VMware Cloud Director API Extension Operations
VMware Cloud Director API Extension Operations
Extension Operations
Extension Operations (203)
Operation | Description | Since |
GET /admin/extension | Retrieve a list of extension objects and operations. | 1.0 |
POST /admin/extension/action/migrateTenant | Initiate relocation of all entities for a given org (tenant). | 29.0 |
POST /admin/extension/action/registervimserver | Register a vCenter server and vShield manager. | 1.0 |
GET /admin/extension/blockingTask/{id} | Retrieve the representation of a blocking task. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/blockingTask/{id}/action/abort | Abort a blocking task. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/blockingTask/{id}/action/fail | Fail a blocking task. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/blockingTask/{id}/action/resume | Resume a blocking task. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/blockingTask/{id}/action/updateProgress | Extend the expiration timeout of an active task. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/blockingTasks | Retrieve a list of active or recently completed blocking task requests. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/datastore/{id} | Retrieve a datastore. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/datastore/{id} | Update datastore properties, including name, description, and low disk space thresholds. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/datastore/{id}/action/disable | Disable a datastore. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/datastore/{id}/action/enable | Enable a datastore. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/datastores | Retrieve a list of references to datastores in the system. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/datastores/query | Get a list of all datastores by using REST API General QueryHandler. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/externalNetworkReferences | Retrieve a list of references to external networks in the system. | 1.0 |
GET /admin/extension/externalNetworkReferences/query | Get list of external networks by using REST API general QueryHandler. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/externalnet/{id} | Retrieve a system administrator view of an external network. | 1.0 |
PUT /admin/extension/externalnet/{id} | Update an external network. | 1.0 |
DELETE /admin/extension/externalnet/{id} | Delete an external network. | 1.0 |
POST /admin/extension/externalnets | Create an external network. | 1.0 |
GET /admin/extension/host/{id} | Retrieve a host. | 1.0 |
GET /admin/extension/hostGroup/{groupId} | Retrieves the host group by Id | 27.0 |
GET /admin/extension/hostReferences | Retrieve a list of references to ESX/ESXi hosts attached to the system. | 1.0 |
GET /admin/extension/hostReferences/query | Get list of hosts by using REST API general QueryHAndler; This is read only list of host references and is not bound to specific states. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/namedVmGroupReferences | Gets all references to named VM groups. | |
GET /admin/extension/networkPool/{id} | Retrieve a network pool. | 0.9 |
PUT /admin/extension/networkPool/{id} | Update a network pool. | 0.9 |
DELETE /admin/extension/networkPool/{id} | Delete a network pool. | 0.9 |
POST /admin/extension/networkPool/{id}/action/repair | Repair a network pool. | 32.0 |
POST /admin/extension/networkPool/{id}/action/sync | Sync a network pool. | 32.0 |
GET /admin/extension/networkPool/{id}/vendorServices | Retrieve services associated with this network pool | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/networkPoolReferences | Retrieve a list of references to network pools in the system. | 1.0 |
GET /admin/extension/networkPoolReferences/query | Get list of network pools by using REST API general QueryHandler. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/networkPools | Create a network pool. | 0.9 |
GET /admin/extension/nsxtManagers | Retrieve an existing NSX-T Manager. | 31.0 |
POST /admin/extension/nsxtManagers | Register an NSX-T Manager. | 31.0 |
GET /admin/extension/nsxtManagers/{id} | Retrieve the representation of a registered NSX-T manager. | 31.0 |
PUT /admin/extension/nsxtManagers/{id} | Update an existing NSX-T Manager. | 31.0 |
DELETE /admin/extension/nsxtManagers/{id} | Delete an existing NSX-T Manager. | 31.0 |
GET /admin/extension/object | Displays the list of currently registered object extensions | 16.0 |
POST /admin/extension/object | Registers a new object extension | 16.0 |
GET /admin/extension/object/{id} | Retrieves a registered object extension. | 16.0 |
PUT /admin/extension/object/{id} | Updates a registered object extension. | 16.0 |
DELETE /admin/extension/object/{id} | Deletes a registered object extension with specified ID. | 16.0 |
GET /admin/extension/object/{id}/selectorExtensions | Displays a list of all selector extensions of a registered object extension. | 16.0 |
GET /admin/extension/orgNetworks/query | Get list of Organization Networks for the system by using REST API general QueryHandler. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/orgVdcs/query | Get list of all Organization Vdcs in the system by using REST API general QueryHandler. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/providerVdcReferences | Retrieve a list of references to provider vDCs in the system. | 1.0 |
GET /admin/extension/providerVdcReferences/query | Get list of provider vDCs by using REST API general QueryHandler. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/providervdc/{id} | Retrieve a system administrator view of a provider vDC. | 0.9 |
PUT /admin/extension/providervdc/{id} | Update a provider vDC. | 0.9 |
DELETE /admin/extension/providervdc/{id} | Delete a provider vDC. | 0.9 |
POST /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/action/disable | Disable a provider vDC. | 0.9 |
POST /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/action/enable | Enable a provider vDC. | 0.9 |
POST /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/action/merge | Merge provider vDCs. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/action/updateResourcePools | Add or remove provider vDC resource pools. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/availableStorageProfiles | Retrieve a list of storage classes that can be added to the specified provider vDC. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/discoverResourcePools | Get direct children resource pools of Provider VDC that are valid candidates for creating a new VDC | 22.0 |
GET /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/discoverResourcePools/{parent_rp_moref} | Get direct children resource pools of {parent_rp_moref} nested under the Provider VDC which are valid candidates for creating a new VDC. | 22.0 |
GET /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/resourcePools | Retrieve a provider vDC resource pool set. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/providervdc/{id}/storageProfiles | Update storage classes of a provider vDC. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/providervdcsparams | Create a provider vDC. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/pvdcStorageProfile/{id} | Retrieve provider vDC storage profile details. | |
PUT /admin/extension/pvdcStorageProfile/{id} | Update a provider vDC storage profile You can update a storage profile to enable or disable it. |
POST /admin/extension/resourcePool/{id}/action/disable | Disable a provider vDC resource pool. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/resourcePool/{id}/action/enable | Enable a provider VDC resource pool | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/resourcePool/{id}/action/migrateVms | Migrate one or more virtual machines to a different resource pool. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/resourcePool/{id}/vmList | List all VMs using this resource pool. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/resourcePool/{rpId} | Gets {@link JAXBElement |
GET /admin/extension/resourcePool/{rpId}/hostGroups | List all HostGroups within this resource pool. | 27.0 |
GET /admin/extension/resourcePool/{rpId}/rules | List all VmHostAffinityRules within this resource pool. | 27.0 |
POST /admin/extension/resourcePool/{rpId}/rules | Create VM Affinity Rules within this resource pool. | |
GET /admin/extension/resourcePool/{rpId}/vmGroup/name/{groupName} | Gets {@link JAXBElement |
GET /admin/extension/resourcePool/{rpId}/vmGroups | List all VmGroups within this resource pool. | 27.0 |
POST /admin/extension/resourcePool/{rpId}/vmGroups | Create VM group within this resource pool. | |
GET /admin/extension/rule/{ruleId} | Retrieves the specified VM Host affinity rule | |
DELETE /admin/extension/rule/{ruleId} | Deletes the specified VM Host affinity rule. | |
POST /admin/extension/rule/{ruleId}/action/disable | Disables the specified VM Host affinity rule. | |
POST /admin/extension/rule/{ruleId}/action/enable | Enables the specified VM Host affinity rule. | |
POST /admin/extension/rule/{ruleId}/action/makeMandatory | Make specified VM Host affinity rule mandatory. | |
POST /admin/extension/rule/{ruleId}/action/makeOptional | Make the specified VM Host affinity optional. | |
GET /admin/extension/service | Retrieves a list of extension service operations. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service | Creates service. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/aclrule/{id} | Retrieve (GET) ACL rule | |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/aclrule/{id} | Delete (DELETE) ACL rule | |
POST /admin/extension/service/action/clearunusedlocalizationbundles | Cleanup for unused external localization resources. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service/action/clearunusedrights | Clears all the rights that are not associated with a role or acl rule and which extension service is already deleted. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/apidefinition/{id} | Retrieve API definition. | 5.1 |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/apidefinition/{id} | Deletes API definition. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/apidefinition/{id}/files | Returns all file descriptors for the API definition. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service/apidefinition/{id}/files | Creates file descriptor. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/apifilter/{id} | Retrieves API filter. | |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/apifilter/{id} | Deletes API filter. | |
POST /admin/extension/service/authorizationcheck | Checks user authorization for all services with enabled authorization, URL and request verb. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/file/{id} | Retrieve a file descriptor | 5.1 |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/file/{id} | Deletes file descriptor. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/link/{id} | Retrieves service link. | |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/link/{id} | Deletes service link. | |
POST /admin/extension/service/localizationbundles | Initiates localization bundle upload. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/query | Return the System Administrator representation of all extension services registered with the system. | |
GET /admin/extension/service/resourceclass/{id} | Retrieve (GET) resource class info | |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/resourceclass/{id} | Deletes (DELETE) resource class | |
GET /admin/extension/service/resourceclass/{id}/resourceclassactions | List registered resource class actions for extension service. | |
POST /admin/extension/service/resourceclass/{id}/resourceclassactions | Registers resource class action for extension service. | |
GET /admin/extension/service/resourceclass/{id}/serviceresources | List registered service resources for extension service. | |
POST /admin/extension/service/resourceclass/{id}/serviceresources | Registers service resource for extension service. | |
GET /admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/{id} | Retrieve (GET) resource class action info | |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/{id} | Deletes (DELETE) resource class action | |
GET /admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/{id}/aclrules | List registered resource class ACL rule for extension service. | |
POST /admin/extension/service/resourceclassaction/{id}/aclrules | Registers resource class ACL rule for extension service. | |
GET /admin/extension/service/serviceresource/{id} | Retrieve (GET) service resource | |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/serviceresource/{id} | Delete (DELETE) service resource | |
GET /admin/extension/service/{id} | Gives information about a concrete extension service. | 5.1 |
PUT /admin/extension/service/{id} | Updates already registered service. | 5.1 |
DELETE /admin/extension/service/{id} | Deletes registered service. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/{id}/apidefinitions | Returns the API definitions registered by this service. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service/{id}/apidefinitions | Creates API definition. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/{id}/apifilters | Returns the API filters registered by this service. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service/{id}/apifilters | Creates API filter. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service/{id}/authorizationcheck | Checks user authorization for service, URL and request verb. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/service/{id}/links | Returns the links registered by this service. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service/{id}/links | Create service link. | |
GET /admin/extension/service/{id}/resourceclasses | List registered resource classes for extension service. | |
POST /admin/extension/service/{id}/resourceclasses | Registers resource class for extension service. | |
GET /admin/extension/service/{id}/rights | Gives the rights registered by this extension service. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/service/{id}/rights | Registers right to the rights managed by this extension service. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/settings | Retrieve system settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings | Update system settings. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/amqp | Retrieve system AMQP settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/amqp | Update system AMQP settings. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/settings/amqp/action/test | Validate provisional AMQP settings. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/settings/amqp/action/updateAmqpCertificate | Updates AMQP certificate. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/settings/amqp/action/updateAmqpTruststore | Updates AMQP trust store. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/blockingTask | Retrieve system blocking task settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/blockingTask | Update system blocking task settings. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/blockingTask/operations | Retrieve a list of operations that are configured as blocking tasks. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/blockingTask/operations | Update the list of operations that are configured as blocking tasks. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/branding | Retrieve system branding settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/branding | Update system branding settings. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/catalog | Retrieve vCloud Director catalog setting details. | 5.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/catalog | Update catalog settings details. | 5.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/cpom | Retrieve the system-level settings for CPoM. | |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/cpom | Update CPoM settings. | |
GET /admin/extension/settings/email | Retrieve system email settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/email | Update system email settings. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/general | Retrieve other system settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/general | Update other system settings. | 1.5 |
POST /admin/extension/settings/general/action/resetVcTrustsore | Resets vCenter trust store. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/settings/general/action/updateVcTrustsore | Updates vCenter trust store. | 5.1 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/ldapSettings | Retrieve system LDAP settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/ldapSettings | Update system LDAP settings. | 1.5 |
DELETE /admin/extension/settings/ldapSettings | Delete system LDAP settings | |
GET /admin/extension/settings/license | Retrieve vCloud Director software license details. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/license | Update vCloud Director software license details. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/notifications | Retrieve system AMQP notifications settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/notifications | Update system AMQP notifications settings. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/settings/operationLimitsSettings | Retrieves the system wide defaults for tenant throttling | |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/operationLimitsSettings | Update catalog settings details. | |
GET /admin/extension/settings/passwordPolicy | Retrieve system password policy settings. | 1.5 |
PUT /admin/extension/settings/passwordPolicy | Update system password policy settings. | 1.5 |
GET /admin/extension/strandedItem/{id} | Gets the representation of a strandedItem. | 5.1 |
DELETE /admin/extension/strandedItem/{id} | Removes stranded item. | 5.1 |
POST /admin/extension/strandedItem/{id}/action/forceDelete | Removes stranded item and its children | 5.1 |