PUT /vsdatascriptset/{uuid}
UUID of the object to fetch
object name
Avi Tenant Header
Avi Tenant Header UUID
The caller is required to set Avi Version Header to the expected version of configuration. The response from the controller will provide and accept data according to the specified version. The controller will reject POST and PUT requests where the data is not compatible with the specified version.
Avi Controller may send back CSRF token in the response cookies. The caller should update the request headers with this token else controller will reject requests.
VSDataScriptSet object creation
Show optional properties
"name": "string"
"_last_modified": "string",
"configpb_attributes": {
"version": 0
"created_by": "string",
"datascript": [
"evt": "string",
"script": "string"
"description": "string",
"geo_db_ref": "string",
"ip_reputation_db_ref": "string",
"ipgroup_refs": [
"markers": [
"key": "string",
"values": [
"name": "string",
"pki_profile_refs": [
"pool_group_refs": [
"pool_refs": [
"protocol_parser_refs": [
"rate_limiters": [
"burst_sz": 0,
"count": 0,
"name": "string",
"period": 0
"ssl_key_certificate_refs": [
"ssl_profile_refs": [
"string_group_refs": [
"tenant_ref": "string",
"url": "string",
"uuid": "string"
"VSDataScriptSet Object"
UNIX time since epoch in microseconds. Units(MICROSECONDS).
Creator name. Field introduced in 17.1.11,17.2.4. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
DataScripts to execute. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Geo Location Mapping Database used by this DataScriptSet. It is a reference to an object of type GeoDB. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
IP reputation database that can be used by DataScript functions. It is a reference to an object of type IPReputationDB. Field introduced in 20.1.3. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUID of IP Groups that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type IpAddrGroup. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
List of labels to be used for granular RBAC. Field introduced in 20.1.5. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Name for the virtual service datascript collection. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUIDs of PKIProfile objects that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type PKIProfile. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUID of pool groups that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type PoolGroup. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUID of pools that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type Pool. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
List of protocol parsers that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type ProtocolParser. Field introduced in 18.2.3. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
The Rate Limit definitions needed for this DataScript. The name is composed of the Virtual Service name and the DataScript name. Field introduced in 18.2.9. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUIDs of SSLKeyAndCertificate objects that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type SSLKeyAndCertificate. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUIDs of SSLProfile objects that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type SSLProfile. Field introduced in 21.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUID of String Groups that could be referred by VSDataScriptSet objects. It is a reference to an object of type StringGroup. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
It is a reference to an object of type Tenant. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUID of the virtual service datascript collection. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
log in failed
curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: <value>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name:"string"}' https://{api_host}/api/vsdatascriptset/{uuid}