VMware Cloud Director API - AdminVdc

VMware Cloud Director API - AdminVdc


Represents the admin view of an organization vDC.
Media type(s):
XML Representation:
<AdminVdc xmlns="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/v1.5" xmlns:extension_v1.5="http://www.vmware.com/vcloud/extension/v1.5" href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
        name="xs:string" status="xs:int" isLegacyType="xs:boolean">
    <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
            rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
    <Description> xs:string </Description>
        <Task href="xs:anyURI" type="xs:string" id="xs:string" operationKey="xs:string"
                name="xs:string" status="xs:string" operation="xs:string" operationName="xs:string"
                serviceNamespace="xs:string" startTime="xs:dateTime" endTime="xs:dateTime" expiryTime="xs:dateTime"
            <Link href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
                    rel="xs:string" model="xs:string"/>
            <Description> xs:string </Description>
            <Tasks> TasksInProgressType </Tasks>
            <Owner href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <Error stackTrace="xs:string" message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string"
                <TenantError message="xs:string" majorErrorCode="xs:int" minorErrorCode="xs:string" vendorSpecificErrorCode="xs:string"/>
            <User href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <Organization href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <Progress> xs:int </Progress>
            <Params> ... </Params>
            <Details> xs:string </Details>
                <VcTask name="xs:string" moref="xs:string" status="xs:string" description="xs:string"
                        errorMessage="xs:string" objectName="xs:string" objectType="xs:string" objectMoref="xs:string"
                        virtualCenterID="xs:string" startTime="xs:dateTime" endTime="xs:dateTime"/>
                <ResultContent> ... </ResultContent>
                <ResultReference href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
    <ComputeProviderScope> xs:string </ComputeProviderScope>
    <NetworkProviderScope> xs:string </NetworkProviderScope>
    <AllocationModel> xs:string </AllocationModel>
            <Units> xs:string </Units>
            <Allocated> xs:long </Allocated>
            <Limit> xs:long </Limit>
            <Reserved> xs:long </Reserved>
            <Used> xs:long </Used>
            <ReservationUsed> xs:long </ReservationUsed>
            <Units> xs:string </Units>
            <Allocated> xs:long </Allocated>
            <Limit> xs:long </Limit>
            <Reserved> xs:long </Reserved>
            <Used> xs:long </Used>
            <ReservationUsed> xs:long </ReservationUsed>
        <ResourceEntity href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"
        <Network href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <SupportedHardwareVersion name="xs:string" href="xs:anyURI" default="xs:boolean" type="xs:string"/>
    <NicQuota> xs:int </NicQuota>
    <NetworkQuota> xs:int </NetworkQuota>
    <UsedNetworkCount> xs:int </UsedNetworkCount>
    <VmQuota> xs:int </VmQuota>
    <IsEnabled> xs:boolean </IsEnabled>
        <VdcStorageProfile href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
    <DefaultComputePolicy href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
    <MaxComputePolicy href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
    <VCpuInMhz2> xs:long </VCpuInMhz2>
    <ResourceGuaranteedMemory> xs:double </ResourceGuaranteedMemory>
    <ResourceGuaranteedCpu> xs:double </ResourceGuaranteedCpu>
    <VCpuInMhz> xs:long </VCpuInMhz>
    <IsThinProvision> xs:boolean </IsThinProvision>
    <NetworkPoolReference href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <Name> xs:string </Name>
            <Id> xs:string </Id>
            <Category> xs:string </Category>
            <CategoryType> xs:string </CategoryType>
            <Name> xs:string </Name>
            <Id> xs:string </Id>
            <Category> xs:string </Category>
            <CategoryType> xs:string </CategoryType>
    <ProviderVdcReference href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <VimServerRef href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
            <MoRef> xs:string </MoRef>
            <VimObjectType> xs:string </VimObjectType>
    <UsesFastProvisioning> xs:boolean </UsesFastProvisioning>
    <OverCommitAllowed> xs:boolean </OverCommitAllowed>
    <VmDiscoveryEnabled> xs:boolean </VmDiscoveryEnabled>
    <UniversalNetworkPoolReference href="xs:anyURI" id="xs:string" type="xs:string" name="xs:string"/>
    <IsElastic> xs:boolean </IsElastic>
    <IncludeMemoryOverhead> xs:boolean </IncludeMemoryOverhead>


Attribute Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
href anyURI No always 0.9 The URI of the entity.
type string No always 0.9 The MIME type of the entity.
id string No none 0.9 The entity identifier, expressed in URN format. The value of this attribute uniquely identifies the entity, persists for the life of the entity, and is never reused.
operationKey string No create 5.1 Optional unique identifier to support idempotent semantics for create and delete operations.
name string Yes always 0.9 The name of the entity.
status int No none 0.9 Creation status of the vDC. One of:
0 (The vDC is still being created)
1 (The vDC is ready)
-1 (There was an error while creating the vDC).
isLegacyType boolean No none 32.0 Whether the VDC type is Flex or a legacy one.


Element Type Required Modifiable Since Deprecated Description
AllocationModel string No always 0.9 The allocation model used by this vDC. One of:
AllocationVApp (Pay as you go. Resources are committed to a vDC only when vApps are created in it. When you use this allocation model, any Limit values you specify for Memory and CPU are ignored on create and returned as 0 on retrieve.)
AllocationPool (Only a percentage of the resources you allocate are committed to the organization vDC.)
ReservationPool (All the resources you allocate are committed as a pool to the organization vDC. vApps in vDCs that support this allocation model can specify values for resource and limit.)
Flex (Only a percentage of the resources you allocate are committed to the organization vDC. You can allocate zero resources also and make it behave like a Pay-As-You-Go type. Based on the values chosen for allocated resources and limits, this vDC can be made to behave as any of the existing three types.)
AvailableNetworks AvailableNetworksType No none 0.9 Read-only list of organization vDC networks in this vDC.
Capabilities CapabilitiesType No none 0.9 Read-only list of VM hardware capabilities supported in this vDC.
ComputeCapacity ComputeCapacityType No always 0.9 The compute capacity allocated to this vDC.
ComputeProviderScope string No none 31.0 A label which uniquely identifies the compute source of this VDC.
DefaultComputePolicy ReferenceType No none 31.0 Default vDC compute policy in this organization vDC.
Description string No always 0.9 Optional description.
IncludeMemoryOverhead boolean No always 32.0 Set to true to indicate if the FLEX vDC is to include memory overhead into its accounting for admission control. This is an optional field and is useful only for FLEX vDC creation.
IsElastic boolean No always 32.0 Set to true to indicate if the FLEX vDC is to be elastic. This is an optional field and is useful only for FLEX vDC creation.
IsEnabled boolean No always 0.9 True if this vDC is enabled for use. Read-only in the user view. Modifiable in the admin view.
IsThinProvision boolean No always 0.9 Boolean to request thin provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Thin provisioning saves storage space by committing it on demand. This allows over-allocation of storage.
Link LinkType No none 0.9 A reference to an entity or operation associated with this object.
MaxComputePolicy ReferenceType No none 32.0 Max vDC compute policy in this organization vDC.
NetworkPoolReference ReferenceType No always 0.9 Reference to a network pool in the Provider vDC.
NetworkProviderScope string No none 31.0 A label which uniquely identifies the network provider source of this VDC.
NetworkQuota int No always 0.9 Maximum number of network objects that can be deployed in this vDC. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number.
NicQuota int No always 0.9 Maximum number of virtual NICs allowed in this vDC. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number.
OverCommitAllowed boolean No always 5.5 Always null in the response to a GET request. On update, set to false to disallow the update if the AllocationModel is AllocationPool or ReservationPool and the ComputeCapacity you specified is greater than what the backing Provider VDC can supply. Defaults to true if empty or missing.
ProviderVdcReference ReferenceType No always 0.9 A reference to the ProviderVdc from which this vDC is provisioned.
ResourceEntities ResourceEntitiesType No none 0.9 Read-only list of resource entities in this vDC.
ResourceGuaranteedCpu double No always 1.0 Percentage of allocated CPU resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 0.75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool. Value defaults to 1.0 if the element is empty.
ResourceGuaranteedMemory double No always 1.0 Percentage of allocated memory resources guaranteed to vApps deployed in this vDC. For example, if this value is 0.75, then 75% of allocated resources are guaranteed. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool. Value defaults to 1.0 if the element is empty.
ResourcePoolRefs VimObjectRefsType No none 22.0 A set of references to the vCenter Resource Pools backing this VDC.
Tasks TasksInProgressType No none 0.9 A list of queued, running, or recently completed tasks associated with this entity.
UniversalNetworkPoolReference ReferenceType No always 0.9 Reference to a universal network pool.
UsedNetworkCount int No always 5.1 Number of networks in use for/by this vDC.
UsesFastProvisioning boolean No always 0.9 Boolean to request fast provisioning. Request will be honored only if the underlying datastore supports it. Fast provisioning can reduce the time it takes to create virtual machines by using vSphere linked clones. If you disable fast provisioning, all provisioning operations will result in full clones.
VCloudExtension VCloudExtensionType No always 0.9 An optional extension element that can contain an arbitrary number of elements and attributes. Not related to extension services.
VCpuInMhz long No always 1.0 Specifies the clock frequency, in Megahertz, for any virtual CPU that is allocated to a VM. A VM with 2 vCPUs will consume twice as much of this value. Ignored for ReservationPool. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool, and may not be less than 256 MHz. Defaults to 1000 MHz if the element is empty or missing.
VCpuInMhz2 long No always 5.7 Specifies the clock frequency, in Megahertz, for any virtual CPU that is allocated to a VM. A VM with 2 vCPUs will consume twice as much of this value. Ignored for ReservationPool. Required when AllocationModel is AllocationVApp or AllocationPool, and may not be less than 256 MHz. Defaults to 1000 MHz if the element is empty or missing.
VdcStorageProfiles VdcStorageProfilesType No none 5.1 Storage profiles supported in this vDC.
VendorServices VendorServicesType No none 5.1 Vendor services defined for this org vDC.
VmDiscoveryEnabled boolean No always 27.0 True if discovery of vCenter VMs is enabled for resource pools backing this vDC.
VmQuota int No always 0.9 The quota of VMs that can be created in this vDC. Includes VMs in both vApps and vApp templates, deployed, or otherwise. Defaults to 0, which specifies an unlimited number.


CRUD Operation Description Since Deprecated
create POST /admin/org/{id}/vdcsparams Creates an organization vDC. 5.1
read GET /admin/vdc/{id} Retrieve the admin view of an organization vDC. 0.9
update PUT /admin/vdc/{id} Modify an organization vDC. 0.9
delete DELETE /admin/vdc/{id} Delete an organization vDC. 0.9
action POST /admin/vdc/{id}/action/disable Disable an organization vDC. 1.0
action POST /admin/vdc/{id}/action/enable Enable an organization vDC. 1.0
action POST /admin/vdc/{id}/edgeGateways Create an edge gateway. 5.1
action POST /admin/vdc/{id}/networks Create an Org vDC network. 5.1 35.0