VMware Cloud Director API Admin Types

VMware Cloud Director API Admin Types

VMware Cloud Director API Admin Types

Admin Types

Admin Types (70)

Type Description Since
AdminCatalogType Represents the admin view of a catalog. 1.5
AdminOrgType Represents the admin view of an organization. 0.9
AdminVdcStorageProfileType Represents a storage profile in an organization vDC. 5.1
AdminVdcType Represents the admin view of an organization vDC. 0.9
AllocationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the AllocationPool allocation model. 5.7
AllocationVappVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the AllocationVApp allocation model. 5.7
CatalogsListType Container for references to catalogs. 0.9
CatalogStorageProfilesType Container for VdcStorageProfile elements that reference storage profiles used by a catalog. 5.5
CreateVdcParamsType Parameters for creating an organization vDC. 5.1
CustomOrgLdapSettingsType Represents connection details for an organization's LDAP service. 0.9
ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParamsType Configuration parameters for a catalog that has an external subscription. 5.5
ExternalNetworkType Represents the admin view of an external network. 1.0
FlexVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the Flex allocation model. 35.0
GroupsListType Container for references to groups. 0.9
GroupType Represents a group in this organization. 0.9
InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType A basic type used to pass arguments to the instantiate VDC template operation, this provides a name and optional description for a VDC instantiated from a template. 5.7
NetworkPoolReferencesType Container for references to network pools in this vDC. 0.9
NetworkPoolType Represents a network pool. 0.9
NetworksType Container for references to ExternalNetwork objects. 0.9
OAuthKeyConfigurationsListType Contains a list of OAuth Key configurations. 9.0
OAuthKeyConfigurationType OAuth Key Configuration 9.0
OIDCAttributeMappingType Contains custom claim keys for the /userinfo endpoint 31.0
OpenIdProviderConfigurationType Result from reading the IDP's openId provider config endpoint 36.0
OpenIdProviderInfoType Information about the openId connect provider for creating initial org oauth settings 36.0
OrganizationReferencesType Represents the admin view of this cloud. 0.9
OrganizationReferenceType Represents a reference to an organization. 0.9
OrganizationRightsType Represents all the rights that have been granted to an organization. 27.0
OrganizationRolesType Represents all the roles available in an organization. 27.0
OrgEmailSettingsType Represents the email settings for an organization. 0.9
OrgFederationSettingsType Represents federation settings for identity federation. 5.1
OrgGeneralSettingsType Represents general settings for an organization. 1.5
OrgGuestPersonalizationSettingsType Represents default guest personalization settings for an organization. 5.1
OrgLdapGroupAttributesType Defines how a group is imported from LDAP. 0.9
OrgLdapSettingsType Represents LDAP connection settings for an organization. 1.5
OrgLdapUserAttributesType Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a user. 0.9
OrgLeaseSettingsType Represents default lease durations and policies for this organization. 0.9
OrgOAuthSettingsType Contains OAuth identity provider settings for an organization. 9.0
OrgOperationLimitsSettingsType Represents operation limits settings for an organization. 5.1
OrgPasswordPolicySettingsType Represents password policy settings for this organization. 1.5
OrgSettingsType Container for this organization's settings. 0.9
OrgsType Represents a list of organizations. 5.5
OrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettingsType Represents default vAppTemplate lease policies for this organization. 1.5
ProviderVdcCapacityType Represents resource capacity in a Provider vDC. 0.9
ProviderVdcReferencesType Container for references to Provider vDCs. 0.9
ProviderVdcStorageProfilesType Container for references to storage profiles associated with a Provider vDC. 5.1
ProviderVdcStorageProfileType Represents a Provider vDC storage profile. 5.1
ProviderVdcType Represents a Provider vDC. 0.9
PublishExternalCatalogParamsType Configuration parameters for a catalog that is published externally. 5.5
PvdcComputePoliciesType List of pvdc compute policies in given pvdc. 31.0
PvdcComputePolicyType Represents provider vdc compute configuration policy. 31.0
ReservationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType Specification for a VDC template using the ReservationPool allocation model. 5.7
RightReferencesType Container for references to rights. 0.9
RightType Represents a right. 0.9
RoleReferencesType Container for references to roles. 0.9
RoleType A named collection of rights. 0.9
RootComputeCapacityType Represents compute capacity with units. 0.9
SamlAttributeMappingType Contains the names of the SAML attributes that are used to populate the user profiles. 31.0
SamlSPKeyAndCertificateChainType Container for an organization's PEM-encoded private key and public key certificate chain used during SAML-token processing. 24.0
SmtpServerSettingsType Defines connection details for the organization s SMTP server. 0.9
UpdateVdcStorageProfilesType Parameters for updating storage profiles in an organization vDC. 5.1
UsersListType Container for references to users. 0.9
UserType Represents a local or imported user. 0.9
VCloudType Represents the admin view of a cloud. 0.9
VdcReferencesType List of organization vDCs backed by this Provider vDC. 1.0
VdcStorageProfileParamsType Represents the parameters to create a storage profile in an organization vDC 5.1
VdcTemplateListType Represents a list of VDC templates. 5.7
VdcTemplateSpecificationGatewayConfigurationType Defines a gateway and NAT Routed organization VDC network to be created. 5.7
VdcTemplateSpecificationType 5.7
VdcTemplatesType Container for VdcTemplateType 5.7
VdcTemplateType A reference to a VDC template. 5.7