Retrieves all custom groups and SSO groups.
Retrieves all custom groups and SSO groups that correspond to the search criteria. Parameters 'page', '$top' and 'limit' are taken into account only when 'groupType' is set to CUSTOM. Parameters '$skip', '$filter', '$orderby' are never takeninto account. Please use 'criteria' instead of '$filter'.
the id of the tenant
the search criteria
the group domain
parent group id if searching for child groups
the type of group (either SSO or CUSTOM)
optional filter based on assigned status (either 'NOT_ASSIGNED', 'ASSIGNED' or 'CUSTOM_ALL_SSO_ASSIGNED'
role if the result should contain only groups which have a specific role
Page Number
Number of entries per page
Multiple comma-separated properties sorted in ascending or descending order
Sets the number of returned entries from the top of the response (total number per page in relation to skip)
Sets how many entries you would like to skip
Boolean expression for whether a particular entry should be included in the response
operation is successful
partial result is returned. Some of the directories could not be searched.