POST /analytics/metrics/collection
Include name in the REST references
Include references instead of object UUIDs
Max number of metric samples per metric requestedEg. limit=100 implies return only 100 samples.
Pad time series data with null in case there is not metric data present.
Start time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is UNIX Epoch. Eg. start=1970-01-01T00 00 00.
Metrics time series returned with time points every time duration specified as step. Eg. if bandwidth is desired every 5 Secs then use step=5&metric_id=l4_client.avg_bandwidth.
End time for the metrics in ISO 8601 format. Default is now. Eg. stop=2014-01-01T12 42 42.
Avi Tenant Header
Avi Tenant Header UUID
Avi Controller may send back CSRF token in the response cookies. The caller should update the request headers with this token else controller with reject requests.
MetricsQueryResponse Collections API
"metric_requests": [
"aggregate_entity": false,
"aggregate_obj_id": false,
"asn": "string",
"attack": "string",
"browser": "string",
"client_insights": "string",
"country": "string",
"detailed_header": false,
"devtype": "string",
"dimension_aggregation": "string",
"dimension_filter_op": "string",
"dimension_limit": 0,
"dimension_sampling": 0,
"dimensions": [
"entity_uuid": "string",
"id": "string",
"include_refs": false,
"include_statistics": false,
"ipgroup": "string",
"lang": "string",
"limit": 0,
"metric_entity": "string",
"metric_id": "string",
"microservice_levels": 0,
"obj_id": "string",
"order_by": "string",
"os": "string",
"pad_missing_data": false,
"page": 0,
"page_size": 0,
"pool_uuid": "string",
"prediction": false,
"result_format": "string",
"sampling_level": "string",
"server": "string",
"serviceengine_uuid": "string",
"start": "string",
"step": 0,
"stop": "string",
"tenant_uuid": "string",
"url": "string",
"validate_data": false
list of Metrics queries
"MetricsCollectionApiRsp Object"
list of Metrics data series map
log in failed
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization: <value>' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{}' https://{api_host}/api/analytics/Metrics/collection