A Virtual Service L4 log summary.
"criticalityCodes": [
"criticalitySummary": "string",
"timestamp": "2020-07-24T00:00:00.000+0000",
"protocol": "string",
"type": "string",
"totalTime": 0,
"clientIpAddress": "string",
"ipV6ClientIpAddress": "string",
"clientPort": 0,
"clientLocation": "string",
"clientRtt": 0,
"startTimestamp": "2020-07-24T00:00:00.000+0000",
"totalBytes": 0,
"rxBytes": 0,
"txBytes": 0,
"totalPackets": 0,
"rxPackets": 0,
"txPackets": 0,
"outOfOrders": 0,
"timeouts": 0,
"retransmits": 0,
"windowShrinkCount": 0,
"zeroWindowSizeEvents": 0,
"transactionCount": 0,
"averageTurntime": 0,
"maxSegmentSize": 0,
"synRetransmitCount": 0,
"applicationIpAddress": "string",
"ipV6ApplicationIpAddress": "string",
"applicationPort": 0,
"applicationRtt": 0,
"applicationTotalBytes": 0,
"applicationRxBytes": 0,
"applicationTxBytes": 0,
"applicationTotalPackets": 0,
"applicationRxPackets": 0,
"applicationTxPackets": 0,
"applicationOutOfOrders": 0,
"applicationTimeouts": 0,
"applicationRetransmits": 0,
"applicationZeroWindowSizeEvents": 0,
"persistenceUsed": false,
"applicationWindowShrinkCount": 0,
"sslVersion": "string",
"sslCipher": "string"
List of codes which indicate why a log is critical.
If the connection or request is determined to be critical, then this field provides a human-readable summary of all critical issues.
Log timestamp in ISO 8601 format.
The protocol used for communicating between client and server. Possible values are:
Type of log. Either CRITICAL or NON_CRITICAL.
Total time in milliseconds from when a client sent a request until it receives the response.
IPv4 address of the client.
IPv6 address of the client.
Load balancer port on which client connection has been made.
The client's country of origin for the IP address or Internal for private IP addresses.
The TCP round trip time between the load balancer and client.
Start timeStamp in ISO 8601 format when a client sends a request.
The size, in bytes, of the content received and transmitted between the load balancer and client.
The size, in bytes, of the received packets at the client.
The size, in bytes, of the transmitted packets at the client.
Number of total packets received and transmitted between the load balancer and client.
Number of received packets at the client.
Number of transmitted packets at the client.
Number of out of order packets at the client.
Number of timed out packets at the client.
Number of retransmitted packets at the client.
Number of times the client has reduced its TCP receive window.
Indicates total zero window updates sent and received at client. In TCP, a zero window advertisement is sent from a receiver when its buffer is filled and cannot receive more data.
Number of transactions. One request, one/multiple responses is considered as one transaction.
This is a smoothed moving average of number of transactions.
This indicates the maximum segment size negotiated for the connection. This is only applicable for a TCP Connection.
Number of times the SYN packet is retransmitted by the load balancer due to not getting a SYN+ACK from the peer node.
IPv4 address of the application.
IPv6 address of the application.
Application port on which load balancer connection has been made.
The TCP round trip time between the load balancer and the application.
The size, in bytes, of the content received and transmitted between the load balancer and the application.
The size, in bytes, of the received packets at the application.
The size, in bytes, of the transmitted packets at the application.
Number of total packets received and transmitted between the load balancer and the application.
Number of received packets at the application.
Number of transmitted packets at the application.
Number of out of order packets at the application.
Number of timed out packets at the application.
Number of retransmitted packets at the application.
Indicates total zero window updates sent and received at application. In TCP, a zero window advertisement is sent from a receiver when its buffer is filled and cannot receive more data.
A boolean value indicating whether persistence applied during server selection.
Number of times the application has reduced its TCP receive window.
For an L4 SSL Application, this indicates the SSL version.
For an L4 SSL Application, this indicates cipher used to secure network between client and server.