VMware Cloud Director API - PublishCatalogParams
- Element:
- PublishCatalogParams
- Type:
- PublishCatalogParamsType
- Namespace:
- http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5
- Description:
- Parameters required when sharing a catalog with other organizations. Only one of IsPublished, IsSharedWithManagedOrgs, or IsSharedWithPeersParentManagedOrgs can be set to true.
- Since:
- 0.9
- Schema:
- catalog.xsd
- Media type(s):
- Extends:
- VCloudExtensibleType
- XML Representation:
<PublishCatalogParams xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5">
<IsPublished> xs:boolean </IsPublished>
<IsSharedWithManagedOrgs> xs:boolean </IsSharedWithManagedOrgs>
<IsSharedWithPeersParentManagedOrgs> xs:boolean </IsSharedWithPeersParentManagedOrgs>
Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description IsPublished boolean Yes always 0.9 A value of true makes this catalog available to the administrators in all organizations in the system which are not managed by the organization the catalog belongs to. A value of false revokes that availability. To share this catalog in your own organization, use controlAccess. IsSharedWithManagedOrgs boolean No always 39.0 True if the catalog should be shared with all organizations which are managed by the organization the catalog belongs to. IsSharedWithPeersParentManagedOrgs boolean No always 39.0 True if the catalog is shared with all organizations which are managed by the organization the catalog belongs to and all the other sub-provider organizations and non sub-provider tenant organizations. VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 0.9 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services. -
CRUD Operation Description Since Deprecated as input POST /admin/catalog/{id}/action/publish Publish a catalog. 1.0