VMware Cloud Director API Extension Types

VMware Cloud Director API Extension Types

VMware Cloud Director API Extension Types

Extension Types

Extension Types (145)

Type Description Since
AclAccessType Represents an access type in an extension service ACL rule. 5.1
AclRulesType A list of extension service resource class action ACL rules. 5.1
AclRuleType Represents an extension service ACL rule. 5.1
AdminApiDefinitionsType Represents a list of extension service API definitions. 5.1
AdminApiDefinitionType Represents an extension service API definition. 5.1
AdminFileDescriptorsType A list of extension service API definition file descriptors. 5.1
AdminFileDescriptorType Represents an extension service API definition file. 5.1
AdminServiceLinksType A list of service links for extension services. 5.1
AdminServiceLinkType Represents a service link defined by an extension service. 5.1
AdminServiceType Represents an extension service. 5.1
AmqpSettingsTestType Represents the result from AMQP settings test. 1.5
AmqpSettingsType Represents the settings for the AMQP broker. 1.5
ApiFiltersType Container for extension service API filters. 5.1
ApiFilterType Represents an extension service API filter as a UrlPattern or a ResponseContentType. 5.1
AuthorizationCheckParamsType Parameters for an authorization check request. 5.1
AuthorizationCheckResponseType Response to an authorization check request. 5.1
BlockingTaskOperationParamsType Parameters to POST with a blocking task action. 1.5
BlockingTaskSettingsType Represents the settings related to blocking tasks. 1.5
BlockingTaskType Describes a blocking task request. 1.5
BlockingTaskUpdateProgressParamsType Parameters to update a blocking task with a new timeout. 1.5
BrandingSettingsType Information used to customize the vCloud Director Web console. 1.5
BundleUploadParamsType Parameters for initializing an upload session for an extension service localization bundle. 5.1
BundleUploadSocketType Upload information for an extension service localization bundle. 5.1
CatalogSettingsType Catalog settings for this cloud 5.5
CpomSettingsType Specifies default CPoM settings for all organizations in the system. 32.0
DatastoresType Represents a list of datastores. 29.0
DatastoreType Represents datastore object. 1.5
DiskDatastoreType A pair of VM disk's instance ID and the datastore where the disk is located. 5.6
EmailSettingsType Represents system email settings. 1.5
EntityReferencesType Container for references to entities. 5.1
EntityRightsType Container for an entity and its list of rights. 5.1
ExtensionServicesType List of references to registered extension services. 5.1
GeneralSettingsType General system settings. 1.5
GenevePoolType Represents a network pool using Geneve technology. 32.0
HostObjectRefsType List of HostObjectRefType elements. 5.1
HostObjectRefType A reference to a host in vCenter inventory. 5.1
HostType Read only representation of one host in a vSphere server. 1.0
ImportedDiskType Represents a virtual disk of the VM. 5.6
ImportMediaParamsType Represents parameters to import media from vSphere. 1.5
ImportVmAsVAppParamsType Parameters to import a virtual machine as a vApp. 1.0
ImportVmAsVAppTemplateParamsType Parameters to import a virtual machine as a vApp template. 1.0
ImportVmIntoExistingVAppParamsType Parameters to import a virtual machine into an existing VApp. 1.5
ImportVmParamsType Parameters to import a virtual machine. 30.0
LdapGroupAttributesType Defines how a group is imported from LDAP. 1.5
LdapSettingsType Defines the hostname and connection details for system LDAP service. 1.5
LdapUserAttributesType Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a user. 1.5
LicenseMetricsInfoType Report of License usage metrics. 1.5
LicenseType This is used by the API to update and retrieve site license specific information. 1.5
MigrateParamsType Parameters that control virtual machine migration. 5.1
NotificationsSettingsType Represents the settings related to Notifications. 1.5
NsxTManagersType Represents parameters to register an NSX-T Manager. 31.0
NsxTManagerType Represents credentials to a NSX-T Manager. 31.0
NumericRangeType Range of integers. 0.9
ObjectExtensionsType The collection of registered object extensions. 16.0
ObjectExtensionType Represents a registered object extension. 16.0
OperationLimitsSettingsType Specifies default operation limits settings for all organizations in the system. 20.0
OrganizationResourcePoolSetType Represents a set of resource pools that back an organization vDC. 1.5
PortGroupPoolType Represents a network pool backed by one or more vSphere port groups. 1.0
PrepareHostParamsType This element is deprecated and no longer required or used. 0.9
ProviderVdcMergeParamsType A list of Provider vDCs to merge with the target Provider vDC. 5.1
RegisterVimServerParamsType Represents parameters to register a vCenter server. 0.9
ResourceClassActionsType A list of extension service resource class actions. 5.1
ResourceClassActionType Defines the HTTP methods allowed on a URL pattern associated with an extension service resource class. 5.1
ResourceClassesType A list of resource classes defined by an extension service. 5.1
ResourceClassType Represents a resource class defined by an external service. 5.1
ResourcePoolListType Represents a list of available resource pools that have not been assigned to any vDCs (provider or org). 1.0
ResourcePoolType vSphere resource pool information. 0.9
RightRefsType Container for ReferenceType elements that reference the predefined RightType objects. 5.1
RightsType Collection of rights. 5.1
ServerType Information needed to connect to a vSphere or a vShield manager server. 0.9
ServiceResourcesType A list of extension service resources. 5.1
ServiceResourceType Represents an instance of resource class defined by an extension service. 5.1
ShieldManagerType Represents credentials to a vShield Manager server. 0.9
SmtpSettingsType The SMTP server for email notifications and alerts. 1.5
StrandedItemType Represents the stranded item. 5.1
StrandedItemVimObjectsType Represents a collection of StrandedItemVimObject. 5.1
StrandedItemVimObjectType Represents a stranded item for VIM object. 5.1
SystemPasswordPolicySettingsType Represents the settings related to Password Policy. 1.5
SystemSettingsType Represents system-level settings. 1.5
TenantMigrationParamsType Represents parameters for moving tenant entities. 29.0
UpdateProviderVdcStorageProfilesParamsType Parameters for request to add or remove Provider vDC storage profiles. 5.1
UpdateResourcePoolSetParamsType Parameters for updating resource pools backing a Provider vDC. 1.5
UpdateRightsParamsType Parameters for updating right collection. 5.1
UserEntityRightsType Container for EntityRights elements. 5.1
VcTrustStoreUpdateParamsType Parameters for updating the vCenter truststore. 5.1
VcTrustStoreUploadSocketType Upload socket for vCenter trust store. 5.1
VdcTemplateNetworkBackingType Network backing type of Vdc Template. 35.0
VdcTemplateNetworkProfileType Network Profile configuration that is applied to VDC instantiated from a template. 35.2
VdsContextType Represents the collection of VDS Contexts. 5.1
VersionsType (extension/v1.5) Represents a list of extension service API versions. 5.1
VimObjectRefsType List of VimObjectRef elements. 0.9
VimObjectRefType (extension/v1.5) Represents the moref and the type of a vSphere object. 0.9
VimServerType Represents vCenter server information. 0.9
VlanPoolType Represents a network pool backed by one or more vSphere VLANs. 1.0
VmObjectRefsListType A list of references to virtual machines in vCenter inventory. 1.0
VmObjectRefType A reference to a virtual machine in vCenter inventory. 1.0
VmVimInfoType Represents a vSphere VM information. 1.5
VMWAllocationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the AllocationPool allocation model. 5.7
VMWAllocationVappVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the AllocationVApp allocation model. 5.7
VMWDiscoveredResourcePoolsType A list of vCenter Resource Pools that are valid for adoption by VDCs. 22.0
VMWDiscoveredResourcePoolType Represents a Resource Pool that is a candidate for adoption by a VDC. 22.0
VMWExtensionType List links to extension operations and entities. 1.0
VMWExternalNetworkReferencesType Represents a list of available external networks. 1.0
VMWExternalNetworkType External network type. 1.0
VMWFlexVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the Flex allocation model. 35.0
VMWHostGroupsType List of host groups in this resource pool. 27.0
VMWHostGroupType HostGroup identifies a list of references to hosts in this resource pool to which VM-Host affinity rules can apply. 27.0
VMWHostReferencesType Represents a list of available hosts. 1.0
VMWNamedVmGroupType Container for references to VM Groups in the system that have identical names. 27.0
VMWNetworkPoolReferencesType Represents a list of available network pools. 1.0
VMWNetworkPoolType Base extension network pool type. 1.0
VMWProviderVdcParamsType Parameters to create or update a Provider vDC. 5.1
VMWProviderVdcReferencesType Represents a list of available provider vDCs. 1.0
VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolSetType Represents backing resource pool set 1.5
VMWProviderVdcResourcePoolType Represents backing resource pool for provider vDC. 31.0
VMWProviderVdcStorageProfileType Extension representation of provider vDC storage profile type. 5.1
VMWProviderVdcType Extension representation of provider vDC type. 1.0
VMWReservationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the ReservationPool allocation model. 5.7
VMWStorageProfilesType Represents a group of vCenter storage profiles. 5.1
VMWStorageProfileType Represents a vCenter storage profile. 5.1
VMWVdcTemplateBindingType A Binding pairs a Name element that contains a user-specified identifier in URN format with a Value element that contains a reference to an object. 5.10
VMWVdcTemplateListType Represents a list of VDC templates. 5.7
VMWVdcTemplateProviderVdcSpecificationType A reference to a Provider VDC. 5.7
VMWVdcTemplateSpecificationType 5.7
VMWVdcTemplatesType Container for VMWVdcTemplateType 5.7
VMWVdcTemplateType A reference to a VDC template. 5.7
VMWVimServerReferencesType List of references to vCenter servers registered to vCloud Director. 1.0
VMWVmGroupReferencesType References to VM Groups that have identical names. 27.0
VMWVmGroupsType List of VM groups in this resource pool. 27.0
VMWVmGroupType VmGroup identifies a group of VMs in this resource pool to which VM-Host affinity rules can be applied. 27.0
VMWVmHostAffinityRulesType VmHostAffinityRules in this resource pool. 27.0
VMWVmHostAffinityRuleType A VM-Host affinity rule controls the placement of VMs on hosts. 27.0
VSphereWebClientUrlType Represents the vSphere Web Client URL of a VIM object. 5.1
VxlanPoolType Represents a network pool using VXLAN technology. 5.1