Update Nsx V Manager Settings
Update the network settings of a registered vCenter server. This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can monitor to track the progress of the request.
"vcId": "urn:vcloud:vimserver:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"networkProviderScope": "string",
"controlVmResourcePoolVcPath": "string",
"controlVmDatastoreName": "string",
"controlVmManagementInterfaceName": "string"
URN of the associated vCenter server.
Public label of this NSX server visible to all tenants.
Path to the resource pool to use for creating Control VM for Cross-VDC Networking.
Name of the Datastore to use for creating Control VM for Cross-VDC Networking.
Name of the management interface to use for creating Control VM for Cross-VDC Networking.
The request have been accepted and the task to monitor the request is in the Location header.