External endpoints are part of the API extensibility framework. They allow requests to be directly proxied over HTTP to an external endpoint.
"name": "string",
"id": "urn:vcloud:externalEndpoint:vendor.name:1.0.0",
"version": "1.0.0",
"vendor": "VMware",
"enabled": false,
"description": "string",
"rootUrl": "https://externalHost"
The name of the external endpoint.
The unique id of the external endpoint.
The external endpoint's version. The version should follow semantic versioning rules. Versions with pre-release extension are not allowed. The combination of vendor-namespace-version must be unique.
The vendor name. The combination of vendor-namespace-version must be unique.
Whether the external endpoint is enabled or not.
The external endpoint which requests will be redirected to. The rootUrl must be a valid URL of https protocol.