VMware Cloud Director API - NetworkConnectionSection
- Element:
- NetworkConnectionSection
- Type:
- NetworkConnectionSectionType
- Namespace:
- http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5
- Description:
- Container for the network connections of this virtual machine.
- Since:
- 0.9
- Schema:
- vApp.xsd
- Media type(s):
- Extends:
- Section_Type
- XML Representation:
<NetworkConnectionSection xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" xmlns:ovf="http://schemas.dmtf.org/ovf/envelope/1" href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
<PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex> xs:int </PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex>
<NetworkConnection network="xs:string" needsCustomization="xs:boolean">
<NetworkConnectionIndex> xs:int </NetworkConnectionIndex>
<IpAddress> IpAddressType </IpAddress>
<IpType> IpTypeType </IpType>
<SecondaryIpAddress> xs:string </SecondaryIpAddress>
<SecondaryIpType> IpTypeType </SecondaryIpType>
<ExternalIpAddress> IpAddressType </ExternalIpAddress>
<IsConnected> xs:boolean </IsConnected>
<MACAddress> xs:string </MACAddress>
<IpAddressAllocationMode> xs:string </IpAddressAllocationMode>
<SecondaryIpAddressAllocationMode> xs:string </SecondaryIpAddressAllocationMode>
<NetworkAdapterType> xs:string </NetworkAdapterType>
<Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description href anyURI No none 0.9 A reference to the section in URL format. type string No none 0.9 The MIME type of the section. -
Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description Link LinkType No none 0.9 A link to an operation on this section. NetworkConnection NetworkConnectionType No always 0.9 Represents a network connection in the virtual machine. PrimaryNetworkConnectionIndex int No always 0.9 Virtual slot number associated with the NIC that should be considered this virtual machine's primary network connection. Defaults to slot 0. -
CRUD Operation Description Since Deprecated read GET /vApp/{id}/networkConnectionSection Retrieve the network connection section of a VM. 0.9 read GET /vAppTemplate/{id}/networkConnectionSection Retrieve the network connection section of a VM. 0.9 update PUT /vApp/{id}/networkConnectionSection Update the network connection section of a VM. 0.9 update PUT /vAppTemplate/{id}/networkConnectionSection Update the network connection section of a VM. 0.9