VMware Cloud Director API - VimServer
- Element:
- VimServer
- Type:
- VimServerType
- Namespace:
- http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5
- Description:
- Represents vCenter server information.
- Since:
- 0.9
- Schema:
- vmwextensions.xsd
- Media type(s):
- Extends:
- ServerType
- XML Representation:
<VimServer xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5" xmlns:vcloud_v1.5="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
<vcloud_v1.5:Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
<Description> xs:string </Description>
<vcloud_v1.5:Task href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
name="xs:string" status="xs:string" operation="xs:string" operationName="xs:string"
serviceNamespace="xs:string" startTime="xs:dateTime" endTime="xs:dateTime" expiryTime="xs:dateTime"
<vcloud_v1.5:Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
<Description> xs:string </Description>
<vcloud_v1.5:Tasks> vcloud_v1.5:TasksInProgressType </vcloud_v1.5:Tasks>
<vcloud_v1.5:Owner href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
<vcloud_v1.5:Error stackTrace="xs:string" message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string"
<vcloud_v1.5:TenantError message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string" vendorSpecificErrorCode="xs:string"/>
<vcloud_v1.5:User href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
<vcloud_v1.5:Organization href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
<Progress> xs:int </Progress>
<Params> ... </Params>
<Details> xs:string </Details>
<vcloud_v1.5:VcTask name="xs:string" moref="xs:string" status="xs:string" description="xs:string"
errorMessage="xs:string" objectName="xs:string" objectType="xs:string" objectMoref="xs:string"
virtualCenterID="xs:string" startTime="xs:dateTime" endTime="xs:dateTime"/>
<ResultContent> ... </ResultContent>
<vcloud_v1.5:ResultReference href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
<Username> xs:string </Username>
<Password> xs:string </Password>
<Url> xs:anyURI </Url>
<IsEnabled> xs:boolean </IsEnabled>
<rootFolder> xs:string </rootFolder>
<vcNoneNetwork> xs:string </vcNoneNetwork>
<ComputeProviderScope> xs:string </ComputeProviderScope>
<IsConnected> xs:boolean </IsConnected>
<ShieldManagerHost> xs:anyURI </ShieldManagerHost>
<ShieldManagerUserName> xs:string </ShieldManagerUserName>
<VsmVersion> xs:string </VsmVersion>
<Uuid> xs:string </Uuid>
<VcProxy> xs:string </VcProxy>
<VcVersion> xs:string </VcVersion>
<UseVsphereService> xs:boolean </UseVsphereService>
<VsphereWebClientServerUrl> xs:string </VsphereWebClientServerUrl>
<tenantScoped> xs:boolean </tenantScoped>
<providerScoped> xs:boolean </providerScoped>
<listenerState> xs:string </listenerState>
<clusterHealthStatus> xs:string </clusterHealthStatus>
<proxyEnabled> xs:boolean </proxyEnabled>
<clustersCount> xs:int </clustersCount>
<totalVmCount> xs:int </totalVmCount>
<poweredOnVmCount> xs:int </poweredOnVmCount>
<totalMemMb> xs:int </totalMemMb>
<reservedMemMb> xs:int </reservedMemMb>
<demandedMemMb> xs:int </demandedMemMb>
<totalCpuMhz> xs:int </totalCpuMhz>
<reservedCpuMhz> xs:int </reservedCpuMhz>
<demandedCpuMhz> xs:int </demandedCpuMhz>
<totalStorageMb> xs:int </totalStorageMb>
<freeStorageMb> xs:int </freeStorageMb>
<uncommittedStorageMb> xs:int </uncommittedStorageMb>
Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description href anyURI No always 0.9 The URI of the entity. type string No always 0.9 The MIME type of the entity. id string No none 0.9 The entity identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the entity, persists for the life of the entity, and is never reused. operationKey string No create 5.1 Optional unique identifier to support idempotent semantics for create and delete operations. name string Yes always 0.9 The name of the entity. -
Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description ComputeProviderScope string No none 31.0 Public label of this vCenter server visible to all tenants. If this is changed, the compute provider scope of all child Provider VDCs will be reset to the new value. Description string No always 0.9 Optional description. IsConnected boolean No none 1.0 True if the vCenter server is connected. IsEnabled boolean Yes always 0.9 True if the vCenter server is enabled for use with vCloud Director. Link LinkType No none 0.9 A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object. Password string No always 0.9 Cleartext password to connect to the server. ShieldManagerHost anyURI No none 1.0 vShield manager IP address or fully qualified domain name. ShieldManagerUserName string No none 1.0 vShield manager user name. Tasks TasksInProgressType No none 0.9 A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity. Url anyURI Yes always 0.9 URL of the server. UseVsphereService boolean No always 5.1 If true, use the vSphere Lookup Service to get the vSphere web client server URL. Otherwise use the value of VsphereWebClienServerUrl. Username string Yes always 0.9 User name to connect to the server. Uuid string No none 1.5 The instance UUID property of the vCenter server. VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 0.9 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services. VcProxy string No none 5.1 37.1 Deprecated. VcVersion string No none 5.1 The version of the VIM server. VsmVersion string No always 34.0 Version of the NSX-V Manager VsphereWebClientServerUrl string No always 5.1 The URL of VSphere web client server. clusterHealthStatus string No none 33.0 The overall health status of clusters in this vCenter. One of {GRAY, RED, YELLOW, GREEN}. clustersCount int No none 33.0 The number of clusters in this vCenter. demandedCpuMhz int No none 33.0 The demanded CPU (in MHz) in this vCenter. demandedMemMb int No none 33.0 The demanded memory (in MB) in this vCenter. freeStorageMb int No none 33.0 The size of free storage (in MB) of all datastores in this vCenter. listenerState string No none 33.0 The vcenter listener state. One of { INITIAL, INVALID_SETTINGS, UNSUPPORTED, DISCONNECTED, CONNECTING, CONNECTED_SYNCING, CONNECTED, STOP_REQ, STOP_AND_PURGE_REQ, STOP_ACK }. poweredOnVmCount int No none 33.0 The number of powered-on VMs in this vCenter. providerScoped boolean No none 32.0 True if the VIM server is scoped to provider. This is a read-only field, and ignored on update/edit. proxyEnabled boolean No always 33.0 When present, indicates that a proxy exists within vCloud Director that proxies this vCenter server for access by authorized end-users. Setting this field to true when registering a vCenter server will result in a proxy being created for the vCenter server, and another for the corresponding SSO endpoint (if different from the vCenter server's endpoint). This field is immutable after the vCenter Server is registered, and will be updated by the system when/if the proxy is removed. reservedCpuMhz int No none 33.0 The reserved CPU (in MHz) in this vCenter. reservedMemMb int No none 33.0 The reserved memory (in MB) in this vCenter. rootFolder string No none 31.0 vCenter root folder in which the vCloud Director system folder will be created. This parameter only takes the folder name and not directory structure. tenantScoped boolean No none 32.0 True if the VIM server is scoped to tenants. Setting this to true when registering a vCenter will result in the vCenter being scoped as a dedicated vCenter (SDDC). After the vCenter is registered, this is a read-only field and ignored on update. totalCpuMhz int No none 33.0 The total CPU (in MHz) in this vCenter. totalMemMb int No none 33.0 The total memory (in MB) in this vCenter. totalStorageMb int No none 33.0 The size (in MB) of all datastores in this vCenter. totalVmCount int No none 33.0 The number of VMs in this vCenter. uncommittedStorageMb int No none 33.0 The size of uncommitted storage (in MB) of all datastores in this vCenter. vcNoneNetwork string No none 32.0 Network in Vcenter to be used as 'NONE' network by vCD. -
CRUD Operation Description Since Deprecated read GET /admin/extension/vimServer/{id} Retrieve the representation of a registered vCenter server. 0.9 36.0 update PUT /admin/extension/vimServer/{id} Update the representation of a registered vCenter server. 0.9 36.0 action