New-HCXMobilityGroupConfiguration Command | Vmware PowerCLI Reference


This cmdlet creates an HCX Mobility Group Configuration request.


[-DestinationSite < HCXSite > ]
[-DiskProvisionType < DiskProvisionType > ]
[-ForcePowerOffVm < Boolean > ]
[-GuestOSCustomization < HCXGuestOSCustomization > ]
[-MigrateCustomAttributes < Boolean > ]
[-MigrationType < MigrationType > ]
[-NetworkMapping < HCXNetworkMapping[] > ]
[-ProgressAction < ActionPreference > ]
[-RemoveISOs < Boolean > ]
[-RemoveSnapshots < Boolean > ]
[-ReplicateSecurityTags < Boolean > ]
[-RetainMac < Boolean > ]
[-ScheduleEndTime < DateTime > ]
[-ScheduleStartTime < DateTime > ]
[-Server < HcxServer[] > ]
[-SourceSite < HCXSite > ]
[-TargetComputeContainer < HCXComputeContainer > ]
[-TargetComputeFolder < HCXFolderContainer > ]
[-TargetDatastore < HCXDatastore > ]
[-TargetStorageProfile < HCXStorageProfile > ]
[-UpgradeHardware < Boolean > ]
[-UpgradeVMTools < Boolean > ]


Required Parameter Name Type Position Features Description
optional DestinationSite HCXSite named
  • pipeline
Specifies the site to which you want to migrate the virtual machine. If you want to retrieve a destination site, run "Get-HCXSite -Destination".
optional DiskProvisionType DiskProvisionType named
Specifies the type of the disk provisioning that you want to use.
optional ForcePowerOffVm Boolean named
Specifies whether you want the virtual machine to be in a powered off state after the migration.
optional GuestOSCustomization HCXGuestOSCustomization named
  • pipeline
Creates a HCX mobility group configuration with Guest OS customization options suitable at group level. This enables a user to select certain customization options that they want to apply to the entire group of migrations. This option is available only for Bulk migration profile.
optional MigrateCustomAttributes Boolean named
Specifies whether you want to migrate the custom attributes of the virtual machine undergoing migration
optional MigrationType MigrationType named
Specifies the type of migration that you want to perform.
optional NetworkMapping HCXNetworkMapping[] named
Specifies the source and destination networks you want to use.
optional ProgressAction ActionPreference named
optional RemoveISOs Boolean named
Specifies whether you want to remove the ISO files after the migration.
optional RemoveSnapshots Boolean named
Specifies whether you want to remove the snapshots after the migration.
optional ReplicateSecurityTags Boolean named
Specifies whether you want to replicate the security tags after the migration.
optional RetainMac Boolean named
Specifies whether you want to retain the MAC address after the migration.
optional ScheduleEndTime DateTime named
Specifies the end time of the schedule window in case of bulk migration.
optional ScheduleStartTime DateTime named
Specifies the start time of the schedule window in case of bulk migration.
optional Server HcxServer[] named
Specifies the HCX Server systems on which you want to run the cmdlet. If no value is provided or $null value is passed to this parameter, the command runs on the default servers. For more information about default servers, see the description of the Connect-HCXServer cmdlet.
optional SourceSite HCXSite named
  • pipeline
Specifies the site from which you want to migrate the virtual machine. If you want to retrieve a source site, use the Get-HCXSite cmdlet.
optional TargetComputeContainer HCXComputeContainer named
  • pipeline
Specifies the container on the destination site. If you want to retrieve the container, run Get-HCXContainer -Type ComputeContainer -Site $DestinationSite -Name "Container name".
optional TargetComputeFolder HCXFolderContainer named
  • pipeline
Specifies the folder on the destination site. If you want to retrieve the folder, run Get-HCXContainer -Type Folder -Site $DestinationSite -Name "Folder name".
optional TargetDatastore HCXDatastore named
  • pipeline
Specifies the datastore on the destination site. If you want to retrieve the datastore, run Get-HCXDatastore -Site $DestinationSite -Name "datastore name".
optional TargetStorageProfile HCXStorageProfile named
  • pipeline
Specifies the storage profile at the destination site that you want to use.
optional UpgradeHardware Boolean named
Specifies whether you want to upgrade the hardware after the migration.
optional UpgradeVMTools Boolean named
Specifies whether you want to upgrade the VM tools after the migration.




Example 1

New-HCXMobilityGroupConfiguration -SourceSite $source-DestinationSite $destination-TargetComputeContainer $targetCompute-TargetDatastore $destinationDataStore-NetworkMapping $networkMapping

Creates а mobility group configuration request object.

Example 2

New-HCXMobilityGroupConfiguration -SourceSite $source-DestinationSite $destination-TargetComputeContainer -ScheduleStartTime '01/02/2020 7:50:40 PM' -ScheduleEndTime '01/02/2020 8:50:40 PM' -MigrationType Bulk

Creates а mobility group configuration request object by setting default migration type to Bulk with а schedule start and end time.

Related Commands


This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX mobility groups.

This cmdlet creates an HCX mobility group request.

This cmdlet modifies the HCX mobility group.

This cmdlet validates an HCX mobility group object.


This cmdlet creates an HCX mobility group configuration request.

This cmdlet updates the HCX mobility group configurations.


This cmdlet starts the HCX Mobility Group migrations.

This cmdlet stops the migration of all virtual machines in the mobility group.