VMware Cloud Director API User Elements
VMware Cloud Director API User Elements
User Elements
User Elements (340)
Element | Description | Since |
AclRuleRecord | A single aclRule query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AclRuleReference | A single aclRule query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AclRuleReferences | A container for aclRule query results in references format. | |
AdminApiDefinitionRecord | A single adminApiDefinition query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AdminApiDefinitionReference | A single adminApiDefinition query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminApiDefinitionReferences | A container for adminApiDefinition query results in references format. | |
AdminCatalogItemRecord | A single adminCatalogItem query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminCatalogRecord | A single adminCatalog query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminDiskRecord | A single adminDisk query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AdminDiskReference | A single adminDisk query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminDiskReferences | A container for adminDisk query results in references format. | |
AdminEventRecord | A single adminEvent query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AdminEventReference | A single adminEvent query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminEventReferences | A container for adminEvent query results in references format. | |
AdminFileDescriptorRecord | A single adminFileDescriptor query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AdminFileDescriptorReference | A single adminFileDescriptor query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminFileDescriptorReferences | A container for adminFileDescriptor query results in references format. | |
AdminGroupRecord | A single adminGroup query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminMediaRecord | A single adminMedia query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminOrgVdcStorageProfileRecord | A single adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AdminOrgVdcStorageProfileReference | A single adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminOrgVdcStorageProfileReferences | A container for adminOrgVdcStorageProfile query results in references format. | |
AdminOrgVdcTemplateRecord | A single adminOrgVdcTemplate query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminOrgVdcTemplateReference | A single adminOrgVdcTemplate query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminOrgVdcTemplateReferences | A container for adminOrgVdcTemplate query results in references format. | |
AdminRoleRecord | A single adminRole query result in records format. | 27.0 |
AdminServiceRecord | A single adminService query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AdminServiceReference | A single adminService query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminServiceReferences | A container for adminService query results in references format. | |
AdminShadowVMRecord | A single adminShadowVM query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminTaskRecord | A single adminTask query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminUserRecord | A single adminUser query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminVAppNetworkRecord | A single adminVAppNetwork query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminVAppRecord | A single adminVApp query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminVAppTemplateRecord | A single adminVAppTemplate query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminVMRecord | A single adminVM query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminVdcRecord | A single adminOrgVdc query result in records format. | 1.5 |
AdminVdcReference | A single adminOrgVdc query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
AdminVdcReferences | A container for adminOrgVdc query results in references format. | |
AdminVmDiskRelationRecord | A single adminVMDiskRelation query result in records format. | 5.1 |
AllEULAsAccepted | True confirms acceptance of all EULAs in a vApp template. | 0.9 |
AllocatedIpAddresses | A list of information for allocated IP addresses. | 5.1 |
ApiDefinition (v1.5) | Representation of an API definition accessible by all authenticated users. | 5.1 |
ApiDefinitionRecord | A single apiDefinition query result in records format. | 5.1 |
ApiDefinitionReference | A single apiDefinition query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
ApiDefinitionReferences | A container for apiDefinition query results in references format. | |
ApiExtensibility | Lists links to API extensibility operations and entities. | 5.1 |
ApiFilterRecord | A single apiFilter query result in records format. | 5.1 |
ApiFilterReference | A single apiFilter query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
ApiFilterReferences | A container for apiFilter query results in references format. | |
AuditEvent | Audit event | 5.6 |
AuthorizedLocation | Represents a vCloud Director server group that this session is authorized to access. | 29.0 |
AuthorizedLocations | Container for AuthorizedLocationType | 29.0 |
BlockingTaskRecord | A single blockingTask query result in records format. | 1.5 |
BlockingTaskReference | A single blockingTask query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
BlockingTaskReferences (v1.5) | A container for blockingTask query results in references format. | |
BootOptions | Allows you to specify boot options for this virtual machine. | 21.0 |
CaptureVAppParams | Parameters for a captureVapp request. | 0.9 |
Catalog | Represents the user view of a Catalog object. | 0.9 |
CatalogItem | Contains a reference to a VappTemplate or Media object and related metadata. | 0.9 |
CatalogItemRecord | A single catalogItem query result in records format. | 1.5 |
CatalogItemReference | A single adminCatalogItem, catalogItem query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
CatalogItemReferences | A container for adminCatalogItem, catalogItem query results in references format. | |
CatalogRecord | A single catalog query result in records format. | 1.5 |
CatalogReference | A single catalog, adminCatalog query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
CatalogReferences | A container for catalog, adminCatalog query results in references format. | |
CellRecord | A single cell query result in records format. | 1.5 |
CertificateUpdateParams | Parameters for certificate update. | 5.1 |
CertificateUploadSocket | Upload socket for certificate. | 5.1 |
CloneMediaParams | Parameters required by a cloneMedia request. | 0.9 |
CloneVAppParams | Parameters for a clonevApp request. | 0.9 |
CloneVAppTemplateParams | Parameters for a cloneVappTemplate request. | 0.9 |
ComplianceResult | Represents the results of a GET /vApp/vm-{id}/complianceResult request. | 5.1 |
ComposeVAppParams | Represents vApp composition parameters. | 0.9 |
ComputePolicy | Compute policy details of the VM. | 33.0 |
ComputePolicyCompliance | Compute policy compliance details of the VM. | 33.0 |
ConditionRecord | A single condition query result in records format. | 5.1 |
ControlAccessParams | Specifies access controls for a resource. | 0.9 |
CopyOrMoveCatalogItemParams | Parameters for a copyCatalogItem or moveCatalogItem request. | 5.5 |
CreateSnapshotParams | Parameters for a createSnapshot request. | 5.1 |
CreateVmParams | Represents VM creation parameters. | 32.0 |
CurrentUsage | A collection of simple metrics representing real time usage statistics | 5.6 |
CurrentUsageSpec | Specifies which current usage metrics to retrieve | 5.6 |
CustomizationSection | Represents a vApp template customization settings. | 1.0 |
DatastoreProviderVdcRelationRecord | A single datastoreProviderVdcRelation query result in records format. | 1.5 |
DatastoreRecord | A single datastore query result in records format. | 1.5 |
DatastoreReference | A single datastore query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
DatastoreReferences (v1.5) | A container for datastore query results in references format. | |
DefaultStorageProfileSection | Name of the storage profile that will be specified for this virtual machine. | 5.1 |
DeployVAppParams | Parameters to a deploy vApp request. | 0.9 |
DhcpService | DHCP service settings | |
Disk | Represents an independent disk. | 5.1 |
DiskAttachOrDetachParams | Parameters for attaching or detaching an independent disk. | 5.1 |
DiskCreateParams | Parameters for creating or updating an independent disk. | 5.1 |
DiskMoveParams | Parameters for moving a named disk to a different Org VDC. | 36.0 |
DiskRecord | A single disk query result in records format. | 5.1 |
DiskReference | A single disk query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
DiskReferences | A container for disk query results in references format. | |
DistributedCatalogParams | Configuration parameters for a Distributed Catalog. | 39.0 |
DvSwitchRecord | A single dvSwitch query result in records format. | 1.5 |
EdgeGateway | Represents a gateway. | 5.1 |
EdgeGatewayFormFactor | Allows a user to change the size of the gateway | 11.0 |
EdgeGatewayRecord | A single edgeGateway query result in records format. | 5.1 |
EdgeGatewayReference | A single edgeGateway query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
EdgeGatewayReferences | A container for edgeGateway query results in references format. | |
EdgeGatewayServiceConfiguration | Represents edge gateway services. | 5.1 |
Entity | Basic entity type in the vCloud object model. | 0.9 |
Error | The standard error message type used in the vCloud REST API. | 0.9 |
Event | Parameters for creating an event. | 5.1 |
EventRecord | A single event query result in records format. | 1.5 |
ExternalLocalizationRecord | A single externalLocalization query result in records format. | 5.1 |
File | Represents a file to be transferred (uploaded or downloaded). | 0.9 |
FileDescriptor (v1.5) | Represents a file required by an extension API definition. | 5.1 |
FileDescriptorRecord | A single fileDescriptor query result in records format. | 5.1 |
FirewallService | Firewall service settings | |
GatewayDhcpService | Gateway DHCP service settings | 5.1 |
GatewayIpsecVpnService | Gateway Ipsec VPN service settings | 5.1 |
GatewayUplinksRecord | A single gatewayUplinks query result in records format. | 32.0 |
GatewayUplinksReference | A single gatewayUplinks query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
GatewayUplinksReferences | A container for gatewayUplinks query results in references format. | |
GroupRecord | A single group query result in records format. | 1.5 |
GroupReference | A single group, adminGroup query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
GroupReferences | A container for group, adminGroup query results in references format. | |
GuestCustomizationSection | Represents a guest customization settings. | 1.0 |
HistoricUsage | A collection of time-based metrics representing historic usage statistics | 5.6 |
HistoricUsageSpec | Specifies which historic usage metrics to retrieve | 5.6 |
HostRecord | A single host query result in records format. | 1.5 |
HostReference | A single host query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
HostReferences | A container for host query results in references format. | |
IdpGroups | Container for Idp Groups | 30.0 |
IdpRecommendedRoles | Container for Idp Recommended Roles | 30.0 |
InstantiateOvfParams | Represents vApp instantiation from OVF parameters | |
InstantiateOvfProperty | Represents an OVF property value assignment. | 5.5 |
InstantiateVAppTemplateParams | Represents vApp template instantiation parameters. | 0.9 |
InstantiateVmParams | Instantiation parameters for a VM in a vApp. | 5.5 |
InstantiateVmTemplateParams | Represents VM template instantiation parameters. | 32.0 |
IpsecVpnLocalPeer | Gives more details of local peer end point. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnPeer | This is the root type for all Ipsec-VPN peers. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnRemotePeer | Gives more details of remote peer end point. | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnService | Ipsec Vpn service settings | 1.5 |
IpsecVpnThirdPartyPeer | Gives more details of third party peer end point. | 1.5 |
Item | ||
KeystoreUpdateParams | Parameters for keystore update. | 5.1 |
KeystoreUploadSocket | Upload socket for keystore. | 5.1 |
LeaseSettingsSection | Represents vApp lease settings. | 0.9 |
Link | Extends reference type by adding relation attribute. | 0.9 |
LoadBalancerService | Load Balancer service settings | 5.1 |
Media | Represents a Media object. | 0.9 |
MediaInsertOrEjectParams | Parameters for an insertMedia or ejectMedia request. | 0.9 |
MediaRecord | A single media query result in records format. | 1.5 |
MediaReference | A single media, adminMedia query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
MediaReferences | A container for media, adminMedia query results in references format. | |
Metadata | User-defined metadata associated with with an object. | 1.5 |
MetadataValue | ||
MksTicket | A ticket and connection information for accessing the console of a VM. | 5.5 |
MoveVAppParams | Parameters for a MoveVApp request. | 34.0 |
MultisiteSessionUserInfo | Container for MultisiteSessionUserInfoType | 30.0 |
NatService | NAT service settings | |
NetworkAssignment | Maps a network name specified in a Vm to the network name of a vApp network defined in the VApp that contains the Vm | 0.9 |
NetworkConfigSection | Container for vApp networks. | 0.9 |
NetworkConnection | Represents a network connection in the virtual machine. | 0.9 |
NetworkConnectionSection | Container for the network connections of this virtual machine. | 0.9 |
NetworkMapping | Represents a mapping from an OVF source network to a vCloud target network. | 5.5 |
NetworkPoolRecord | A single networkPool query result in records format. | 1.5 |
NetworkPoolReference | A single networkPool query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
NetworkPoolReferences | A container for networkPool query results in references format. | |
NetworkRecord | A single externalNetwork query result in records format. | 1.5 |
NetworkReference | A single externalNetwork query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
NetworkReferences | A container for externalNetwork query results in references format. | |
NetworkService | This is the root of the substitution group for network services. | |
NetworkServiceInsertion | Information about a network service that has been inserted | 5.1 |
NsxTManagerRecord | A single nsxTManager query result in records format. | 31.0 |
NsxTManagerReference | A single nsxTManager query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
NsxTManagerReferences | A container for nsxTManager query results in references format. | |
Org | Represents the user view of a vCloud Director organization. | 0.9 |
OrgAssociationMember | A reference to another organization | 29.0 |
OrgAssociationRecord | A single orgAssociation query result in records format. | 36.0 |
OrgAssociationReference | A single orgAssociation query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
OrgAssociationReferences | A container for orgAssociation query results in references format. | |
OrgAssociations | Container for OrgAssociationType | 29.0 |
OrgList | Represents a list of organizations. | 0.9 |
OrgNetworkRecord | A single orgNetwork query result in records format. | 1.5 |
OrgNetworkReference | A single orgNetwork, adminOrgNetwork query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
OrgNetworkReferences | A container for orgNetwork, adminOrgNetwork query results in references format. | |
OrgRecord | A single organization query result in records format. | 1.5 |
OrgReference | A single organization query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
OrgReferences | A container for organization query results in references format. | |
OrgVdcNetwork | Represents an Org vDC network in the vCloud model. | 5.1 |
OrgVdcNetworkRecord | A single orgVdcNetwork query result in records format. | 5.1 |
OrgVdcNetworkReference | A single orgVdcNetwork query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
OrgVdcNetworkReferences | A container for orgVdcNetwork query results in references format. | |
OrgVdcRecord | A single orgVdc query result in records format. | 1.5 |
OrgVdcReference | A single orgVdc query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
OrgVdcReferences | A container for orgVdc query results in references format. | |
OrgVdcResourcePoolRelationRecord | A single orgVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. | 1.5 |
OrgVdcRollup | Contains rolled-up summary information for all vDCs in this organization. | 30.0 |
OrgVdcStorageProfileRecord | A single orgVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. | 5.1 |
OrgVdcStorageProfileReference | A single orgVdcStorageProfile query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
OrgVdcStorageProfileReferences | A container for orgVdcStorageProfile query results in references format. | |
OrgVdcTemplateRecord | A single orgVdcTemplate query result in records format. | 1.5 |
OrgVdcTemplateReference | A single orgVdcTemplate query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
OrgVdcTemplateReferences | A container for orgVdcTemplate query results in references format. | |
Owner | Represents the owner of this entity. | 1.5 |
PortgroupRecord | A single portgroup query result in records format. | 1.5 |
ProductSectionList | Container for all ProductSection elements in a VAppTemplate, VApp, or Vm object. | |
ProviderVdcResourcePoolRelationRecord | A single providerVdcResourcePoolRelation query result in records format. | 1.5 |
ProviderVdcStorageProfileRecord | A single providerVdcStorageProfile query result in records format. | 5.1 |
ProviderVdcStorageProfileReference | A single providerVdcStorageProfile query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
ProviderVdcStorageProfileReferences | A container for providerVdcStorageProfile query results in references format. | |
PublishCatalogParams | Parameters required when sharing a catalog with other organizations. | 0.9 |
QueryList | Container for the list of typed queries available to the requesting user. | |
QueryResultRecords | Container for query results in records format. | 1.5 |
RasdItemsList | Represents a list of RASD items specifying a group of related DMTF Resource Allocation Setting Data properties of this virtual machine. | 0.9 |
RecomposeVAppParams | Parameters for a recompose vApp request. | 1.0 |
Record | Base element for a single record from query result in records format. | |
Reference | A reference to a resource. | 0.9 |
References | Container for query results returned in references format. | |
RegisterVAppParams | Represents vApp registration parameters. | 5.5 |
ReplicationTrackingDiskSection | The section of the VM representation that has to do with the VM's disks. | 38.0 |
ReplicationTrackingSettings | Replication tracking properties of the VM. | 38.0 |
ResourceClassActionRecord | A single resourceClassAction query result in records format. | 5.1 |
ResourceClassActionReference | A single resourceClassAction query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
ResourceClassActionReferences | A container for resourceClassAction query results in references format. | |
ResourceClassRecord | A single resourceClass query result in records format. | 5.1 |
ResourceClassReference | A single resourceClass query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
ResourceClassReferences | A container for resourceClass query results in references format. | |
ResourceEntity | Base type that represents a resource entity such as a vApp template or virtual media. | 0.9 |
ResourcePoolRecord | A single resourcePool query result in records format. | 1.5 |
ResourcePoolReference | A single resourcePool query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
ResourcePoolReferences | A container for resourcePool query results in references format. | |
ResourcePoolVMRecord | A single resourcePoolVmList query result in records format. | 5.1 |
RightRecord | A single right query result in records format. | 1.5 |
RightReference | A single right query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
RightReferences | A container for right query results in references format. | |
RoleRecord | A single role query result in records format. | 1.5 |
RoleReference | A single role, adminRole query result in reference format. | 0.9 |
RoleReferences | A container for role, adminRole query results in references format. | |
RuntimeInfoSection | VMware Tools and other runtime information for this virtual machine. | 1.5 |
SchemaResources | Provides links to various API schema documents | 33.0 |
ScreenTicket | The ticket for accessing the console of a VM. | 0.9 |
SelectorExtension | Represents the association between a registered extension and a selector. | 16.0 |
SelectorExtensions | Represents the collection of selector extensions. | 16.0 |
Service (v1.5) |