VMware Cloud Director API - AdminVdcRecord

VMware Cloud Director API - AdminVdcRecord


Type for a single adminOrgVdc query result in records format.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<AdminVdcRecord xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
        description="xs:string" computeProviderScope="xs:string" networkProviderScope="xs:string" isEnabled="xs:boolean"
        cpuAllocationMhz="xs:long" cpuLimitMhz="xs:long" cpuUsedMhz="xs:long" memoryAllocationMB="xs:long"
        memoryLimitMB="xs:long" memoryUsedMB="xs:long" storageLimitMB="xs:long" storageUsedMB="xs:long"
        providerVdcName="xs:string" providerVdc="xs:string" providerVdcId="xs:string" orgName="xs:string"
        org="xs:string" allocationModel="xs:int" numberOfVApps="xs:int" numberOfUnmanagedVApps="xs:int"
        numberOfMedia="xs:int" numberOfDisks="xs:int" numberOfVAppTemplates="xs:int" vcName="xs:string"
        isBusy="xs:boolean" status="xs:string" networkPool="xs:string" numberOfResourcePools="xs:int"
        numberOfStorageProfiles="xs:int" usedNetworksInVdc="xs:int" numberOfVMs="xs:int" networkPoolUniversalId="xs:string"
        numberOfRunningVMs="xs:int" numberOfDeployedVApps="xs:int" numberOfDeployedUnmanagedVApps="xs:int" isThinProvisioned="xs:boolean"
        isFastProvisioned="xs:boolean" networkProviderType="xs:string" numberOfKubernetesPolicies="xs:int" isVgpuEnabled="xs:boolean"
    <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
            rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
    <Metadata href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
        <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
        <MetadataEntry href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
            <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                    rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
            <Domain visibility="xs:string"/>
            <Key> xs:string </Key>


Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description Filter Sort
href anyURI No always 1.5 Contains the URI to the resource. Yes Yes
id string No always 1.5 The resource identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the resource, persists for the life of the resource, and is never reused. Yes Yes
type string No always 1.5 Contains the type of the resource. Yes Yes
name string No none 1.5 The name of this VDC. Yes Yes
description string No none 29.0 Yes Yes
computeProviderScope string No none 31.0 Yes Yes
networkProviderScope string No none 31.0 Yes Yes
isEnabled boolean No none 1.5 True if this entity is enabled Yes Yes
cpuAllocationMhz long No none 1.5 CPU allocation in Mhz Yes Yes
cpuLimitMhz long No none 1.5 CPU limit in Mhz Yes Yes
cpuUsedMhz long No none 1.5 CPU used in Mhz Yes Yes
memoryAllocationMB long No none 1.5 Memory allocation in MB Yes Yes
memoryLimitMB long No none 1.5 Memory limit in MB Yes Yes
memoryUsedMB long No none 1.5 Memory used in MB Yes Yes
storageLimitMB long No none 1.5 Storage limit in MB No No
storageUsedMB long No none 1.5 Storage used in MB Yes Yes
providerVdcName string No none 1.5 Provider VDC name Yes Yes
providerVdc string No none 1.5 Provider VDC reference or id Yes Yes
providerVdcId string No none 39.0 Provider VDC id Yes Yes
orgName string No none 1.5 Organization name Yes Yes
org string No none 1.5 Organization reference or id Yes Yes
allocationModel int No none 1.5 allocationModel Yes Yes
numberOfVApps int No none 1.5 Number of vApps Yes Yes
numberOfUnmanagedVApps int No none 31.0 Number of Unmanaged vApps Yes Yes
numberOfMedia int No none 1.5 Number of media Yes Yes
numberOfDisks int No none 5.1 Number of disks Yes Yes
numberOfVAppTemplates int No none 1.5 30.0 Number of vApp templates Yes Yes
vcName string No none 1.5 vcName Yes Yes
isBusy boolean No none 1.5 True if this entity is busy Yes Yes
status string No none 1.5 Status Yes Yes
networkPool string No none 1.5 Network pool reference or id Yes Yes
numberOfResourcePools int No none 1.5 numberOfResourcePools Yes Yes
numberOfStorageProfiles int No none 5.1 Number of storage profiles Yes Yes
usedNetworksInVdc int No none 32.0 Count of the used networks in the VDC Yes Yes
numberOfVMs int No none 30.0 Number of VMs Yes Yes
networkPoolUniversalId string No none 31.0 Associated universal network pool Yes Yes
numberOfRunningVMs int No none 30.0 Number of Running VMs Yes Yes
numberOfDeployedVApps int No none 30.0 Number of Deployed vApps Yes Yes
numberOfDeployedUnmanagedVApps int No none 31.0 Number of Deployed Unmanaged vApps Yes Yes
isThinProvisioned boolean No none 32.0 True if Thin provisioning is enabled Yes Yes
isFastProvisioned boolean No none 32.0 True if Fast Provisioning is Enabled Yes Yes
networkProviderType string No none 33.0 The type of the network pool that backs this org vdc Yes Yes
numberOfKubernetesPolicies int No none 35.0 Number of KubernetesPolicies Yes Yes
isVgpuEnabled boolean No none 36.2 True if this vDC has any vGPU policies published to it Yes Yes
networkingTenancyEnabled boolean No none 38.1 True if this entity uses networking tenancy Yes Yes


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
Link LinkType No none 1.5 Contains a link to an operation associated with a specific relation type.
Metadata MetadataType No 5.1