Vendor Extensions

Vendor Extensions

The VMware Cloud Director OpenAPI describes the following vendor extensions that may be found on operation or structure pages.


Indicates the API version the feature/api/model/field was added in.


Indicates the API version the feature/api/model/field was deprecated in.


A textual description of the alternative to be used for the feature/api/model/field that has been deprecated.


Indicates the API version, whenceforth the feature/api/model/field will no longer be available.


The Event that is emitted by this operation


Indicates the rights needed to access the annotated field.


Indicates parent projected entity class.


Custom constraints specified on various properties that highlight validation that is performed for those fields.
Known Constraints Arguments Description


- content must valid binary or string data that is parse-able as an X.509 certificate or certificate chain in DER or PEM format respectively (The certificate itself could be expired or invalid for other security/cryptography reasons)
CRL - content must be valid binary or string data that is parse-able as a X.509 CRL in DER or PEM formats respectively.
DefinedEntityString - validates that a non-null String contains valid characters to be permitted in an urn nss string
DomainName - content must be a valid network domain name
Email - content must be a valid email address
Enum Class name of an enum that is defined in the API
e.g. CellStatus
Content must be a string that is one of the names of the specified enumeration
Note: Since, this is simply a constraint that provides validation, the sorting and searching are NOT influenced by the enum. They will continue to exhibit behaviors as that of a String.
NetworkAddress List of valid network address formats content must be a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, ip range or CIDR
NonSearchable - field is not searchable and may not be specified as part of filter query parameter
NonSortable - field is not sortable and may not be specified as part of sortAsc or sortDesc query parameters
PhoneNumber - content must be a valid phone number
ReadOnly - field is readonly for API clients. Values set on this field will be ignored by the server.
Url - content must be a valid Url

vcd entity type

e.g. role

content must be a valid type in the 3rd octet of legacy VCD urn urn:vcloud:<arg>:<uuid>

e.g. urn:vcloud:role:<uuid>

UUID - Content must be a valid/properly formatted UUID
Version - Content must be a SemVer