Email related settings for a system
"defaultSmtpServer": false,
"defaultOrgEmail": false,
"smtpServer": {
"useAuthentication": false,
"secureMode": "string",
"url": {
"host": "string",
"port": 0,
"ssl": false
"sslTrustStore": "string",
"userName": "string",
"password": "string",
"description": "string",
"name": "string"
"senderEmailAddress": "string",
"defaultEmailSubjectPrefix": "string",
"alertEmailToAllAdmins": false,
"alertEmailTo": "string"
Flag indicating if the smtp server settings are system default (true) or a particular organization (false)
Flag indicating if the email settings are system default (true) or for a particular organization (false)
Represent the settings of an SMTP Server which the system uses to send email notifications and alerts
Sender email address in an email notification or alert
The prefix used in the email subject line for all email notifications and alerts from the system
A flag to indicate the choice between sending alert emails to all system administrators in the system and designated list of email recipients
A comma separated email addresses to send all alert messages to