The connectivity status of the GRE Tunnel for a Tunnel Address.
"edgeNodeRef": {
"id": "2a4ba9ad-e8d5-409c-8cae-c06910cd9b47",
"name": "string",
"type": "string"
"lastUpdated": "string",
"sourceAddress": "string",
"connectivityStatus": "string",
"tunnelUpCount": {
"eventCount": 0,
"lastOccurrenceTime": "string"
"tunnelDownCount": {
"eventCount": 0,
"lastOccurrenceTime": "string"
"keepAliveState": "string",
"keepAliveTransmittedCount": {
"eventCount": 0,
"lastOccurrenceTime": "string"
"keepAliveReceivedCount": {
"eventCount": 0,
"lastOccurrenceTime": "string"
"keepAliveAckCount": {
"eventCount": 0,
"lastOccurrenceTime": "string"
Reference for entities which are external to VCD and do not have a VCD URN identifier.
ISO-8601 date string reflecting the time the statistics were last updated.
The source IP of the Tunnel Address. IPv4 only.
The connectivity status of the GRE Tunnel for this Tunnel Address. One of the following:
- UP
A count of an event, and the last (most recent) time this event occurred. Either for a tunnel connectivity status change, or a keep-alive packet sent/received/acknowledged.
A count of an event, and the last (most recent) time this event occurred. Either for a tunnel connectivity status change, or a keep-alive packet sent/received/acknowledged.
The keep-alive setting of the GRE Tunnel. One of the following:
A count of an event, and the last (most recent) time this event occurred. Either for a tunnel connectivity status change, or a keep-alive packet sent/received/acknowledged.
A count of an event, and the last (most recent) time this event occurred. Either for a tunnel connectivity status change, or a keep-alive packet sent/received/acknowledged.
A count of an event, and the last (most recent) time this event occurred. Either for a tunnel connectivity status change, or a keep-alive packet sent/received/acknowledged.