Get Metrics

Get Metrics

This endpoint returns memory and CPU consumption metrics for this PVDC.

Path Parameters


This operation uses the following authentication methods.


Returns ProviderVdcMetrics of type(s) application/json;version=39.0
    "totalMemoryMB": 0,
    "totalMemoryReservationMB": 0,
    "memoryCommittedMB": 0,
    "memoryReservationCommittedMB": 0,
    "memoryReservationUsedMB": 0,
    "memoryUsedMB": 0,
    "memoryOverheadMB": 0,
    "totalCpuMHz": 0,
    "totalCpuReservationMHz": 0,
    "cpuCommittedMHz": 0,
    "cpuReservationCommittedMHz": 0,
    "cpuReservationUsedMHz": 0,
    "cpuUsedMHz": 0,
    "cpuOverheadMHz": 0
integer As int64 As int64

The total memory capacity in MB of the underlying physical infrastructure. For sub provider organizations this field indicates the total memory capacity that is provided by using Provider VDC projection mechanism. A value of NULL represents unlimited memory capacity in sub provider organizations.

integer As int64 As int64

Total memory reservation capacity in MB of the underlying physical infrastructure. For sub provider organizations this field indicates the total memory reservation capacity that is provided by using Provider VDC projection mechanism. A value of NULL represents unlimited memory reservation in sub provider organizations.

integer As int64 As int64

Total memory in MB allocated from this PVDC to tenants and their VDCs. When looking at this field from System organization, this field includes all the memory allocation that is provided to sub provider organizations by using Provider VDC projection mechanism and the total memory allocated from this PVDC to all the VDCs and all the deployed VMs in Pay As You Go and FLEX with zero allocation (mimicking PAYGO) type of VDCs in organizations directly managed by System organization. When looking at this metric from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, the field's value represents the total memory in MB allocated to all the VDCs and all deployed VMs in FLEX mimicking PAYGO type of VDCs from this PVDCs in this organization.

integer As int64 As int64

Total memory in MB reserved from this PVDC to tenants and their VDCs. When looking at this field from System organization, this field includes all the memory reservation that is provided to sub provider organizations by using Provider VDC projection mechanism and the total memory reservation from this PVDC to all the VDCs and all the deployed VMs in Pay As You GO and FLEX with zero allocation (mimicking PAYGO) type of VDCs in organizations directly managed by System organization. When looking at this metric from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, the field's value represents the total memory in MB reserved to all the VDCs and all deployed VMs in FLEX mimicking PAYGO type of VDCs from this PVDCs in this organization

integer As int64 As int64

Total memory reservation in MB used by all the VDCs VMs from this PVDC when queried without any organization context. When looking at this metric from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, the field's value represents the total memory reservation used by deployed virtual machines from this PVDC in this organization.

integer As int64 As int64

Total memory reservation in MB used by all the VDCs from this PVDC when queried without any organization context. When looking at this field from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, this field represents the total memory in MB allocated to all the deployed VMs from this PVDC in this organization.

integer As int64 As int64

Total memory overhead in this PVDC. Includes memory overhead of all running VMs in this PVDC and also memory consumed in System vDC. When looking at this field from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, this field's value is always zero.

integer As int64 As int64

The total CPU capacity in MHz of the underlying physical infrastructure. For sub provider organizations this field indicates the total CPU capacity that is provided by using Provider VDC projection mechanism. A value of NULL represents unlimited CPU capacity in sub provider organizations.

integer As int64 As int64

Total CPU reservation capacity in MHz of the underlying physical infrastructure. For sub provider organizations this field indicates the total CPU reservation capacity that is provided by using Provider VDC projection mechanism. A value of NULL represents unlimited CPU reservation in sub provider organizations.

integer As int64 As int64

Total CPU in MHz allocated from this PVDC to tenants and their VDCs. When looking at this field from System organization, this field includes all the CPU allocation that is provided to sub provider organizations by using Provider VDC projection mechanism and the total CPU allocated from this PVDC to all the VDCs and all the deployed VMs in Pay As You Go and FLEX with zero allocation (mimicking PAYGO) type of VDCs in organizations directly managed by System organization. When looking at this metric from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, the field's value represents the total CPU in MHz allocated to all the VDCs and all deployed VMs in FLEX mimicking PAYGO type of VDCs from this PVDCs in this organization.

integer As int64 As int64

Total CPU in MHz reserved from this PVDC to tenants and their VDCs. When looking at this field from System organization, this field includes all the CPU reservation that is provided to sub provider organizations by using Provider VDC projection mechanism and the total CPU reservation from this PVDC to all the VDCs and all the deployed VMs in Pay As You GO and FLEX with zero allocation (mimicking PAYGO) type of VDCs in organizations directly managed by System organization. When looking at this metric from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, the field's value represents the total CPU in MHz reserved to all the VDCs and all deployed VMs in FLEX mimicking PAYGO type of VDCs from this PVDCs in this organization

integer As int64 As int64

Total CPU reservation in MHz used by all the VDCs from this PVDC when queried without any organization context. When looking at this metric from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, the field's value represents the total CPU reservation used by deployed virtual machines from this PVDC in this organization.

integer As int64 As int64

Total CPU reservation in MHz used by all the running VMs from this PVDC when queried without any organization context. When looking at this field from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, this field represents the total CPU in MHz allocated to all the deployed VMs from this PVDC in this organization.

integer As int64 As int64

Total CPU overhead in this PVDC. Includes CPU resources consumed in the System vDC associated to this PVDC. When looking at this field from an organization's context that has a projection created from this PVDC, this field's value is always zero.