VMwareHCX Commands | Vmware PowerCLI Reference

VMware HCX Commands Index

All available VMware HCX commands.

VMware HCX

This cmdlet retrieves the appliances of type Interconnect, WAN Optimization, and Network Extension that are available on the HCX Server system.
This cmdlet creates an HCX Appliance.
This cmdlet removes an HCX Appliance.
This cmdlet modifies the HCX appliances of type Interconnect and Network Extension that are available on the HCX Server system.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the HCX Compute Profiles.
This cmdlet creates an HCX Compute Profile.
This cmdlet creates a Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS) configuration for a Compute Profile.
This cmdlet creates a Network Profile configuration for the Compute Profile.
This cmdlet removes an existing HCX Compute Profile.
This cmdlet modifies the HCX Compute Profile.
This cmdlet retrieves the list of HCX containers.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX datastores.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX gateways.
This cmdlet creates guest OS customization object to be used in HCX bulk migrations.
This cmdlet creates network customization object to be used in HCX guest OS customization.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the HCX Interconnect status.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of vCenter Server compute resources from the connected HCX server.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the vCenter Server datastore from the connected HCX server.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the vCenter Server Distributed Virtual Switch (DVS) from the connected HCX server.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the vCenter Server network from the connected HCX server.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the HCX job.
This cmdlet waits for the job to complete.
This cmdlet retrieves the list of HCX migrations.
This cmdlet creates an HCX migration request.
This cmdlet modifies the HCX migrations.
This cmdlet starts the HCX migrations.
This cmdlet validates an HCX migration request.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX mobility groups.
This cmdlet creates an HCX mobility group request.
This cmdlet creates an HCX mobility group configuration request.
This cmdlet modifies the HCX mobility group.
This cmdlet updates the HCX mobility group configurations.
This cmdlet starts the HCX Mobility Group migrations.
This cmdlet stops the migration of all virtual machines in the mobility group.
This cmdlet validates an HCX mobility group object.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX networks.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX Network Backings.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX Network Extension (HCX-NET-EXT).
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX Network Profiles.
This cmdlet creates an HCX Network Extension (L2 extension).
This cmdlet creates an HCX network mapping request.
This cmdlet creates an HCX Network Profile.
This cmdlet removes an HCX Network Extension.
This cmdlet removes an existing HCX Network Profile.
This cmdlet modifies the HCX Network Profile.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX replications.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX replication snapshots.
This cmdlet creates an HCX replication request.
This cmdlet removes an existing HCX replication.
This cmdlet resumes an HCX replication.
This cmdlet modifies an existing HCX replication.
This cmdlet starts an HCX replication.
This cmdlet suspends an existing HCX replication.
This cmdlet validates an HCX replication request.
This cmdlet creates and downloads an HCX Sentinel bundle.
This cmdlet uninstalls the sentinel from a virtual machine.
This cmdlet upgrades the HCX sentinel software running on the source virtual machine.
This cmdlet establishes a connection to a HCX server.
This cmdlet closes the connection to one or more HCX servers.
This cmdlet retrieves PSObject objects that represent a proxy to an HCX API service.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of the HCX Service Mesh.
This cmdlet creates an HCX Service Mesh.
This cmdlet creates a DVS configuration for the Service Mesh.
This cmdlet removes an existing HCX Service Mesh.
Specifies the HCX Service Mesh that you want to modify.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX sites.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of site pairings from the HCX.
This cmdlet creates an HCX site pairing request.
This cmdlet removes the specified site pairing from the HCX.
This cmdlet creates a static route.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of HCX storage profiles.
This cmdlet retrieves a list of virtual machines (VMs).