VMware Cloud Director API Admin Types
VMware Cloud Director API Admin Types
Admin Types
Admin Types (70)
Type | Description | Since |
AdminCatalogType | Represents the admin view of a catalog. | 1.5 |
AdminOrgType | Represents the admin view of an organization. | 0.9 |
AdminVdcStorageProfileType | Represents a storage profile in an organization vDC. | 5.1 |
AdminVdcType | Represents the admin view of an organization vDC. | 0.9 |
AllocationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType | Specification for a VDC template using the AllocationPool allocation model. | 5.7 |
AllocationVappVdcTemplateSpecificationType | Specification for a VDC template using the AllocationVApp allocation model. | 5.7 |
CatalogsListType | Container for references to catalogs. | 0.9 |
CatalogStorageProfilesType | Container for VdcStorageProfile elements that reference storage profiles used by a catalog. | 5.5 |
CreateVdcParamsType | Parameters for creating an organization vDC. | 5.1 |
CustomOrgLdapSettingsType | Represents connection details for an organization's LDAP service. | 0.9 |
ExternalCatalogSubscriptionParamsType | Configuration parameters for a catalog that has an external subscription. | 5.5 |
ExternalNetworkType | Represents the admin view of an external network. | 1.0 |
FlexVdcTemplateSpecificationType | Specification for a VDC template using the Flex allocation model. | 35.0 |
GroupsListType | Container for references to groups. | 0.9 |
GroupType | Represents a group in this organization. | 0.9 |
InstantiateVdcTemplateParamsType | A basic type used to pass arguments to the instantiate VDC template operation, this provides a name and optional description for a VDC instantiated from a template. | 5.7 |
NetworkPoolReferencesType | Container for references to network pools in this vDC. | 0.9 |
NetworkPoolType | Represents a network pool. | 0.9 |
NetworksType | Container for references to ExternalNetwork objects. | 0.9 |
OAuthKeyConfigurationsListType | Contains a list of OAuth Key configurations. | 9.0 |
OAuthKeyConfigurationType | OAuth Key Configuration | 9.0 |
OIDCAttributeMappingType | Contains custom claim keys for the /userinfo endpoint | 31.0 |
OpenIdProviderConfigurationType | Result from reading the IDP's openId provider config endpoint | 36.0 |
OpenIdProviderInfoType | Information about the openId connect provider for creating initial org oauth settings | 36.0 |
OrganizationReferencesType | Represents the admin view of this cloud. | 0.9 |
OrganizationReferenceType | Represents a reference to an organization. | 0.9 |
OrganizationRightsType | Represents all the rights that have been granted to an organization. | 27.0 |
OrganizationRolesType | Represents all the roles available in an organization. | 27.0 |
OrgEmailSettingsType | Represents the email settings for an organization. | 0.9 |
OrgFederationSettingsType | Represents federation settings for identity federation. | 5.1 |
OrgGeneralSettingsType | Represents general settings for an organization. | 1.5 |
OrgGuestPersonalizationSettingsType | Represents default guest personalization settings for an organization. | 5.1 |
OrgLdapGroupAttributesType | Defines how a group is imported from LDAP. | 0.9 |
OrgLdapSettingsType | Represents LDAP connection settings for an organization. | 1.5 |
OrgLdapUserAttributesType | Defines how LDAP attributes are used when importing a user. | 0.9 |
OrgLeaseSettingsType | Represents default lease durations and policies for this organization. | 0.9 |
OrgOAuthSettingsType | Contains OAuth identity provider settings for an organization. | 9.0 |
OrgOperationLimitsSettingsType | Represents operation limits settings for an organization. | 5.1 |
OrgPasswordPolicySettingsType | Represents password policy settings for this organization. | 1.5 |
OrgSettingsType | Container for this organization's settings. | 0.9 |
OrgsType | Represents a list of organizations. | 5.5 |
OrgVAppTemplateLeaseSettingsType | Represents default vAppTemplate lease policies for this organization. | 1.5 |
ProviderVdcCapacityType | Represents resource capacity in a Provider vDC. | 0.9 |
ProviderVdcReferencesType | Container for references to Provider vDCs. | 0.9 |
ProviderVdcStorageProfilesType | Container for references to storage profiles associated with a Provider vDC. | 5.1 |
ProviderVdcStorageProfileType | Represents a Provider vDC storage profile. | 5.1 |
ProviderVdcType | Represents a Provider vDC. | 0.9 |
PublishExternalCatalogParamsType | Configuration parameters for a catalog that is published externally. | 5.5 |
PvdcComputePoliciesType | List of pvdc compute policies in given pvdc. | 31.0 |
PvdcComputePolicyType | Represents provider vdc compute configuration policy. | 31.0 |
ReservationPoolVdcTemplateSpecificationType | Specification for a VDC template using the ReservationPool allocation model. | 5.7 |
RightReferencesType | Container for references to rights. | 0.9 |
RightType | Represents a right. | 0.9 |
RoleReferencesType | Container for references to roles. | 0.9 |
RoleType | A named collection of rights. | 0.9 |
RootComputeCapacityType | Represents compute capacity with units. | 0.9 |
SamlAttributeMappingType | Contains the names of the SAML attributes that are used to populate the user profiles. | 31.0 |
SamlSPKeyAndCertificateChainType | Container for an organization's PEM-encoded private key and public key certificate chain used during SAML-token processing. | 24.0 |
SmtpServerSettingsType | Defines connection details for the organization s SMTP server. | 0.9 |
UpdateVdcStorageProfilesType | Parameters for updating storage profiles in an organization vDC. | 5.1 |
UsersListType | Container for references to users. | 0.9 |
UserType | Represents a local or imported user. | 0.9 |
VCloudType | Represents the admin view of a cloud. | 0.9 |
VdcReferencesType | List of organization vDCs backed by this Provider vDC. | 1.0 |
VdcStorageProfileParamsType | Represents the parameters to create a storage profile in an organization vDC | 5.1 |
VdcTemplateListType | Represents a list of VDC templates. | 5.7 |
VdcTemplateSpecificationGatewayConfigurationType | Defines a gateway and NAT Routed organization VDC network to be created. | 5.7 |
VdcTemplateSpecificationType | 5.7 | |
VdcTemplatesType | Container for VdcTemplateType | 5.7 |
VdcTemplateType | A reference to a VDC template. | 5.7 |