provider configured for use in this organization. | 11.0 |
FileDescriptorType | Represents a file required by an extension API definition. | 5.1 |
FilesListType | Represents a list of files to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). | 0.9 |
FileType | Represents a file to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). | 0.9 |
FileUploadParamsType | Parameters for initializing file upload session. | 5.1 |
FileUploadSocketType | Parameters for initiating file upload. | 5.1 |
FirewallIpAddressType | A valid IPv4 address or "Any". | 0.9 |
FirewallRuleType | Represents a firewall rule. | 0.9 |
FirewallRuleType/Protocols | ||
FirewallServiceType | Represents a network firewall service. | |
FlexVdcSummaryType | Represents the summary of consumed CPU, memory, and storage for a vDC using the Flex allocation model. | 32.0 |
GatewayBackingRefType | Provides information to access edge gateway via VC | 7.0 |
GatewayConfigurationType | Gateway Configuration. | 5.1 |
GatewayDhcpServiceType | Represents Gateway DHCP service. | 5.1 |
GatewayFeaturesType | Represents edge gateway services. | 5.1 |
GatewayInterfacesType | A list of Gateway Interfaces. | 5.1 |
GatewayInterfaceType | Gateway Interface configuration. | 5.1 |
GatewayIpsecVpnEndpointType | Represents an IPSec VPN endpoint. | 5.1 |
GatewayIpsecVpnServiceType | Represents gateway IPsec VPN service. | 5.1 |
GatewayIpsecVpnTunnelType | Represents an IPSec VPN tunnel. | 5.1 |
GatewayNatRuleType | Represents the SNAT and DNAT rules. | 5.1 |
GatewayType | Represents a gateway. | 5.1 |
GuestCustomizationSectionType | Represents a guest customization settings. | 1.0 |
HardDiskAdapterReferenceType | The reference to a HardDiskAdapter element. | 29.0 |
HardDiskAdapterType | Hard disk controller type detailed description. | 29.0 |
HardwareVersionBaseType | ||
HardwareVersionType | Represents a supported virtual hardware version. | 29.0 |
HistoricUsageSpecType | Specifies which historic usage metrics to retrieve | 5.6 |
HistoricUsageType | A collection of time-based metrics representing historic usage statistics | 5.6 |
IdentifiableResourceType | The base type for all resource types which contain an id attribute. | 0.9 |
IdpGroupsType | Container for Idp Groups | 30.0 |
IdpRecommendedRolesType | Container for Idp Recommended Roles | 30.0 |
InstantiateOvfParamsType | Represents vApp instantiation from OVF parameters | |
InstantiateOvfPropertyType | Represents an OVF property value assignment. | 5.5 |
InstantiateVAppParamsType | Represents vApp instantiation parameters. | 0.9 |
InstantiateVAppTemplateParamsType | Represents vApp template instantiation parameters. | 0.9 |
InstantiateVmHardwareCustomizationParamsType | Hardware parameter customization applied to a virtual machine in a vApp when instantiated. | 5.5 |
InstantiateVmHardwareCustomizationParamsType/Disk | ||
InstantiateVmParamsType | Instantiation parameters for a VM in a vApp. | 5.5 |
InstantiateVmTemplateParamsType | Represents VM template instantiation parameters. | 32.0 |
InstantiationParamsType | Container for ovf:Section_Type elements that specify vApp configuration on instantiate, compose, or recompose. | 0.9 |
IopsResourceType | Stores the reservation, limit, shares and shares level for IOPS of a disk. | 37.0 |
IpAddressesType | A list of IP addresses. | 0.9 |
IpAddressType | A valid IPv4 address or "Any". | 0.9 |
IpRangesType | Represents a list of IP ranges. | 0.9 |
IpRangeType | Represents a range of IP addresses, start and end inclusive. | 0.9 |
IpScopesType | Represents a list of IP scopes. | 5.1 |
IpScopeType | Specify network settings like gateway, network mask, DNS servers, IP ranges, etc. | 0.9 |
IpsecVpnLocalPeerType | Gives more details of local peer end point. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnManagedPeerType | Gives more details of peer end point. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnPeerType | Gives more details of peer end point. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnRemotePeerType | Gives more details of remote peer end point. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnServiceType | Represents an IPSec-VPN network service. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnSubnetType | Represents subnet details. | 5.1 |
IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeerType | Gives more details of third party peer end point. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnTunnelType | Represents details of an IPSec-VPN tunnel. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnUnmanagedPeerType | Gives more details of peer end point not managed by vCloud Director. | 1.5 |
IpTypeType | Represents an IP type, either IPv4 or IPv6 | 34.0 |
KeystoreUpdateParamsType | Parameters for keystore update. | 5.1 |
KeystoreUploadSocketType | Upload socket for keystore. | 5.1 |
LBPersistenceType | Represents persistence type for a load balancer service profile. | 5.1 |
LBPoolHealthCheckType | Represents a service port health check list. | 5.1 |
LBPoolMemberType | Represents a member in a load balancer pool. | 5.1 |
LBPoolServicePortType | Represents a service port in a load balancer pool. | 5.1 |
LBVirtualServerServiceProfileType | Represents service profile for a load balancing virtual server. | 5.1 |
LeaseSettingsSectionType | Represents vApp lease settings. | 0.9 |
LinkType | Extends reference type by adding relation attribute. | 0.9 |
LoadBalancerPoolType | Represents a load balancer pool. | 5.1 |
LoadBalancerServiceType | Represents gateway load balancer service. | 5.1 |
LoadBalancerVirtualServerType | Represents a load balancer virtual server. | 5.1 |
LocalityParamsType | Locality parameters provide a hint that may help optimize placement of a VM with respect to another VM or an independent disk. | 5.1 |
MediaInsertOrEjectParamsType | Parameters for an insertMedia or ejectMedia request. | 0.9 |
MediaSectionType | The section of the VM representation that has to do with the VM's media devices (floppies and CDROM) | 32.0 |
MediaSettingsType | Describes a media in a VM device and what media is attached to it. | 32.0 |
MediaStateType | Describes the possible configuration states of a media device. | 32.0 |
MediaType | Represents a Media object. | 0.9 |
MediaTypeMappingType | Mapping of a content media type to a xsd complex type. | 0.9 |
MediaTypeType | Represents media supported by VM. | 32.0 |
MetadataBooleanValue | One of: 1, 0, true, false | 5.1 |
MetadataDateTimeValue | UTC format. | 5.1 |
MetadataDomainTagType | A value of SYSTEM places this MetadataEntry in the SYSTEM domain. | 5.1 |
MetadataEntryType | ||
MetadataNumberValue | A signed 8-byte integer. | 5.1 |
MetadataStringValue | UTF-8 character set. | 5.1 |
MetadataType | User-defined metadata associated with with an object. | 1.5 |
MetadataTypedValue | One of: MetadataStringValue MetadataNumberValue MetadataBooleanValue MetadataDateTimeValue |
5.1 |
MetadataValueType | ||
MksTicketType | A ticket and connection information for accessing the console of a VM. | 5.5 |
MoveVAppParamsType | Parameters for a MoveVApp request. | 34.0 |
MultisiteSessionUserInfoType | Container for MultisiteSessionUserInfoType | 30.0 |
MultisiteType | site vCloud configuration. | 29.0 |
NatOneToOneBasicRuleType | Represents the NAT basic rule for one to one mapping of internal and external IP addresses from a network. | 0.9 |
NatOneToOneVmRuleType | Represents the NAT rule for one to one mapping of VM NIC and external IP addresses from a network. | 0.9 |
NatPortForwardingRuleType | Represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between internal IP/port and external IP/port. | 0.9 |
NatRuleType | Represents a NAT rule. | 0.9 |
NatServiceType | Represents a NAT network service. | |
NatVmRuleType | Represents the NAT rule for port forwarding between VM NIC/port and external IP/port. | 0.9 |
NetworkAssignmentType | Maps a network name specified in a Vm to the network name of a vApp network defined in the VApp that contains the Vm | 0.9 |
NetworkConfigSectionType | Container for vApp networks. | 0.9 |
NetworkConfigurationType | The configurations applied to a network. | 0.9 |
NetworkConnectionSectionType | Container for the network connections of this virtual machine. | 0.9 |
NetworkConnectionType | Represents a network connection in the virtual machine. | 0.9 |
NetworkFeaturesType | Represents features of a network. | |
NetworkMappingType | Represents a mapping from an OVF source network to a vCloud target network. | 5.5 |
NetworkServiceInsertionType | Information about a network service that has been inserted | 5.1 |
NetworkServiceType | This is the root of the substitution group for network services. | |
NetworkType | Represents a Network in the vCloud model. | 0.9 |
NICBaseType | ||
NicIpMapType | VM's with NICs that are connected directly to a VDC network and where the NICs have manually assigned IP addresses needs to be mapped to a valid IP address within the IP range of the destination site's VDC network. | 5.5 |
NicIpMapType/Entry | 5.5 | |
NICType | Represents a supported virtual NIC type. | 1.5 |
OperatingSystemFamilyInfoType | Represents an operating system family. | 5.1 |
OperatingSystemInfoType | Information about an individual operating system. | 5.1 |
OrgAssociationsType | Container for OrgAssociationType | 29.0 |
OrgAssociationType | A reference to another organization | 29.0 |
OrgListType | Represents a list of organizations. | 0.9 |
OrgType | Represents the user view of a vCloud Director organization. | 0.9 |
OrgVdcNetworkType | Represents an Org vDC network in the vCloud model. | 5.1 |
OrgVdcRollupType | Contains rolled-up summary information for all vDCs in this organization. | 30.0 |
OvfToVdcNetworkMapType | Map from OVF to Org networks. | 5.5 |
OvfToVdcNetworkMapType/Entry | 5.5 | |
OwnerType | Represents the owner of this entity. | 1.5 |
ParamsType | A basic type used to specify request parameters. | 0.9 |
PayGoVdcSummaryType | Represents the summary of consumed CPU, memory, and storage for a vDC using the AllocationVApp (Pay-as-you-Go) allocation model. | 30.0 |
PhasesType | An extensibility phase represents a point in a workflow where control can be passed to an extension. | 16.0 |
PhasesType/Phase | ||
PhasesType/Phase/name | ||
PhasesType/Phase/optional | ||
PhasesType/Phase/type | ||
ProductSectionListType | Container for all ProductSection elements in a VAppTemplate, VApp, or Vm object. | |
PropertyType | Contains key/value pair as property. | 0.9 |
PublishCatalogParamsType | Parameters required when sharing a catalog with other organizations. | 0.9 |
QueryListType | Container for the list of typed queries available to the requesting user. | |
QueryResultAclRuleRecordType | Type for a single aclRule query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminApiDefinitionRecordType | Type for a single adminApiDefinition query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminCatalogItemRecordType | Type for a single adminCatalogItem query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminCatalogRecordType | Type for a single adminCatalog query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminDiskRecordType | Type for a single adminDisk query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminEventRecordType | Type for a single adminEvent query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminFileDescriptorRecordType | Type for a single adminFileDescriptor query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminGroupRecordType | Type for a single adminGroup query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminMediaRecordType | Type for a single adminMedia query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType | Type for a single adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminOrgVdcTemplateRecordType | Type for a single adminOrgVdcTemplate query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminRoleRecordType | Type for a single adminRole query result in records format. | 27.0 |
QueryResultAdminServiceRecordType | Type for a single adminService query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminShadowVMRecordType | Type for a single adminShadowVM query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminTaskRecordType | Type for a single adminTask query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminUserRecordType | Type for a single adminUser query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminVAppNetworkRecordType | Type for a single adminVAppNetwork query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminVAppRecordType | Type for a single adminVApp query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminVAppTemplateRecordType | Type for a single adminVAppTemplate query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminVdcRecordType | Type for a single adminOrgVdc query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultAdminVmDiskRelationRecordType | Type for a single adminVMDiskRelation query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultAdminVMRecordType | Type for a single adminVM query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultApiDefinitionRecordType | Type for a single apiDefinition query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultApiFilterRecordType | Type for a single apiFilter query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultBlockingTaskRecordType | Type for a single blockingTask query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultCatalogItemRecordType | Type for a single catalogItem query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultCatalogRecordType | Type for a single catalog query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultCellRecordType | Type for a single cell query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultConditionRecordType | Type for a single condition query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultDatastoreProviderVdcRelationRecordType | Type for a single datastoreProviderVdcRelation query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultDatastoreRecordType | Type for a single datastore query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultDiskRecordType | Type for a single disk query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultDvSwitchRecordType | Type for a single dvSwitch query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultEdgeGatewayRecordType | Type for a single edgeGateway query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultEventRecordType | Type for a single event query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultExternalLocalizationRecordType | Type for a single externalLocalization query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultFileDescriptorRecordType | Type for a single fileDescriptor query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultGatewayUplinksRecordType | Type for a single gatewayUplinks query result in records format. | 32.0 |
QueryResultGroupRecordType | Type for a single group query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultHostRecordType | Type for a single host query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultMediaRecordType | Type for a single media query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultNetworkPoolRecordType | Type for a single networkPool query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultNetworkRecordType | Type for a single externalNetwork query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultNsxTManagerRecordType | Type for a single nsxTManager query result in records format. | 31.0 |
QueryResultOrgAssociationRecordType | Type for a single orgAssociation query result in records format. | 36.0 |
QueryResultOrgNetworkRecordType | Type for a single orgNetwork query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultOrgRecordType | Type for a single organization query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultOrgVdcNetworkRecordType | Type for a single orgVdcNetwork query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultOrgVdcRecordType | Type for a single orgVdc query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultOrgVdcResourcePoolRelationRecordType | Type for a single orgVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultOrgVdcStorageProfileRecordType | Type for a single orgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultOrgVdcTemplateRecordType | Type for a single orgVdcTemplate query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultPortgroupRecordType | Type for a single portgroup query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultProviderVdcResourcePoolRelationRecordType | Type for a single providerVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultProviderVdcStorageProfileRecordType | Type for a single providerVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultRecordsType | Container for query results in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultRecordType | Base type for a single record from query result in records format. | |
QueryResultResourceClassActionRecordType | Type for a single resourceClassAction query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultResourceClassRecordType | Type for a single resourceClass query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultResourcePoolRecordType | Type for a single resourcePool query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultResourcePoolVMRecordType | Type for a single resourcePoolVmList query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultRightRecordType | Type for a single right query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultRoleRecordType | Type for a single role query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultServiceLinkRecordType | Type for a single serviceLink query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultServiceRecordType | Type for a single service query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultServiceResourceRecordType | Type for a single serviceResource query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultSiteAssociationRecordType | Type for a single siteAssociation query result in records format. | 36.0 |
QueryResultSiteRecordType | Type for a single site query result in records format. | 36.0 |
QueryResultStorageProfileRecordType | Type for a single storageProfile query result in records format. | 32.0 |
QueryResultStrandedItemRecordType | Type for a single strandedItem query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultStrandedUserRecordType | Type for a single strandedUser query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultTaskRecordType | Type for a single task query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultType | Container type for query results in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultUserRecordType | Type for a single user query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultVAppNetworkRecordType | Type for a single vAppNetwork query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultVAppOrgVdcNetworkRelationRecordType | Type for a single vAppOrgVdcNetworkRelation query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultVAppRecordType | Type for a single vApp query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultVAppTemplateRecordType | Type for a single vAppTemplate query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultVirtualCenterRecordType | Type for a single virtualCenter query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultVmDiskRelationRecordType | Type for a single vmDiskRelation query result in records format. | 5.1 |
QueryResultVmGroupsRecordType | Type for a single vmGroups query result in records format. | 27.0 |
QueryResultVmGroupVmsRecordType | Type for a single vmGroupVms query result in records format. | 5.5 |
QueryResultVMRecordType | Type for a single vm query result in records format. | 1.5 |
QueryResultVMWProviderVdcRecordType | Type for a single providerVdc query result in records format. | 1.5 |
RangesType | Set of range of integer values. | 29.0 |
RangeType | Range of integer values. | 29.0 |
RasdItemsListType | Represents a list of RASD items specifying a group of related DMTF Resource Allocation Setting Data properties of this virtual machine. | 0.9 |
RecomposeVAppParamsType | Parameters for a recompose vApp request. | 1.0 |
ReferencesType | Container for query results returned in references format. | |
ReferenceType | A reference to a resource. | 0.9 |
RegisterVAppParamsType | Represents vApp registration parameters. | 5.5 |
RelativeTimeType | Specifies an earlier time relative to the current time | 5.6 |
ReplicationTrackingDiskSectionType | The section of the VM representation that has to do with the VM's disks. | 38.0 |
ReplicationTrackingDiskSettingsType | A description of a virtual disk of a VM. | 38.0 |
ReplicationTrackingSettingsType | Replication tracking properties of the VM. | 38.0 |
RequestOperationParamsType | Represents parameters to a request. | 1.5 |
ReservationPoolVdcSummaryType | Represents the summary of consumed and reserved memory, CPU, and storage for a vDC using the Reservation Pool allocation model. | 30.0 |
ResourceEntitiesType | Container for references to ResourceEntity objects in this vDC. | 0.9 |
ResourceEntityType | Base type that represents a resource entity such as a vApp template or virtual media. | 0.9 |
ResourceReferenceType | Represents a reference to a resource. | 0.9 |
ResourceSharesLevelType | Allocation level for how much of a resource can be consumed by the underlying virtualization infrastructure. | 32.0 |
ResourceType | The base type for all objects in the vCloud model. | 0.9 |
ResultType | The result of operations. | 13.0 |
RouterInfoType | ||
RuntimeInfoSectionType | VMware Tools and other runtime information for this virtual machine. | 1.5 |
RuntimeInfoSectionType/VMWareTools | ||
SampleType | Represents a data point in a metric series | 5.6 |
SchemaLinksType | Provides links to various API schema documents | 33.0 |
ScreenTicketType | The ticket for accessing the console of a VM. | 0.9 |
SelectorExtensionsType | Represents the collection of selector extensions. | 16.0 |
SelectorExtensionType | Represents the association between a registered extension and a selector. | 16.0 |
ServiceType | Public representation of an external service. | 5.1 |
SessionType | Represents a vCloud Session. | 1.5 |
SimpleMetricType | A simple scalar metric value | 5.6 |
SiteAssociationsType | Container for SiteAssociationType | 29.0 |
SiteAssociationType | A reference to another associated site | 29.0 |
SiteStatusType | Represents the status of a single site. | 29.0 |
SiteType | Represents a single site in a multi-site vCloud configuration. | 29.0 |
SmtpSecureModeType | Security protocol to use when connecting to the SMTP server. | 11.0 |
SnapshotSectionType | Represents information about vApp and virtual machine snapshots. | 5.1 |
SnapshotType | Represents a virtual machine snapshot. | 5.1 |
SourcedCompositionItemParamType | Represents a vApp, vApp template or Vm to include in a composed vApp. | 0.9 |
SourcedVmTemplateParamsType | Represents an existing VM template from a Catalog. | 32.0 |
StaticRouteType | ||
StaticRoutingServiceType | Represents Static Routing network service. | 1.5 |
SubAllocationsType | A list of IP addresses that are sub allocated to edge gateways. | 5.1 |
SubAllocationType | IP range sub allocated to an edge gateway. | 5.1 |
SubnetParticipationType | Allows to chose which subnets a gateway can be part of | 5.1 |
SupportedHardwareVersionBaseType | ||
SupportedHardwareVersionsType | Contains a list of VMware virtual hardware versions supported in this vDC. | 1.5 |
SupportedHardwareVersionType | Represents a supported virtual hardware version. | 1.5 |
SupportedOperatingSystemsInfoType | Operating systems available for use on virtual machines owned by this organization. | 5.1 |
SupportedVersionsType | List all supported versions. | 0.9 |
SyslogServerSettingsType | Syslog server settings. | 1.5 |
SyslogServerType | Allows a user to configure syslog server settings for the gateway | 5.11 |
TaskOperationListType | List of operation names. | 1.5 |
TaskOperationType | A task operation with it's associated category. | 33.0 |
TaskPrototypeType | Describes an asynchronous operation to be performed by vCloud Director extension. | 6.0 |
TaskRequestBaseType | Base type for blocking tasks. | 1.5 |
TasksInProgressType | A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks. | 0.9 |
TasksListType | A list of tasks. | 0.9 |
TaskType | Represents an asynchronous operation in vCloud Director. | 0.9 |
TenantErrorType | The tenant view of the error, when the containing error is an administrator view of the error. | 5.7 |
TenantSyslogServerSettingsType | Tenant syslog server settings. | 5.11 |
TimeSeriesMetricType | A sequence of metric values measured at specified times | 5.6 |
TimeType | ||
TimeUnitType | An enumeration of time units that can be used to define a relative time | 5.6 |
TpmType | Allows you to add or remove a TPM device for a VM. | 37.2 |
TrustStoreUpdateParamsType | Parameters for updating the truststore. | 5.1 |
TrustStoreUploadSocketType | Upload socket for the truststore. | 5.1 |
UndeployVAppParamsType | Parameters to an undeploy vApp request. | 0.9 |
UploadVAppTemplateParamsType | Parameters for an uploadVappTemplate request. | 0.9 |
VAppChildrenType | Container for virtual machines included in this vApp. | 0.9 |
VAppCreationParamsType | Represents vApp creation parameters. | 0.9 |
VAppNetworkConfigurationType | Represents a vApp network configuration. | 0.9 |
VAppNetworkType | Represents a vApp network. | 1.5 |
VAppTemplateChildrenType | Container for virtual machines included in this vApp template. | 0.9 |
VAppTemplateType | Represents a vApp template. | 0.9 |
VAppType | Represents a vApp. | 0.9 |
VCloudExtensibleType | A base abstract type for all complex types that support extensions. | 0.9 |
VCloudExtensionType | General purpose extension element. | 0.9 |
VcTaskListType | Container for Virtual Center tasks. | 33.0 |
VcTaskType | Virtual Center task. | 33.0 |
VdcComputePolicyReferencesType | References to an organization vDC compute policies. | 31.0 |
VdcStorageProfileIopsSettingsType | Grouping of IOPs related settings associated with a particular VdcStorageProfile, i.e. | 9.0 |
VdcStorageProfilesType | Container for references to storage profiles associated with a vDC. | 5.1 |
VdcStorageProfileType | Represents a storage profile in an organization vDC. | 5.1 |
VdcsType | Represents a list of references to vDCs. | 0.9 |
VdcType | Represents the user view of an organization vDC. | 0.9 |
VendorServicesType | Vendor services available for service insertion on networks or edge gateways. | 5.1 |
VendorTemplateAttributesType | Information about vendor template attributes | 5.1 |
VendorTemplateType | Information about a vendor service template. | 5.1 |
VersionInfoType | Information for one version of the API. | 0.9 |
VersionsType (v1.5) | Represents a list of API versions supported by an ApiVendor. | 5.1 |
VimObjectRefType (v1.5) | Represents the moref and the type of a vSphere object. | 22.0 |
VirtualCpuTypeType | Describes virtualCpu type of VM. | 32.0 |
VirtualHardwareVersionType | Represents the user view of a virtual hardware version. | 29.0 |
VmAffinityRulesType | The collection existing VM affinity rules available. | 20.0 |
VmAffinityRuleType | A VM affinity rule to be applied to two or more VMs. | 20.0 |
VmAffinityRuleType/Scope | ||
VmCapabilitiesType | Allows you to specify certain capabilities of this virtual machine. | 5.1 |
VmFailoverParamsType | Parameters for failover of a replication tracking VM. | 38.0 |
VmGeneralParamsType | A set of overrides to source VM properties to apply to target VM during copying. | 5.6 |
VmPendingQuestionType | Represents a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). | 0.9 |
VmQuestionAnswerChoiceType | Represents the answer to a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). | 0.9 |
VmQuestionAnswerType | Represents the answer to a question posted by a virtual machine that is WAITING_FOR_INPUT (status="5"). | 0.9 |
VmSelectionType | Represents details of an vm+nic+iptype selection. | 5.1 |
VmSpecSectionType | Container for the specification of this virtual machine. | 32.0 |
VmsType | Represents a list of virtual machines. | 5.1 |
VmType | Represents a virtual machine. | 0.9 |
VsToVmxMapType | Map from OVF Virtual Systems via the BIOS UUID to the datastore location of the replicated VM's files on the destination site. | 5.5 |
VsToVmxMapType/Entry | 5.5 |