VMware Cloud Director API - AdminVAppRecord

VMware Cloud Director API - AdminVAppRecord


Type for a single adminVApp query result in records format.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<AdminVAppRecord xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
        org="xs:string" vdc="xs:string" vdcName="xs:string" isVdcEnabled="xs:boolean"
        description="xs:string" isEnabled="xs:boolean" isBusy="xs:boolean" creationDate="xs:dateTime"
        status="xs:string" ownerName="xs:string" storageKB="xs:long" numberOfVMs="xs:int"
        memoryAllocationMB="xs:int" isDeployed="xs:boolean" isInMaintenanceMode="xs:boolean" isAutoNature="xs:boolean"
        isExpired="xs:boolean" numberOfCpus="xs:int" totalStorageAllocatedMb="xs:long" hasOnlyReplicationModeVms="xs:boolean"
        appId="xs:string" appTemplateId="xs:string" version="xs:string" logo="xs:string"
    <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
            rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
    <Metadata href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
        <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
        <MetadataEntry href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string">
            <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                    rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
            <Domain visibility="xs:string"/>
            <Key> xs:string </Key>


Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description Filter Sort
href anyURI No always 1.5 Contains the URI to the resource. Yes Yes
id string No always 1.5 The resource identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the resource, persists for the life of the resource, and is never reused. Yes Yes
type string No always 1.5 Contains the type of the resource. Yes Yes
name string No none 1.5 The name of this vApp. Yes Yes
org string No none 1.5 Organization reference or id Yes Yes
vdc string No none 1.5 VDC reference or id Yes Yes
vdcName string No none 1.5 VDC name Yes Yes
isVdcEnabled boolean No none 1.5 True if the containing VDC is enabled. Yes Yes
description string No none 1.5 The description of this vApp. Yes Yes
isEnabled boolean No none 1.5 True if this entity is enabled Yes Yes
isBusy boolean No none 1.5 True if this entity is busy Yes Yes
creationDate dateTime No none 1.5 Creation date Yes Yes
status string No none 1.5 Status Yes Yes
ownerName string No none 1.5 Owner name Yes Yes
storageKB long No none 1.5 34.0 Storage in KB Yes Yes
numberOfVMs int No none 1.5 Number of VMs Yes Yes
memoryAllocationMB int No none 34.0 Memory allocation in MB Yes Yes
isDeployed boolean No none 1.5 True if the vApp is deployed. Yes Yes
isInMaintenanceMode boolean No none 1.5 True if the vApp is in maintenance mode. Yes Yes
isAutoNature boolean No none 22.0 True if the parent vApp is a managed vApp Yes Yes
isExpired boolean No none 5.1 True if the vApp is expired. Yes Yes
numberOfCpus int No none 34.0 number of vCpus Yes Yes
totalStorageAllocatedMb long No none 34.0 Total storage allocated to VMs, disks, snapshots, and memory within this vApp (in MB) Yes Yes
hasOnlyReplicationModeVms boolean No none 38.0 True if this vApp only contains Replication Tracking VMs in replication mode Yes Yes
appId string No none 38.0 Application ID by which this application is identified uniquely in the content source Yes Yes
appTemplateId string No none 38.0 ID of the app template record the vApp was sourced from Yes Yes
version string No none 38.0 Application version Yes Yes
logo string No none 38.0 URL of the logo for the application run by this vApp Yes Yes
appTemplateName string No none 38.0 Name of the application run by this vApp Yes Yes


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
Link LinkType No none 1.5 Contains a link to an operation associated with a specific relation type.
Metadata MetadataType No 5.1