Vdc Group APIs
APIs to manage an individual VDC Group.
Add Participating Vdcs
Adds the vDCs to the specified vDC Group.
Delete Vdc Group
Deletes a vDC Group
Get Participating Vdcs
Retrieves a list of participating vDCs in the specified vDC Group.
Get Vdc Group
Retrieves a specific vDC Group.
Remove Participating Vdcs
Removes the vDCs from the specified vDC Group.
Sync Vdc Group
Sync/repair the vDC group. An example usage is to detect if a vDC still exists/is valid. If an Organization vDC referenced by the VDC group is deleted or if it is not participating in universal networking, it's status will be updated to OBJECT_NOT_FOUND and the vdc group will be marked as NOT_REALIZED. This will also initiate a sync of associated router, if any. The router entities like egress points and universal routes will also be marked as NOT_REALIZED if they reference the removed Organization vDC.
Update Vdc Group
Updates a specific vDC Group. Example is to add/remove a participating vDC.