PATCH /upgradestatusinfo/{uuid}
UUID of the object to fetch
object name
Avi Tenant Header
Avi Tenant Header UUID
The caller is required to set Avi Version Header to the expected version of configuration. The response from the controller will provide and accept data according to the specified version. The controller will reject POST and PUT requests where the data is not compatible with the specified version.
Avi Controller may send back CSRF token in the response cookies. The caller should update the request headers with this token else controller will reject requests.
UpgradeStatusInfo object creation
"_last_modified": "string",
"after_reboot_rollback_fnc": "string",
"after_reboot_task_name": "string",
"clean": false,
"dryrun_info": {
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"operation": "string",
"params": {
"controller_patch_ref": "string",
"dryrun": false,
"image_ref": "string",
"prechecks_only": false,
"se_group_options": {
"action_on_error": "string",
"disruptive": false
"se_group_refs": [
"se_patch_ref": "string",
"skip_warnings": false,
"system": false
"progress": 0,
"start_time": "string",
"state": {
"last_changed_time": {
"secs": 0,
"usecs": 0
"reason": "string",
"rebooted": false,
"state": "string"
"tasks_completed": 0,
"total_tasks": 0,
"upgrade_events": [
"nodes_events": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"ip": {
"addr": "string",
"type": "string"
"message": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": false,
"sub_tasks": [
"sub_events": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"ip": {
"addr": "string",
"type": "string"
"message": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": false,
"sub_tasks": [
"task": "string",
"task_name": "string"
"worker": "string"
"duration": 0,
"enable_patch_rollback": false,
"enable_rollback": false,
"end_time": "string",
"enqueue_time": "string",
"fips_mode": false,
"history": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"ops": "string",
"patch_version": "string",
"se_upgrade_events": [
"from_se_ref": "string",
"num_se": 0,
"num_se_group": 0,
"num_vs": 0,
"reason": [
"se_group_ha_mode": "string",
"se_group_ref": "string",
"se_ref": "string",
"sub_tasks": [
"task": "string",
"to_se_ref": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vs_ref": "string"
"seg_status": {
"controller_version": "string",
"disrupted_vs_ref": [
"duration": "string",
"end_time": "string",
"enqueue_time": "string",
"ha_mode": "string",
"in_progress": false,
"notes": [
"num_se": 0,
"num_se_with_no_vs": 0,
"num_se_with_vs_not_scaledout": 0,
"num_se_with_vs_scaledout": 0,
"num_vs": 0,
"num_vs_disrupted": 0,
"progress": 0,
"reason": [
"request_time": "string",
"se_already_upgraded_at_start": [
"se_disconnected_at_start": [
"se_group_name": "string",
"se_group_uuid": "string",
"se_ip_missing_at_start": [
"se_poweredoff_at_start": [
"se_reboot_in_progress_ref": "string",
"se_upgrade_completed": [
"se_upgrade_errors": [
"from_se_ref": "string",
"num_se": 0,
"num_se_group": 0,
"num_vs": 0,
"reason": [
"se_group_ha_mode": "string",
"se_group_ref": "string",
"se_ref": "string",
"sub_tasks": [
"task": "string",
"to_se_ref": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vs_ref": "string"
"se_upgrade_failed": [
"se_upgrade_in_progress": [
"se_upgrade_not_started": [
"se_upgrade_skip_suspended": [
"se_upgrade_suspended": [
"se_with_no_vs": [
"se_with_vs_not_scaledout": [
"se_with_vs_scaledout": [
"start_time": "string",
"state": "string",
"tenant_ref": "string",
"thread": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vs_errors": [
"event_timestamp": {
"secs": 0,
"usecs": 0
"reason": [
"se_group_ha_mode": "string",
"se_group_ref": "string",
"se_ref": "string",
"tenant_ref": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vip_id": "string",
"vs_ref": "string"
"vs_migrate_in_progress_ref": [
"vs_scalein_in_progress_ref": [
"vs_scaleout_in_progress_ref": [
"worker": "string"
"start_time": "string",
"state": {
"last_changed_time": {
"secs": 0,
"usecs": 0
"reason": "string",
"rebooted": false,
"state": "string"
"statediff_ref": "string",
"upgrade_events": [
"nodes_events": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"ip": {
"addr": "string",
"type": "string"
"message": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": false,
"sub_tasks": [
"sub_events": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"ip": {
"addr": "string",
"type": "string"
"message": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": false,
"sub_tasks": [
"task": "string",
"task_name": "string"
"version": "string"
"image_path": "string",
"image_ref": "string",
"name": "string",
"node_type": "string",
"obj_cloud_ref": "string",
"params": {
"controller": {
"task_base_timeout": 0
"image_ref": "string",
"patch_ref": "string",
"se_group_options": {
"action_on_error": "string",
"disruptive": false
"se_group_resume_options": {
"action_on_error": "string",
"disruptive": false,
"skip_suspended": false
"service_engine": {
"concurrent_segroup_upgrades": 0,
"image_data_transfer_size": 0,
"large_se_connect_timeout": 0,
"se_connect_timeout": 0,
"simultaneous_image_downloads": 0,
"task_base_timeout": 0
"patch_image_path": "string",
"patch_image_ref": "string",
"patch_list": [
"patch_image_path": "string",
"patch_image_ref": "string",
"patch_version": "string"
"patch_reboot": false,
"patch_version": "string",
"prev_image_path": "string",
"prev_patch_image_path": "string",
"prev_remote_image_ref": "string",
"previous_image_ref": "string",
"previous_patch_image_ref": "string",
"previous_patch_list": [
"patch_image_path": "string",
"patch_image_ref": "string",
"patch_version": "string"
"previous_patch_version": "string",
"previous_version": "string",
"progress": 0,
"reason": "string",
"remote_image_ref": "string",
"se_patch_image_path": "string",
"se_patch_image_ref": "string",
"se_upgrade_events": [
"from_se_ref": "string",
"num_se": 0,
"num_se_group": 0,
"num_vs": 0,
"reason": [
"se_group_ha_mode": "string",
"se_group_ref": "string",
"se_ref": "string",
"sub_tasks": [
"task": "string",
"to_se_ref": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vs_ref": "string"
"seg_params": {
"controller": {
"task_base_timeout": 0
"image_ref": "string",
"patch_ref": "string",
"se_group_options": {
"action_on_error": "string",
"disruptive": false
"se_group_resume_options": {
"action_on_error": "string",
"disruptive": false,
"skip_suspended": false
"service_engine": {
"concurrent_segroup_upgrades": 0,
"image_data_transfer_size": 0,
"large_se_connect_timeout": 0,
"se_connect_timeout": 0,
"simultaneous_image_downloads": 0,
"task_base_timeout": 0
"seg_status": {
"controller_version": "string",
"disrupted_vs_ref": [
"duration": "string",
"end_time": "string",
"enqueue_time": "string",
"ha_mode": "string",
"in_progress": false,
"notes": [
"num_se": 0,
"num_se_with_no_vs": 0,
"num_se_with_vs_not_scaledout": 0,
"num_se_with_vs_scaledout": 0,
"num_vs": 0,
"num_vs_disrupted": 0,
"progress": 0,
"reason": [
"request_time": "string",
"se_already_upgraded_at_start": [
"se_disconnected_at_start": [
"se_group_name": "string",
"se_group_uuid": "string",
"se_ip_missing_at_start": [
"se_poweredoff_at_start": [
"se_reboot_in_progress_ref": "string",
"se_upgrade_completed": [
"se_upgrade_errors": [
"from_se_ref": "string",
"num_se": 0,
"num_se_group": 0,
"num_vs": 0,
"reason": [
"se_group_ha_mode": "string",
"se_group_ref": "string",
"se_ref": "string",
"sub_tasks": [
"task": "string",
"to_se_ref": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vs_ref": "string"
"se_upgrade_failed": [
"se_upgrade_in_progress": [
"se_upgrade_not_started": [
"se_upgrade_skip_suspended": [
"se_upgrade_suspended": [
"se_with_no_vs": [
"se_with_vs_not_scaledout": [
"se_with_vs_scaledout": [
"start_time": "string",
"state": "string",
"tenant_ref": "string",
"thread": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vs_errors": [
"event_timestamp": {
"secs": 0,
"usecs": 0
"reason": [
"se_group_ha_mode": "string",
"se_group_ref": "string",
"se_ref": "string",
"tenant_ref": "string",
"traffic_status": "string",
"vip_id": "string",
"vs_ref": "string"
"vs_migrate_in_progress_ref": [
"vs_scalein_in_progress_ref": [
"vs_scaleout_in_progress_ref": [
"worker": "string"
"start_time": "string",
"state": {
"last_changed_time": {
"secs": 0,
"usecs": 0
"reason": "string",
"rebooted": false,
"state": "string"
"statediff_ref": "string",
"system": false,
"system_report_refs": [
"tasks_completed": 0,
"tenant_ref": "string",
"total_tasks": 0,
"upgrade_events": [
"nodes_events": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"ip": {
"addr": "string",
"type": "string"
"message": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": false,
"sub_tasks": [
"sub_events": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"ip": {
"addr": "string",
"type": "string"
"message": "string",
"start_time": "string",
"status": false,
"sub_tasks": [
"task": "string",
"task_name": "string"
"upgrade_ops": "string",
"upgrade_readiness": {
"checks": [
"check_code": "string",
"description": "string",
"details": [
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"error_details": [
"start_time": "string",
"state": "string"
"checks_completed": 0,
"duration": 0,
"end_time": "string",
"image_ref": "string",
"patch_image_ref": "string",
"progress": 0,
"start_time": "string",
"state": {
"last_changed_time": {
"secs": 0,
"usecs": 0
"reason": "string",
"rebooted": false,
"state": "string"
"total_checks": 0,
"upgrade_ops": "string"
"url": "string",
"uuid": "string",
"version": "string"
"UpgradeStatusInfo Object"
UNIX time since epoch in microseconds. Units(MICROSECONDS).
Backward compatible abort function name. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Backward compatible task dict name. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Flag for clean installation. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Duration of Upgrade operation in seconds. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Check if the patch rollback is possible on this node. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Check if the rollback is possible on this node. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
End time of Upgrade operation. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Enqueue time of Upgrade operation. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Fips mode for the entire system. Field introduced in 20.1.5. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Record of past operations on this node. Field introduced in 20.1.4. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image path of current base image. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image uuid for identifying the current base image. It is a reference to an object of type Image. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Name of the system such as cluster name, se group name and se name. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Type of the system such as controller_cluster, se_group or se. Enum options - NODE_CONTROLLER_CLUSTER, NODE_SE_GROUP, NODE_SE_TYPE. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Cloud that this object belongs to. It is a reference to an object of type Cloud. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image path of current patch image. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image uuid for identifying the current patch.Example Base-image is 18.2.6 and a patch 6p1 is applied, then this field will indicate the 6p1 value. . It is a reference to an object of type Image. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
List of patches applied to this node. Example Base-image is 18.2.6 and a patch 6p1 is applied, then a patch 6p5 applied. This field will indicate the [{'6p1', '6p1_image_uuid'}, {'6p5', '6p5_image_uuid'}] value. Field introduced in 18.2.8, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Flag for patch op with reboot. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Current patch version applied to this node. Example Base-image is 18.2.6 and a patch 6p1 is applied, then this field will indicate the 6p1 value. . Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image path of previous base image. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image path of previous patch image. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Remote image reference of previous base image. Field introduced in 30.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image uuid for identifying previous base image.Example Base-image was 18.2.5 and an upgrade was done to 18.2.6, then this field will indicate the 18.2.5 value. . It is a reference to an object of type Image. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image uuid for identifying previous patch.Example Base-image was 18.2.6 with a patch 6p1. Upgrade was initiated to 18.2.8 with patch 8p1. The previous_image field will contain 18.2.6 and this field will indicate the 6p1 value. . It is a reference to an object of type Image. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
List of patches applied to this node on previous major version. Field introduced in 18.2.8, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Previous patch version applied to this node.Example Base-image was 18.2.6 with a patch 6p1. Upgrade was initiated to 18.2.8 with patch 8p1. The previous_image field will contain 18.2.6 and this field will indicate the 6p1 value. . Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Previous version prior to upgrade.Example Base-image was 18.2.5 and an upgrade was done to 18.2.6, then this field will indicate the 18.2.5 value. . Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Upgrade operations progress which holds value between 0-100. Allowed values are 0-100. Field introduced in 18.2.8, 20.1.1. Unit is PERCENT. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Descriptive reason for the Upgrade state. Field introduced in 22.1.3. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Remote image reference of current base image. Field introduced in 30.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image path of se patch image.(required in case of reimage and upgrade + patch). Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Image uuid for identifying the current se patch required in case of system upgrade(re-image) with se patch. . It is a reference to an object of type Image. Field introduced in 18.2.10, 20.1.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
ServiceEngineGroup upgrade errors. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Start time of Upgrade operation. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Record of Pre/Post snapshot captured for current upgrade operation. It is a reference to an object of type StatediffOperation. Field introduced in 21.1.3. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Flag is set only in the cluster if the upgrade is initiated as a system-upgrade. . Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Tracks the list of reports created for node. It is a reference to an object of type SystemReport. Field introduced in 22.1.6, 30.2.1. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Completed set of tasks in the Upgrade operation. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Tenant that this object belongs to. It is a reference to an object of type Tenant. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Total number of tasks in the Upgrade operation. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Events performed for Upgrade operation. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Upgrade operations requested. Enum options - UPGRADE, PATCH, ROLLBACK, ROLLBACKPATCH, SEGROUP_RESUME, EVAL_UPGRADE, EVAL_PATCH, EVAL_ROLLBACK, EVAL_ROLLBACKPATCH, EVAL_SEGROUP_RESUME, EVAL_RESTORE, RESTORE, UPGRADE_DRYRUN. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
UUID Identifier for the system such as cluster, se group and se. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
Current base image applied to this node. Field introduced in 18.2.6. Allowed with any value in Enterprise, Essentials, Basic, Enterprise with Cloud Services edition.
log in failed
curl -X PATCH -H 'Authorization: <value>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{}'