Edge Gateway Ip Sec Vpn Tunnels Version2 APIs

Edge Gateway Ip Sec Vpn Tunnels Version2 APIs

APIs to manage IPSec VPN tunnels on an Edge Gateway.

Create Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Creates an IPSec tunnel on the Edge Gateway.
Delete Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Deletes a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Retrieves a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Allowed Security Types
Retrieves the allowed IPSec VPN Tunnel security types
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Connection Properties
Retrieves connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Default Connection Properties
Retrieves the default connection properties that are used for a given IPSec Tunnel in when security type is default, or is unspecified.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Preset Connection Properties
Retrieves the connection properties that are used for a given security type preset on a Edge Gateway's backing network provider.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnels
Retrieves all IPSec tunnels for a given edge gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Statistics
Retrieves connection statistics for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
Get Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Status
Retrieves status of a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.
Update Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel
Updates a specific IPSec tunnel for a given edge gateway.
Update Ip Sec Vpn Tunnel Connection Properties
Updates the connection properties for a given IPSec VPN Tunnel configured on an Edge Gateway.